Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 437 The So-Called

Chapter 437 The So-Called

And going around, after Shi Yu said all the formulas and exercises, there will naturally be smart people to try it out by themselves!
If you still want to try, then you need to have a deep understanding, at least understand the principle!
Of course, how could the principles of the cultivation system be so easy to understand!

However, that is a situation where there is no model. If there is a model, it is equivalent to giving the formula and exercises first, and then taking out the final answer, and reverse the process!

This is no longer absolute, or even ugly, as long as you have patience, everyone can interpret it!

Of course, there is still a distinction between speed and slowness, and speed is also a manifestation of talent!

No, there is a high-achieving student on the Internet, his name is Li Yi, he is the person who watched Shi Yuyuan's video, that is, the person who knew him for the first time!

With the mentality that it's okay to try, he also tried cultivation. After the cultivation was successful, after the ecstasy state was eliminated, and when the rationality returned to his mind, he felt a strong curiosity, curious about the principle of this!
Then, just do it!
After some time, only he himself understood and understood the calculation method, and he roughly figured out what the principle is!
The so-called cultivation method seems to be one, but in fact, there are two main points!

One is to extract aura, and the other is naturally to absorb it!

In other words, the one that absorbs spiritual energy is the real cultivation method, and the previous one is the method that allows people to cultivate in the world of doom!

Then, he combined the principles he heard Shi Yu explained at the beginning, and the most important flash of inspiration!
That is, when you can't figure it out, when you rub your back, you can look up and see the light!To be more precise, it is the conversion of electricity and heat, or, light!
Then, he understood everything!
However, the answer frightened him!
Because he didn't know whether he should say it or not. Similarly, he had a conflicted feeling about Shi Yu!

At first, he was very grateful. After all, this is a method of cultivation. Even in those worlds where cultivation is possible, no one will spread it!
However, he also discovered that this is a martial arts that is more evil than magic arts!

It's a real, humane skill!
The way of heaven is to damage more than enough to make up for what is not enough, and the way of man is to damage what is not enough and give more than enough. (Self-understanding, Heaven, Balance, People, Power!)
And he is not a primary school student, so he naturally knows that what they value most is self-interest, not the collective!
Therefore, even if the country is told about the dangers of this practice, it cannot be eliminated!
Of course, it must be able to delay, but it has little effect!

After all, really good things are hard to be wiped out!
Especially after experiencing the power, almost no one would want to return to the way it was before!

Therefore, it can only be a means to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and it is also a means to kill the enemy by one thousand and harm oneself by eight hundred!

Finally, he decided to publish this information on the Internet!

There is no point in concealing it. Sooner or later, everyone will know the news!

After all, the world is so big, it is impossible for him to be the only one who thought that the reason why there is no news on the Internet is because he is the first one!
Everything in the world is reasonable and logical, as long as you don't open it, the speed will be about the same!
And he had a flash of inspiration, but in essence, he just advanced the progress by a few days!
After all, you only need to experiment more, and the hidden information can be found out very easily!

And tell the country, he can basically guess what it will be like!
They will resist the coming of the extraordinary age!

But as I said at the beginning, after experiencing the power, no one would wish to become an ordinary person again!

This principle, even Li Yi, who discovered the evil nature of Shi Yu's kung fu, is no exception!

Therefore, he chose the most irrational method to announce the news in advance!

Doing so, looks very stupid, not only easy to offend the public, even the country will not give him a good face, there will be a series of other bad things!
However, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied!
After this matter is announced, first of all, anyone who troubles him will first go to the source of this matter, that is, the Martial Ancestor who became a network!

As long as the flames of war are over, it will be basically impossible for him to be burned here again!

In other words, he completely pushed out his blame!

Since I won't suffer any harm, haha ​​I'm afraid of a dick!

And after that, no matter how things develop, it's none of his business!
After all, the earth can last for a long time, and after understanding the principle, it must not only be able to absorb water, maybe soil, or metal and the like!
Even some substances from outer space may be fine!
At that time, the time to persist will be improved by a big step!

Therefore, the current him needs to improve his strength, maybe he can live until then!

Then, as soon as Li Yi told the news and attached some of his own experiments, he ran away!
Although there is already a back-up man, but at the very beginning, he still needs to stand up!

So, when it's time to run, you should run!

Then, the news became popular again!
It was not Li Yi's plan, although people already knew that Shi Yu's cultivation method was problematic!
However, I felt it again, since I started practicing, my body has become better and better!

Everyone also scolded on the Internet, and jointly stated that they should not practice in private, so as not to ruin the world!
Then, after the matter on the Internet was resolved, he started to practice on his own, he didn't care how great and upright he said on the Internet!
And basically, everyone is in this mode!

Of course, there are some people who really do what they say, but those are really a minority!
Of course, these are ordinary people, and those guys in high positions have also started discussions!

However, none of these can affect the center of the incident. After all, who cares about the words on a piece of paper!
It's not ants, it's not cells, it's a dimensional gap!
And what is Shi Yu doing now!
He said that he was watching a play!

A few days ago, the first design achieved extraordinary success. Du Yun was very happy, especially when he saw the Heavenly Dao value that he was increasing all the time on the system panel, which made him even more happy!
Then, he couldn't be happier!
Originally, according to his plan, the climax of this incident would take another day or two!

However, if one didn't pay attention, the discussion on another matter would forcefully end the climax of this matter in an instant!

Du Yun never imagined that just after he made an extraordinary event, there would be someone in this world who created a practice method!
At first, he thought it was created by this world, the so-called inner world!

After using the system to check it, and after confirming that there is no extraordinary power in this world, he has to admit that that person is indeed awesome!
However, this is not the right time!

What the system can absorb must be what he himself can cause!
Although, the cause of this incident was the inspiration that the man found after seeing the extraordinary event he created!
But it would be too far-fetched to connect these two, and most importantly, the system would not recognize it!

(End of this chapter)

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