Crush the Three Kingdoms with Cards

Chapter 47 Inside the Golden Buddha

Chapter 47 Inside the Golden Buddha
In the lonely void, the stars are shining into the moon, and in the interface that no one knows, the golden chasing pattern vaporizes and rises into smoke, curling up endlessly.As if in a fairyland, a shocking giant palace is located in the void, floating erratically.The tiles are made of crystal glaze, the gold-plated black iron is used as the palace pillars, the white jade is used as the fence, and the jasper is used as the wall. Gemstones with different brilliance are inlaid in the walls, exuding the light of Wuhua Tianbao.At the top of the main hall, there are two golden thrones inlaid with big night pearls, which are astonishing.

In the huge empty palace, the two supreme gods, black and white, stood awe-inspiring, looking at each other.The eyes of the two gods shone with strange light, and an endless mysterious atmosphere rose up, as if they were deducing the changes of the universe and the changes in the universe.

Heizhi Gaoshen smiled: "It seems that some jumping clowns can't stand the loneliness and come out, and they are going to participate in our cosplay game. Hehe."

"Hmph!" Bai Zhigao snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "cosplay, just kidding. How can I wait for a god to play such an ordinary otaku game? This is a sacred game."

"Hahaha! Xiaobai, you always like to put gold on your face. Is the game sacred or not? Oh, the thickness of your skin can be compared to the altitude of China's Mount Everest. Congratulations, congratulations. "Heizhi Gaoshen sneered coldly.

"Hmph." Bai Zhigao snorted coldly, and said, "These jumping clowns have seriously affected the fairness of our game. I suggest that you deal with them immediately. Do you have any objections?"

"Of course... I have an opinion." Hei Zhigao laughed and said: "If these jumping clowns are all facing that kid who is playing with fire, you will definitely not be so excited, and your words will be quite amiable, just like a kind old grandfather. Leaving aside Not to mention these things. If the game between you and me, if there is no slightest variable, it will be very interesting. Therefore, this god has quite a problem with your opinion. "

"Hmph! Don't compare me with you, a self-willed and depraved fellow!" Bai Zhigao said in an angry voice, "Although these jumping clowns can't make it to the stage, they are all masters in the ordinary world. With their participation, unexpected It's too big. Even in the end, someone will jump out and usurp the throne, which will make us all lose face."

"The face is dull? How could it be?" Heizhi Gaoshen chuckled and blinked his eyes, but he used some divine power to let the endless light cover his whole body, especially his face, which can be described as "brilliant and moving".Then, he smiled at Bai Zhigao with a playful expression: "Hahahaha! My whole body is glowing. Oh! Especially my face!"

"Hmph!" Bai Zhigao snorted coldly, and said with a livid face: "Enough! Stop your stupid teasing! This god asks you: What exactly do you want?"

"La la la la ~ la la la ~"

Black Supreme God hummed a little tune.

He shrugged, curled his lips and said, "Jiujiujiu~Xiaobai, this is just a game, whoever wants to usurp the throne can usurp the throne. My God doesn't care. Besides, this kind of accident, my God likes it very much."

"Hmph!" Bai Zhigao lost his temper, bent his body, stepped into the throne, and began to be in a daze.

"Hey~ Xiaobai, it's not time for you to be in a daze, is it?" Hei Zhigao squinted his eyes and found that the other party seemed to be really in a daze, so he shrugged boringly, sat down, and continued to read "Six Lectures on Solitude", slowly fell into contemplation.

Such a scene is really strange.Both are supreme gods, shouldn't they be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipotent?So, why does the Black Supreme God still read human books?Could it be that there are things in this world that he doesn't know, but that humans know are hidden in books?It's unbelievable for everyone to think about it.

Just when the Black Supreme God was deep in thought, the corners of the White Supreme God, who should have been in a daze, raised his mouth slightly, and he turned his eyes to the deep thinking Black Supreme God, and hummed: "Hmph! Bookworm, IQ arrears, are you stupid now?"

Bai Zhigao got up, he condensed the power of the Supreme God, connected to the alien space, and threw the Kyushu Wangding behind him together with the cup emitting the holy light.

"Hmph! In this game, the ultimate victory belongs to the god!"

Bai Zhigao smiled triumphantly.Then he sat down slowly again, and mockingly glanced at the Black Supreme God who was in deep thought.


Suddenly, Hei Zhigao let out a muffled snort, and raised his eyes to Bai Zhigao.

"Hmph! Eh! That..." This action startled Bai Zhigao, and he was about to start a "war of words" with Hei Zhigao.However, Heizhi Gaoshen's eyes were dull, and he snorted again, retracted his gaze, and looked at the book again.

"Hmph! Freak!"

Bai Zhigao let out a dissatisfied snort, and fell into a daze...

However, in order to prevent the Black Supreme God from feeling the fluctuations, the White Supreme God used [-]% of the Supreme Supreme God's power to isolate the space and shield the fluctuations.But the disadvantage of doing so is that the aura emanating from the channel of the alien space will be very strong.Because of this, some powerful beings who were hiding in the dark and always paying attention to God's movements sensed this fluctuation.

China, Zhejiang, Ningbo, Xuedou Temple.

The full name of Xuedou Temple: Xuedou Zisheng Temple.It is located in the heart of Xuedou Mountain, "Xiujia Siming".It was founded in the Jin Dynasty, rose in the Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty. It is one of the "Ten Temples and Five Courtyards", and was once one of the "Five Famous Buddhist Mountains" in the Republic of China.It can be described as a scenic area and a place full of Buddha's meaning.

In this well-known Xuedou Temple, a huge Maitreya Buddha statue stands alone.The golden Buddha body and compassionate eyes reveal the magnificent aura of the Buddha; following the Buddhist music in the temple, countless tourists and pilgrims came to kneel and kowtow in front of the Buddha statue, praying for the blessing of the Buddha and praying for good weather in the coming year.

People come and go, go and go and go.

For thousands of years, countless people have kowtowed and walked in front of the Buddha, but few people know that there is a hole in the Buddha's body.

Inside the golden Buddha, the cave sky is majestic; what catches the eye, the bookshelves stand horizontally.

Six people, wearing different colors and the same style of hooded long coats - red, green, blue, blue, purple, white.

All six of them couldn't see their faces clearly, and their figures were unknown.It is completely like a person who is completely in a cover.

"Hehe, Annan. Just now, the Supreme God raised the stakes again."

The man in the red clothes chuckled.Her voice is very pleasant.If the voice can determine the gender, there is no doubt that this person is a woman, and a very beautiful woman.

"Bai Ze, has this fluctuation been traced back?"

A resolute man's voice came from the purple robe.

"Huh~" The man in white let go of his white hands on his forehead, let them droop naturally, and said with a boyish voice, "Concubine Hong, Emperor Zi, you are bothering me."

"Hey hey hey~ You really are a troublesome little brother." The man in green was obviously a woman.At this time, she swayed, put her arms around the boy in white and said with a smile: "Sister saw a series of images flashing in your eyes just now. Sister, I think, you should know the answer."

"En." Bai Ze nodded, just about to say something, but was interrupted by the man in Tsing Yi.

In the cold voice of the man in Tsing Yi, there was a killing intent: "Lv Yi, if you dare to touch Bai Ze again, I will kill you."

"Oh~ Tsing Yi, you're scary again." Lv Yi pouted her lips, then let go of her arm around Bai Ze, stepped back a few steps, and said helplessly, "Really! Why are you jealous?"

Bai Ze raised his head and glanced at Tsing Yi, and said slowly: "This time the Holy Grail of Jesus and the Kyushu Wangding were sent down by the Supreme God. It is the Supreme God Bai, and he wants to pass these two artifacts to the person he chooses. Haha ~However, now Annan used his power to forcibly distort the alien space, causing the artifact to not be transmitted according to the established trajectory. Instead, it was sent to another person."

"Ahahaha, very good. Annan, you did a great job." The Purple Emperor laughed and said, "It's time for these self-proclaimed noble gods to experience our strength."

The woman in red smiled softly, and looked at the man standing on the highest place: "Annan, it's time..."

(End of this chapter)

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