Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 446 Definition

Chapter 446 Definition
After leaving the experimental universe group, Shi Yu did not directly return to the perfect world. After all, the world has not been updated yet, so what's the point of going back!
But even so, he was in a bit of trouble, after all, he didn't know where to play, and he didn't know what he wanted to play!
To put it simply, a little confused! !

No matter what you do, you can do it easily. What else is there to pursue in life!
So, he thought of a new fun one, and it couldn't be said to be fun, mainly because it was fun for him!

Although he didn't do any major things during this break, he fulfilled his previous dream by mistake!
Now, why don't you take advantage of the little free time to completely do some things that you wanted to do but couldn't do before!

As an idealist, what Shi Yu wants to do the most has been set as a goal, which is to create that world!
Secondly, what he wants to accomplish the most is to clean up the wicked!
In the world, there are always some people who like to oppress others and let others do things they don't want to do!

But for themselves, relatives and friends, and other reasons, they can't resist, they can only endure!
This phenomenon is very normal and common, but no one has ever stopped it, because everyone is watching, and this is a normal development!

However, what Shi Yu admires, I am weaker than you, so I naturally listen to you, and you are weaker than me, why should you resist me!

His future will be stronger than Ten Thousand Realms, so it must be a natural rule, and it must follow his will!

You say this cannot be changed, I will let him change!
Moreover, he is not just talking!

Even before, he had considered this aspect of the setting of the inner world, he just needs to be a little more absolute, this so-called natural, normal, can be reversed by him!

Therefore, this kind of general problem has been solved by him, so it is naturally not in his imagination!

In addition to this general surrender, there is actually another kind, which is individual!
To put it simply, punks, and similar occupations!

Of course, considering other reasons, Shi Yu uses his own worldview as a balance point to define these good and bad!
Therefore, "little gangster" does not only refer to the so-called gangsters, but also the so-called evil servants of the Xianxia system, and the old immortals of the fantasy system. Anyway, there are many of them. They are the kind of guys who like to bully others.

Of course, there are too many people, he will not do it himself, he will set a very, very extreme life and death line!
In fact, it is the law, a law with a very low upper limit and lower limit, but if you go beyond that range, that is, if you do something you shouldn't do, you will be directly hit by Shi Yu!
After all, in the past, he couldn't figure out whether the person who edited the 'law' was a language idiot!
Distinguish between maintenance and protection!
In his view, 'law' is for protection, similar to a house, an invisible house!

If there is no law, everyone will have no self-safety, and if they are not careful, they will be chopped down by others!

So, the law that appeared!

What is the difference between this and the setting of the house!
There is no house, there is only rain when it rains, so there is a house that can protect people in the rain!

Then, two different situations arise!
Leaving the house, you should get in the rain, and still get in the rain!

But you have left the law, but you are still protected by the law. Is this reasonable?

Did someone ask you to leave?

No, he left by himself!
So, why!
The law is not to prescribe what others should do, but to prescribe what not to do!
Since I have done something that cannot be done, why would I want to be protected by the law!

Moreover, there are other series, which made Shi Yu really want to complain!

Fortunately, now that he has the ability, he can change the situation that makes him uncomfortable!

And these can only be regarded as secondary, and there is one more important thing that he has even arisen before and needs to solve!

Extremely selfish person!

Shi Yu said before that an extremely selfish person and a ruthless person look similar, but they are far apart!

Heartless people just have equal views on everything!

To put it simply, you are unhappy with others, and you are also unhappy with yourself. If you want to kill others, you also want to kill yourself!

As for the extremely selfish person, that's all about beheading others, as long as there is even a slight possibility of others hurting themselves, they will all be beheaded!

This kind of thing has almost abandoned everything, and still roars, this is my way!
The world is ruthless, so naturally you can make it up as you like, but Shi Yu is not, so he naturally wants to deal with this kind of person!

After all, this kind of person may find a stronger power in the future, and even give up the Tao!
Of course, this is close to impossible!
However, this impossibility refers to the fact that there is no more powerful power of Tao, not that he will not give up!

So, since you will secretly assassinate just because of a little possibility, how could Shi Yu not learn from it!
But soon, Shi Yu suddenly came back to his senses, it seems very troublesome to find this kind of person!
After all, what he said just now must be in a powerful world, and must have already risen, to have the feeling of tidying up!

Otherwise, a beggar would not even bother to look at it. Who would care before he rises up!
And this will lead to a new problem, the Myriad Realm is very, very large, theoretically speaking, there are a lot of people like this!
But the problem is, they are not in a cluster of universes, if you want to find them, Shi Yu will never be able to find them universe by universe!
Even if he really has the leisurely mind, he doesn't have the time. The changes in the perfect world are about to begin. Although, as a Daluo world, its time flow rate will be much slower than other worlds!
However, no matter how slow it is, that period of time is really not long, and the time it takes to find those, the two are not on the same channel at all!
Of course, he is not without a solution, but this requires the help of the system!

If the heavens and worlds are regarded as a library, then high-dimensional creatures are all the items in this library, and Da Luo is the person who reads the book!

And every book is naturally a universe!
Although Shi Yu is such a person, he can also look up books in this library, but he can only find them one by one!
And those in the system, those who really have the privileges of the heavens and the world, can enter keywords and inquire directly, you just look at the tags, or keywords!

Of course, this ability is actually not very useful. After all, if you really want to go out and play, it must be more interesting randomly!
And don't want to go out to play and develop power, so naturally!

After all, if there is only one system, it is easy to be targeted!

And the battle at the Da Luo level naturally cannot be a single system, so the role of this search keyword is only used when collecting experience points!
For example, in one's own power, the magic system is a bit weak, and then directly search the magic world, and then go in and plunder, the quality of the magic system will naturally improve!

Other than that, it really doesn't have much effect, but for the current Shi Yu, it's too much to use!
(End of this chapter)

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