Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 439 Declaration

Chapter 439 Declaration
"This is the basis for my creation of that exercise. As long as you become infinitely stronger, you can plunder the resources of other worlds. The things you are worried about will naturally not happen!"

"And, the law of the Black Forest, you all know that there must be people in this world who are faster than us, and there must be people who are slower than us!
And there is only one thing we can do, what we can do is to surpass those who are faster than us, let those who are slower than us be completely extinct, as long as we become stronger at all costs, even if in the end we are extinct by beings faster than us, There will be no regrets! "

No impassioned encouragement, no eerie scare, some only calm!
After a few more minutes passed peacefully, Shi Yu waited for them to run out, and then started a new speech!

"Now my goal is to find the possibility to enter other worlds. I don't have time to deal with you guys who have nothing to do. If you jump out and roar again, then don't blame me for being rude!"

"I know that people have the mentality to commit suicide, but I am a straightforward person, and I hate those hidden ghosts, the so-called dark hands, smart people should have already guessed it!"

"As I said before, there is no aura in this world, and theoretically it cannot be practiced!"

"The reason why the exercise I created can be practiced in this world is because it involves a means of transforming real objects into spiritual power!"

"You only need to practice according to that exercise, and you can get the right to use this method!"

"And the control of this method is naturally in my hands, that is to say, as long as I want to, you don't want to practice in this purely material world!"

"Even if you have obtained the results of cultivation, you can only maintain the physical effect. As for the others, you can basically not use them!"

"Unless this world is reborn with aura, otherwise, think carefully, it's best not to use it!"

"I'll leave the words here. Use your brains and think about what you are and what you should do!"

After finishing his warning, Shi Yu shut down the live broadcast room!

This is his plan, a very simple plan, pretend to be aggressive!
After thinking about it before, he suddenly thought that the reason why he cares about the protagonist of the world is only because the protagonist of the world is very fun!

But now, he just realized that he doesn't necessarily need to follow behind the protagonist all the time, and he can also play in person after watching the protagonist's good show!
So, now he is the son of destiny in a world, and what he needs to do is to pretend to be aggressive in the live broadcast room, that is, among the people who can see him!
Moreover, although he does not have the so-called finite and infinite conversion!

However, he has the right to watch him!
And the so-called Internet, in his eyes, has nothing to hide at all, that is to say, not only can others see him by relying on technology, Shi Yu can also rely on power to directly observe those who are observing him!
In other words, in the eyes of normal people, he is pretending to be with the air!
But in his eyes, he is really communicating with his eyes, and pretending to be aggressive is naturally the most sensational among the crowd watching!
Of course, although it is cool, comfortable and fulfilling for him to do this, it is also easy to cause trouble!
Not long after his live broadcast, the information on the Internet was still in the stage of explosion, as if being choked by someone, and instantly fell silent!

Then, with a super fast speed, he completely wiped out his remnants!

Don't even think about it, you know who did it!

And what they want to express by doing this is also very obvious!

Shi Yu was a little upset about this, he was still covering it up at this time!
The reason for the chaos is not because of this!
In this world, the scariest thing is not knowing that you must die, but knowing that you must die, there are only a few days left!

If you can live for a month, you may be crazy, but under normal circumstances, you will not have the idea of ​​pulling the world to destroy together!

Even more so if you have three months left to live!
But what if you only had three days to live!

You want to meet the so-called accident without losing a little bit, Shi Yu just wants to say, it's a good idea, just like a dream!
People are actually afraid of death. You should be clear about what you say, especially if you are honest and can live for half a year. If you go out and create chaos now, then you will not survive today!

Once these words are explained, the meaning is easy to understand. Except for real idiots and some abnormal brains, who would cause the so-called chaos!

Just like the epidemic, cause and effect means that they don't care, let the people generate antibodies to survive the epidemic!
Then, roughly how many people need to die before the antibody can be produced!

In an instant, people are honest!
Words do not speak clearly, do not produce chaos, produce what, love and justice?
Of course, these thoughts are his previous thoughts. Now, countries, planets, and the universe are not in his eyes. Only some Da Luo worlds can attract his attention!

To put it simply, he has expanded, and his mentality and perspective have also sublimated from a simple individual to the world, the universe, the heavens and the world!
Therefore, from what he sees now, the so-called country cannot attract his attention at all!

Naturally, the understanding of the country can only be based on the feelings of the individual, the individual!
Just when Shi Yu felt good about himself, the whole world changed because of his live broadcast!

In the beginning, the country didn't care about the popularity of his practice, until it was discovered that it was really effective, it was impossible to stop its spread!
And every country, whether it is necessary or necessary, will stuff some of its own things into other countries!

Therefore, the practice has real effects, and the whole world knows it!
This is why, Shi Yu's hot spots have been constantly, because from a certain point of view, he is now famous for all the powerful countries on the earth!

After that, there are some routine operations, such as recruitment or assassination!

And this is at the national level. When there is no obvious outcome in the above duel, under normal circumstances, it will not affect Shi Yu himself!
Of course, the so-called protection is indispensable!
These, if it is an ordinary person, will naturally not be able to bear it. For him, it is still the same sentence, how can it even attract his attention!

As for why he was not invited to drink tea, Shi Yu didn't think about it, nor did he bother to think about it!
And these were all before, after Shi Yu's second live broadcast, everything changed!

For the first time, not many people saw it!

For the second time, especially later, the number of people really increased dramatically, even crossing the 2 billion mark!

To be honest, if it wasn't for Shi Yu's action, the server wouldn't be able to support it at all!

Then, Shi Yu's words spread throughout the world. Some people wanted to ridicule them, but they stopped talking in the end!
(End of this chapter)

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