Chapter 76
The glowing arrows poured into his body, Pang De took a cold breath, his eyes became more and more firm, and he said to Han Sui who was stunned: "My lord, let's go!"

"Okay! Ling Ming, if you can come back, you will still be the number one under my command!"

Han Sui nodded, his expression returned to normal, he shook his head and led a group of trusted soldiers to break through.

"Hmph! As expected of Pang Lingming, he really is prodigious!" Wang Xuan saw that Pang De was blocking the fire and sent Han Sui out. Siege and kill Pound!"

"Ah! This general Pound is here, who dares to fight with me?!"

Pound stretched out his hand and pulled out the arrow that had been poured into his body. He was wearing a golden flame armor, and he raised his long knife, roaring.This cry is not only because of the pain of being pulled out of the arrow, but also to express the anguish of being abandoned.

"Cao Xing, keep an eye on Pang De and limit his actions as much as possible!"

Although the winning ticket is in his hands, Wang Xuan still feels a headache for Pang De.The military strength of the top generals is really a big killer on the battlefield. There is no general who can compete with it, and my side seems very timid.At least until Pound is exhausted, neither he nor Guo Si, the general, should appear on the battlefield.Because every top military general has the strength of "a thousand armies can take the head of the enemy general from it, as easy as picking something out of a bag".

"No!" Cao Xing nodded, bowed his bow and drew the arrow, concentrating on locking on to Pound.As long as Pound showed a slight flaw, he would let go of his fingers and release the arrow like a bird that has been in a cage for a long time and desperately longs for the sky.

"Roar! Thief! Don't even think about succeeding!"

Pang De yelled, his figure flashed, the flame flickered, and the sharp long knife swung out, blocking Cao Xing's sudden arrow.Then he took advantage of the strength of the arrow, spun his body, and chopped all the Tianshui soldiers within three feet of him to pieces!


Wang Xuan gritted his teeth fiercely, furious.

"Kill! Your main general has escaped! Surrender quickly!"

Seeing Han Sui breaking out, Tianshui's soldiers hacked and killed the enemy one after another, generally persuading them to surrender.For a while, the morale of Han Sui's soldiers was low, and there were not many soldiers who abandoned their weapons and waited to die on the spot.

"Hahahaha! My lord, go all the way, and I, Pound, will be relaxed from now on." With some sad tears in Pound's eyes, he laughed at himself and said, "Hahahaha! Brothers follow me to kill the enemy! The future generations are good at commenting on us, leaving us a place in the history. Ahahaha!"

Pound's personal guards had red eyes and sour noses, and they all shouted: "The general is very powerful, if he wants to leave, who can stop the general's blade?"

indeed so.As a top military general and an innate warrior, he can advance and retreat freely even in an army of millions.Even under Wang Xuan's deliberate targeting and Cao Xing's cold lock, if Pang De insists on retreating now.Wang Xuan might not be able to stop him yet.However, Pound was able to leave, but none of his soldiers had the ability or opportunity.

"Hahahaha! You have lived and died with this general for many years, how can I be greedy for life and afraid of death, and abandon you!"

Pound laughed.


Hearing this, the guards' eyes were red and their throats were choked.

"Hahaha! No need to say more. This general is just a dog. If you want to retreat, you can retreat, and if you want to rebel, you can rebel! Hahaha!"

Pang De laughed sadly, lifted his long knife, slid his body, rushed into the encirclement of Tianshui soldiers, and started killing!
At this moment, a resounding voice came from outside Wang Xuan's ambush circle: "What a man! This general, Tai Shici, under Mulin Yi's tent in Yizhou Prefecture, is here to help you break the thief!"

And look!

Dressed in rotten silver tiger armor, the horse carried an iron war bow, and the long sword pierced the sky. Tai Shici swung the sword and slashed out countless innate sword energy, like a wind blade between the cliffs, beheading a group of Tianshui soldiers in an instant. Out into the encirclement.

"Not good! Enemy attack!" Wang Xuan and Guo Bang, who had been smiling all the time, changed their expressions at the same time, and shouted in panic, "It's Yizhou fierce general Tai Shici!"

"Soldiers! Go forward and kill the enemy!"

At this time, Cheng Yu also led the troops over.He rode on a horse, drew out his saber, pointed at the edge of the sword, and the Yizhou soldiers swarmed up behind him, quickly breaking through the back of Guo Bang's army.

"Not good! These Yizhou troops came too suddenly. We have no chance of winning! Kaidi! Follow me to break out of the encirclement. This revenge will be reported in the future."

Guo Bang's face changed suddenly, he was so hurried that he didn't even have time to look at Wang Xuan.

"No! General!" Wang Xuan may have a superior psychological quality, and immediately walked out of the panic of being attacked.He shook his head, threw away the unwillingness he was full of, followed suit, got on his horse, and at the same time did not forget to command the overall situation, and shouted: "The whole army follows me to break through!"

"Kill! Don't let Guo Bangfu escape!" Seeing a large group of soldiers suddenly appearing from the ambush circle and killing them in, Pang De was overjoyed and shouted: "The reinforcements have arrived! Follow me and kill him!" Thieves make meritorious deeds!" However, when he finished saying "killing thieves and making meritorious service", he couldn't help being stunned; thinking that he was already a discarded pawn, he couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

"Come on! Go to me!"

Guo Si was in a panic at the moment, commanding indiscriminately, apparently losing the composure of smiling at the beginning.

Just when Wang Xuan and Guo Bang were about to rush out, another army suddenly appeared in front of them.A general at the head of this army has a purple cinnabar dotted between his eyebrows.With a smile in his eyes, he looked at Guo Bang and the others, drew out his sword, and shouted: "Capture and kill the old thief Guo Bang!"

"Roar! Kill!"

With one order, all horses are silent!

"Yizhou State Mulinyi!" Wang Xuan and Guo Bang's expressions changed suddenly at the same time, and they secretly said sadly: "Yes! As Yizhou's number one fierce general Tai Shici and his confidant adviser Cheng Yu have come, Yizhou State Mulin Is there any reason for Yi not to come? It’s just that my Master State Shepherd was defeated in Yizhou?”

They really couldn't understand that Dong Zhuo had already raided Yizhou a few days earlier.Why did Yizhou Mu, who was supposed to be overwhelmed by himself, manage to break through barriers and come to Tianshui, Liangzhou?

"Kill! Kill! Capture and kill Guo Si!"

The Yizhou soldiers surrounded the Tianshui soldiers. The horrified Guo Si turned pale and trembled, and shouted in panic, "Master Yizhou Mu! The villain is willing to surrender! The villain is willing to surrender!"

Hearing Guo Si's surrender, Lin Yi twitched his lips, and said with a smile: "You put down your weapons, kneel down on the ground with your head in your arms, and I can consider giving you your life!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Master Yizhou Shepherd's words are true!" Guo Si hurriedly got off his horse, dropped his weapon, knelt down on the ground, and sternly said to the soldiers under his command, "Don't kneel down yet!"


The commanders of their own families knelt down and surrendered, so what is there for these soldiers to struggle?So they all dropped their weapons in unison, knelt down on the ground, and begged for mercy: "The villain is willing to surrender! I beg my lord to spare my life!"

Seeing this one-sided scene, Wang Xuan's heart was desolate, and he was still riding on the horse, motionless.He was by no means prepared to surrender.He has never watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he just likes military formations, but one day he accidentally touched the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" bought by his younger brother, and traveled here.When he was bullied by foreigners in Liangzhou, he was rescued by Dong Zhuo. Later, he was valued by Guo Bang and appointed as his deputy.As for who Guo Si was and what Dong Zhuo was like, he didn't want to bother.He just wanted to repay Dong Zhuo for saving his life and Guo Si for knowing him.

that is it.

(End of this chapter)

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