Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 95 Space Layer

Chapter 95 Space Layer

"What the hell are you?"

Looking at the figure exuding a semi-holy aura in front of him, Gu Long's words carried deep doubts and an imperceptible trace of fear.

One obviously only has the strength of a semi-saint, but its strength is not much weaker. Although it feels that Shi Yu's power-exerting skills are a bit strange, for the time being, he still didn't expect any connection between the two.

"I am a man, can't your eyes see?"

Shi Yu doesn't know about Gu Long's inner drama. Although his ability is a bit stupid, for the time being, he shouldn't be able to threaten the dragon.

"Hehe, people! You are lying to ghosts! You don't even have a soul, do you think I'm a fool?"

When there was a stalemate, Taixu Gulonghuang would move, displaying the idea of ​​soul power.

But the reality is cruel, when its soul attack hits, the person in front of him has no defense.

But it turned out that the soul attack passed through this figure directly, without being blocked at all, let alone hitting anything.

After a moment of panic, it instantly understood that the person in front of it, or not a person, could only be regarded as an object.

This is why he asked Shi Yu, what is it?

After all, if the body disappears, the soul can still live, but if the soul disappears, there is only one dead end.

This is common sense and truth, and nothing in the entire continent can stand out.

But today he encountered this weirdness, a person who has no soul but can survive, and he can't be killed no matter how hard he beats.

The Dragon Emperor shook his head, threw out all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and then said to Shi Yu.

"I don't know if you are a human thing, as long as you can take my blow, I won't pursue your offense!"

You are the thing, your whole family is the thing, although Shi Yu really wanted to answer such a sentence, but the reality is that he is not in the mood to answer it at all.

Because of Taixu Gulonghuang, this yin force is performing a big move, although it is not his body, he does not feel the so-called dangerous breath.

But from this sinister posture, Shi Yu knew that Zi Yan knew that this move was not easy to take!

The arms of the fearful man hidden under the black robe were completely born. The target was not the pure white wrists, but a pair of slender arms wrapped in a set of armor similar to that of a warrior in armor.

However, this kind of armor is not the type of technology, but somewhat similar to the biological type!
As for why it is said specifically, it is because although the arms are wrapped in armor, they do not have that bloated feeling, but instead have a natural and integrated feeling.

To put it simply, under the armor wrap, the charm of the figure has not been reduced, but has been greatly improved.

Although Shi Yu is a bit lustful and possessive, he is still a little bit self-aware.

After a while, he forcibly diverted his gaze from those slender fingers.

Then, he saw a scene that really surprised him!
The figure's arms were not raised horizontally, but kept at seventy or eighty degrees, and the slender fingers wrapped in armor were bent, as if holding something like a virtual grip!

As for the hands, the purple-black grudge spread, which was gathering strength.

Of course, this is only what ordinary people can see. Under Shi Yu's sight, he saw space, or in other words, this is the power of space at an extremely high level!

In this world, as long as one breaks through the Dou Zong, one can gain access to space, a power that is difficult to access in other worlds.

Although Shi Yu didn't know the reason for this, after careful observation of the experiment, he came to a conclusion that although this kind of space power is easy to control, it is actually of extremely low level and has no powerful effect.

As I said before, there is a difference between the space of the perfect world and the space of the Dou Po world!
But Shi Yu also wanted to understand, what is the reason?
In fact, the principle is very simple. This nature is very similar to his setting. First, define a certain depth of the space, or in other words, draw a line at that position.

The next operation is even simpler, on that line, constantly display the power of space.Let this line continue to become thicker, and finally, under the constant power of space, this line, which was originally thin as a line, will expand to be as vast as a piece of heaven and earth.

As for why I said this, the reason is very simple. Under Shi Yu's sight, the power of space is constantly moving towards the space interlayer.

As I said before, people actually live on a two-dimensional plane in a three-dimensional space, but this plane is invisible to us normal people, but it really exists.

It's like a tiny creature living in water, as long as it exists, it will squeeze out part of the water.

But space is different from water. Water is not as intrusive as space. If a 10-star object falls into water, water cannot hear it, but space can.

The reason why there is such a lot of talk is because Shi Yu discovered that under the action of this space energy.

The space where Shi Yu exists is gradually being closed. To put it more vividly, it reduces the movement of matter. When it is completely closed, it seems that there is no time.

Of course, it is only an image. Before time is realized, it has no nature.

That is to say, no matter what the state is, two must be added to the surface, which is the property of impossibility!

Such as, observe, unobservable, touch, untouchable...

But for ordinary people, this is a lore!

Because your body has lost the concept of time, then for your consciousness, this body disappears.

To put it more vividly, it is.

Body: Don't go, I'm still here!
Soul: Yeah, pause, we're all there.

Consciousness: No, you all disappeared, I should go back too!

I also said before that the reason why consciousness can descend requires a medium. When this medium disappears, consciousness will be trapped in the consciousness space.

This is equivalent to a small island with a diameter of one meter. It is bare on the top, and you are sitting alone, surrounded by the sea. You can't find the way out, and this is the so-called death.

And this is the difference between resurrection and reincarnation.

Then someone will definitely ask, what does this have to do with Shi Yu, after all, this body is just a fighting body temporarily created by Shi Yu Qinglin, and has nothing to do with his body!
However, as I said before, this method similar to the elimination of time can even cut off the connection, that is, let the consciousness return to the consciousness space.

Then once this problem is extended, there will be an infinite brain-burning problem.

Does the body that Shi Yu is using now really exist?
If it exists, then why is the link broken?
If not, where was he just now?
(End of this chapter)

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