Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 444 Another World

Chapter 444 Another World

"Since I want to be a salted fish, how can I not satisfy your little request!"

After sighing, Shi Yu began to think about how to deal with this salted fish!

Now that you have turned yourself into a salted fish, you must be prepared to be eaten!

Although, in that world, Shi Yu didn't see any relatives and friends, so it's not very easy to prescribe the right medicine!
However, as long as he opens the channel to that world, even if he does nothing, that salty fish can only become a dead fish!
After making up his mind, Shi Yu didn't continue to read any other information, let alone whether he needed it or not, even if he really read it clearly, he couldn't show it to others!
After all, it's too much trouble, too much, too complicated!

Moreover, human beings, if you are too kind to him, you will not be grateful, and if you give a small favor, you may remember it for a lifetime!


After determining the course of action, Shi Yu thought for a while, the channel between the two worlds should not be opened fixedly, but opened randomly!

After all, he is not the real protagonist of the novel, and he still needs resources from another world to practice!
Fixed, it is easy to produce a power called 'rot', which is very different from his original intention!

Random, although it will cause great harm to some people, but it also gives them the possibility to move forward!
If it is really the patron saint of the earth, the first type will be naturally selected, so that it will develop in an orderly and sustainable way!
However, he is not, it is more biased towards random development, that is, than luck!

All is ready except for the opportunity!
And Dongfeng is the live broadcast he created!
Since the first live broadcast, his account has been blocked. If he was just an ordinary person, the live broadcast would have been impossible!
It was because of this helplessness that he set up a live broadcast room himself, and considering the pre-existing plot, he copied it directly!

Ordinary people, the kind who go to the theater, can't find it at all, and it's even more so for the extraordinary ones!

And with the opening of the live broadcast room, the number of people increased dramatically. After all, during that time, although it was depressing, Shi Yu's prestige was also completely blown out!

And now, even if it doesn't matter if Shi Yu broadcasts the live broadcast, it won't hurt to watch it!
As for going to work, as I said before, the influence of that group of people is too great, and the scope of influence is too wide!

If it is not shared by all countries in the world, it is very likely that the industrial system of a country, or even all of them, can be directly returned to 20 years!
After all, they affect all aspects, not just one!

Even if a certain system in the scientific system participates, it can easily hold back the progress of science, let alone retreat together!

A good scientific system is universal, popular, and universal!
A bad scientific system is that it is too complicated and too closely connected. A slight error in one place may lead to a large number of mistakes!

"This time, I just want to say one thing. After a few days of research and a series of experiments, I can tell you clearly that the door to another world has been opened by me. Starting today, The space-time tunnel connecting the different world with this world will randomly appear anywhere in this world!"

"So, if you encounter it, if you want to improve your strength, don't miss this opportunity!"

"However, passages are relative, that is to say, people from other worlds can also come to our world without taking us in!"

"After my inspection, the first world and the world below us are still in the feudal period, but there is spiritual energy in that world, but it is very rare!"

"But even so, the top powerhouses in that world are not something that can be solved by technological weapons like yours, including your self-righteous drinking bombs!"

"Of course, it doesn't mean that it can withstand the damage of drinking bombs, but that they have a very powerful spiritual sense. Once there is something that can hurt them, they can feel it immediately, and their speed is very fast, although they can't reach it. The speed of sound, but [-] meters per second is still possible!"

"And their bodies can withstand the aftermath of some bomb explosions, and the radiation is still okay!"

"So, you'd better pray that there won't be any idiots messing with those perverts!"

"In addition to these general news, I have a mission!"

"The son of luck in that world makes me very unhappy, so if any of you can clean him up and take pictures to leave evidence, I can accept your three questions!"

After saying all the above, Shi Yu didn't respond to others, and just turned off the live broadcast!

After all, relying on the live broadcast, he had already pretended to be coercive once, and now, if he wasn't in that mood, he naturally didn't bother to talk about it!
Moreover, he has a very important matter recently. He has been messing with different worlds some time ago, and forgot to browse this world's son of luck!

After returning, Shi Yu realized that this guy is really awesome!

At first, he wanted to attack Shi Yu, but after seeing the development, he hesitated for a second!

Then, of course, it is to divert attention!
And considering the actual situation and the huge gap with his original plan, he directly opened the Xianxia version!
At the very beginning, he planned to enter Taoism with martial arts, that is to say, he would first complete a few martial arts before entering the world of immortals!
However, Shi Yu's sudden appearance disrupted his plan, so she directly prepared to engage in Xianxia!

No matter how high your martial arts are, you can't compare to a god!
It’s so easy to post, and so useful!

If it wasn't for Shi Yu's return to bring news from another world, it is very likely that his plan would have succeeded!
That's right, the Taishan Golden Dragon incident, a mythical beginning created with painstaking efforts, clicked on the first pen of the creature to appear!
Originally, it was very popular on the Internet. Although it did not reach Shi Yu's peak, it was not far behind!
As a result, after Shi Yu's live broadcast, the style of the entire network changed!
The biggest difference between ancient times and modern times is that education is universal!
People in ancient times called it honest if it sounds good, and stupid if it sounds bad!
Of course, the current situation is not much better. The only difference between the two is that people understand their own position!

People in ancient times pursued very little, and people in modern times pursue very little!

However, in ancient times, it was because they only knew those things, for example, those very awesome words!
In the eyes of farmers, the king is plowing the land with a golden hoe!

But modern people know a lot, but they only seem to know a lot, so their pursuit is very little!

Because they understand that what they can get is really very little, so there is no need to pursue what they can't get!
After all, break the law!
But now, space cracks appear randomly, and entering a different world, it is possible to become a master!

As for the situation in the real world, as long as you are an individual, you basically understand how to develop in the future and where it will develop!
Therefore, an opportunity to rise, but you need to fight with your own life!
Many people don't know what to do with this choice!
Therefore, we can only discuss and discuss online!

And when they only had these things in their minds, who would still remember the so-called Taishan Golden Dragon incident!

In other words, Du Yun was once again cheated by Shi Yu!

(End of this chapter)

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