Chapter 22 Purple Flower Seven Stars

Seven small purple stars groaned softly, and suddenly, they lined up in a row, like a purple candied haws, "Chirp, chirp, chirp!" made a cute little voice, and penetrated between Lin Yi's eyebrows, purple Within the cinnabar.


Chant softly.

Lin Yi entered the dark gate of time and space, as if he had stepped into the void like night.With a soft moan, seven small purple stars drilled out from the cinnabar between his brows again, wrapping around his body.

"OM~OM~OM~ (Ohm~)"

This sound is the vibration at the beginning of the universe.

Listening to this sound, Lin Yi remembered the yoga knowledge he had learned: before ancient times, there were some slight, buzzing sounds in the planet. These sounds came from the sound waves emitted by the frequency rhythm of the energy of objects. Similarly, the more it accumulates, the bigger it is, and the stronger its energy is, so many things, including living things, are born.And that sound was named by the yoga master with the symbol "OM"!All yogis, whenever they end, end with three low but high-spirited "OM".Rumor has it that this allows people to perceive the universe, perceive the soul, connect the physical body with the universe, and integrate the external and the internal.


Without thinking too much, Lin Yi crossed his legs in the void, uttered his voice naturally, emptied his mind, and sensed the world.Afterwards, the seven purple stars trembled slightly with the voice, emitting a faint light.

"卬! 卬! 卬!"

At some point, the two symbols condensed into one sound, like the roar of some ancient giant beast, washing Lin Yi's internal organs, tendons and bones.

Lin Yi's dark skin formed in the desert for 20 years faded away, revealing a crystal-clear white milky skin; Lin Yi's shriveled and weak skin caused by 20 years in the desert disappeared invisible, and he re-condensed into a strong and vigorous body.

Blessing comes to the heart, wisdom comes to the heart.

"Tai Xing Jue: The sky is big; the earth is also big; what is bigger than the sky and the earth is also called big; it is bigger than the big, and it cannot be described. , whose shape looks like a point from a distance, but cannot be seen up close, so it is called a star."

A voice conveyed the magic formula in Lin Yi's soul. This voice seemed to contain the charm of the opening of the universe and the opening of the universe.

"The first tactic: Zihua Qixing. It can cover the canopy and rejuvenate...."

"Seven-star peony flower: four-star spell. Permanently consumes one purple star, which has the effect of bringing the dead back to life!"

"Seven Star Yutian Sword: A four-star spell. Permanently consumes one purple star to summon the Nine Heaven Seven Star Sword."

"Seven-Star Xuanxu Altar: Five-star spell. Consume three purple stars forever, and summon gods to help!"

It's empty, it's empty, it's empty.


At some point, after learning the first tactic, Lin Yi immediately left the void and returned to the camp where it was still night.It's just that his skin is more crystal clear, and the cinnabar between his brows is more lustrous.

"Tai Xing Jue? Is this my intensive cultivation method? Hehe, interesting." Lin Yi smiled.

"Yin!" Xiao Mi groaned softly, slipping into his arms.

Lin Yi smiled contentedly, but his face became more mature. This is the temperament brought to him by the desert for 20 years. ——Every move is in line with prudence; life and death can be seen through, and the general trend is opened!

In this era of bloody winds and decisive killings, the mind of a new era traveler who has never seen blood has finally undergone a qualitative transformation.

"Look at what other cards you get in this battle. Don't make any trouble." With a cinnabar on his brows, Lin Yi summoned the Supreme Emperor's Code, and saw the two columns of "Soldiers" and "Spells" flickering, and there was a risk of A column that has never existed before - "General Soul".

Soldiers - Julu dead souls: Three-star soldiers.

Introduction: In life, they were their own masters; after death, they were just a group of unconscious dead souls, existing only for killing. ——"Roar! General! We are ten thousand dead souls, please send us as much as you want!"

Feature [-]: Half Soul Body: The damage caused by long-range physical attacks is halved.

Feature [-]: Intimidation: The roars made by dead souls unconsciously can make living creatures feel scared and even run away. (Both the enemy and the enemy will have an impact)

"Nice characteristic. As expected of a three-star card." Lin Yi's eyes lit up. Although the attributes of dead souls are inferior, their characteristics and quantity will be the deadly nemesis of ranged soldiers.

Spell—Zixiao Shenlei: Four-star warfare.

Introduction: Zixiao, half of the Milky Way!Zixiao Shenlei is a Taoist magic technique.The caster can summon a purple qiu to appear in the world, which has the power to destroy the world.

Features: Unruly: regardless of enemy or friend, kill together!
Seeing this card, Lin Yi shook his head: "No wonder it can only be ranked four stars. This side effect is really terrible. No matter what the result is, there will be no good fruit for the caster!"

General soul—Guan Hai general soul: four-star general soul.

Introduction: Guan Hai, a general of the Yellow Turban.Strong force, after death; soul lingering, imprisoned by cards.

Attributes: None.Features: Sacrifice: Anyone who cultivates will steal the energy of heaven and earth.By consuming this card, you can randomly get a gift from heaven.


Lin Yi lay on the quilt and put away the emperor's book, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, and sighed slightly: "After all, there is no dragon text."

He has seen the power of Long Wen with his own eyes, and it is hot in his heart to see it in his eyes.The power of this dragon text can be said to be earth-shattering and earth-shattering.Especially Zhang Jiao's Longwen power is even more terrifying to the limit.

Others didn't know that Zhang Jiao was injured before the war, but he knew it very well.At the beginning, Liu Bei prayed for the heavenly language to summon the ancestor Liu Bang, which caused Zhang Jiao to be severely injured.Even so, Zhang Jiao, who was injured, faced Zhu Jun, Cao Cao, Tai Shici, and Sun Jian repeatedly, and he still did not lose the slightest.

"It's a pity, Qingben beauty, how can I be a thief." Lin Yi sighed, touched the bamboo slips in his arms with a smile, and fell asleep peacefully.

Soon after, the sun came up and the soldiers started making fires and cooking.Soldiers with lovers at home began to miss their lovers again amidst the red flames of the firewood, so much so that after eating the burnt rice, they still licked their bowls and chopsticks, smashed their mouths, and savored the lingering fragrance.

Lin Yi carried Guan Hai's head and walked towards Zhu Jun's camp.

"Brother Lin Yi is so heroic, he cut off the heads of fierce generals like Guan Hai." Fang Dujiang, who happened to come with Cao Cao, said with a smile.On the surface, the classmate Fang Dujiang in Fangzhou was admiring Lin Yi, but he was actually saying that Lin Yi picked the fruit of Huangfusong!What's so great about it?

"Where, where! Brother Dujiang is the one who has extraordinary abilities, and I am ashamed of being able to defend the formation." Lin Yi said with a smile.

It's okay not to mention this matter, Fang Dujiang was furious when he heard this, but when he saw that this was Zhu Jun's camp, his thoughts flashed, he laughed a few times, and said, "Hehe! Each other, each other!"

Lin Yi turned to look at Cao Cao, and said with a smile, "General Cao, please!"

Cao Cao's eyes flickered, he nodded calmly, and said falsely, "Please!"

"Come in!" After a night of self-cultivation, Zhu Jun's spirits improved a little, but his face was still pale, presumably because of the excessive loss of essence and blood last night.

Then everyone sat down in rows, Lin Yi stepped forward and offered Guan Hai's head, saying: "This is the head of the thief general Guan Hai, please examine it!"

Zhu Jun stood up and took it, making sure it was correct, and said with a relieved smile, "Brother Yizhen, you don't have to feel guilty before you die! You did a good job, you should be credited with it."

At this moment, Sun Jian came in from the outside, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, this time I am here at the end of the day. First, I am here to support my lord in attacking the giant deer and destroy the bandits. Second, I am here to ask my lord for help."

"Oh?" Zhu Jun couldn't help asking: "Ask for help? Wentai just tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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