Crush the Three Kingdoms with Cards

Chapter 80 Mutual Computation

Chapter 80 Mutual Computation (1)

In Jincheng City Lord's Mansion, Han Sui's eyes shrank when he heard Lin Yi's words, and a lake of boiling water stirred up in his heart.However, his expression was one of astonishment.Han Sui looked at Lin Yi, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and clasped his fists with a serious expression: "Ma Teng acted against the law, fornicated with other races, and deceived the people to rebel against the big man. He really deserves death! If my lord can give me a thousand elite soldiers, I will definitely break through Wuwei City for my lord, and make Ma Teng, the traitor, the leader!"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded, just about to agree.Some people couldn't bear it anymore.This person was Yan Xing who was beside Han Sui, and he quickly interjected: "My lord! Don't let the tiger go back to the mountain!"

Yan Xing took a step forward while talking, bowed down and said: "My lord, Han Sui is a fierce tiger in Xiliang. If the lord gives him a thousand soldiers, he will be able to break through Wuwei. However, Han Sui is ambitious, and the lord sits on him. Naturally, he dared not move the slightest bit. But when he breaks through Wuwei and seizes the strong city, he will definitely show the face of a despicable villain again and refuse the lord to leave the city! Wouldn't that spoil the lord's great event!"

As soon as the words fell, Han Sui immediately yelled violently: "Yan Xing! Although this general is a bit dirty with your Yan family, but now you and I are both ministers, how can you slander me like this? I, Han Sui, swear that I will serve Yizhou in this life. Master Mu Linyi is in charge, and he will do his best, if he dares to rebel at the end of the day, he will definitely ask the Nine Heavens God to strike me and chop me into ashes, and I will never be reborn! I hope the Lord will learn from you!"

Hearing Han Sui made such a vicious oath, Yan Xing opened and closed his mouth, but no sound came out after all. He closed his mouth and looked at Lin Yi with dry eyes, hoping that he would believe in him and not let the tiger go back to the mountain.Pang De, who was abandoned by Han Sui, came out from one side, knelt down to Lin Yi and said, "My lord, the last general served Han Sui as his master in the past, and I have never seen him swear such a vicious oath. It is sincere, I hope the lord will give him a chance to break open Wuwei City for the lord, and make credit for it."

"En." Lin Yi pondered for a while, looked at Tai Shici, and said, "Ziyi, what do you think should be done?"

Tai Shici, who had been silent all this time, came out slowly, clasped his fists and said: "My lord, the general thinks that what Master Yan and General Pang said are all reasonable. Therefore, according to the general's assumption, the lord might as well make a compromise and call General Han's headquarters. 1000 people went to Wuwei to break the city."

"No! Your lord must not do this!"

Yan Xing, who was full of expectations, immediately objected after hearing this.Originally allocating a thousand Lin Yi's headquarters to Han Sui, at least it could serve as a constraint.Now, if according to Tai Shici's idea, allocating Han Sui's headquarters to him, wouldn't it make him more flexible, and instead boost his power even more?Yan Xing looked at Tai Shici at this moment, only feeling that under the prestige, he was really responsible, and secretly said: "What Yizhou general? He is such a mediocre person with shallow vision!"

"Yan Xing, you don't need to talk too much. Since Ziyi and Ling Ming both agree with General Han's going to break the city, I will naturally not make things difficult for you." Lin Yi waved his hand and said to Han Sui: "Han Sui, you Immediately go and call 1000 people from the headquarters, and go to break open Wuwei City for this official. If you succeed, you will not be short of prosperity and wealth in the future."

"No! Thank you, my lord, for your trust. I will dedicate my hands to Wuwei City soon!" Han Sui revealed a trace of joy, and sneered secretly in his heart: "Hmph! Little thief Lin Yi! When I take Wuwei, I will definitely I want to make you touch the ashes of your nose! So that you can know how powerful I am!"

"Very good! General Han is indeed a person who knows how to repay his kindness, and I am waiting for the general's good news in Jincheng!"

Lin Yi nodded approvingly.

"No! The last general will resign." As soon as Lin Yi mentioned Jincheng, Han Sui felt a pain in his heart, and the hatred in his heart deepened: "Lin Yi, little thief! Wait! I will tell you to hang on The head of the corpse Jincheng, let the people scold!"

Seeing Lin Yiren let Han Sui take big strides away, Yan Xing, who was kneeling on the ground, darkened his eyes, and sighed in his heart: "Ah~ Master Yizhou Mu is famous for his life, and he will be killed by Tai Shici and Pang De soon." These two mediocrities are broken!"

Silence, silence.Lin Yi didn't let them back down, and Tai Shici and Pang De looked like they were thinking again, Yan Xing could only sigh in his heart again, and remained silent.For a long time, Li Hengda, who had not appeared by Lin Yi's side, slowly walked into the hall, clasped his fists at Lin Yi and said, "My lord, Han Sui has been tricked! He really took the lord and the two generals to arrange it." The soldiers of the 'Headquarters' have gone to Wuwei."

Pound's expression froze, but he didn't speak.Tai Shici has always been calm and did not change his face.But Yan Xing heard something in these words, and murmured: "A trick? Arranged soldiers?" He looked up at Lin Yi, with a hint of doubt in his eyes and a hint of understanding.

"Hahaha!" Lin Yi laughed loudly, and said to Yan Xing: "Yan Ming doesn't have to worry. If Han Sui is ambitious, these thousand soldiers will take his life."

Hearing this, Yan Xing suddenly realized, opened his mouth as big as a goose egg, and stammered: "My lord, my lord is wise!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, but didn't reply.In fact, even if Han Sui was ambitious, the thousand soldiers would not turn against Han Sui immediately, but would help him control the city until Ma Teng was brought back.Even if the thousand soldiers didn't instigate rebellion, Wuwei was occupied by Han Sui, and Lin Yi was not afraid.Think about Han Sui's 3000 troops in Jincheng and surrender without a fight. Could it be possible to fly in Wuwei?Even though it is true that Wuwei City needs to be repaired stronger than Jincheng, but in the case of disparity in power, as long as it is not the danger of "one man guards the gate, ten thousand men cannot open it", who can guarantee that he can defend it.However, it's just a matter of time.

Moreover, after Ma Teng came back, Lin Yi and the others could bring a large army and lurk near Wuwei, only waiting for the two tigers to fight and lose both, and take the opportunity to annex them and take advantage of the fishermen.He could even mobilize Zhou Cang, who had already broken through the Wudu, and Cheng Yu, who was guarding Tianshui, to march northward to capture Anding.In this way, with a two-pronged approach, the entire Liangzhou can be taken over quickly and become the master of the two states.

Of course, the mobilization of troops takes time.The completion of these plans will have to wait dozens of days.After all, Zhou Cang had just broken through Wudu at this time and captured Dong Min, the current prefect of Wudu.


"Cheng Wang, this guy is so cowardly, what's the use of capturing him? It's better to kill him directly, so as not to upset the general!"

Zhou Cang looked at Dong Min who was kneeling on the ground trembling in fear, and frowned.For such a coward, people who practice martial arts like Zhou Cang don't like to see them, and despise them from the bottom of their hearts.As for Dong Cheng, who had a dispute with Guo Bang, he was picked up by Zhu Jun who came quickly.As for what?That's all for later.

"General, beheading him is a trivial matter, but it is not worthwhile to be charged with abusing prisoners." Huang Chengwang clasped his fists, looked at Zhou Cang and said, "It is better to take him into custody for the time being, and release him later."

Huang Chengwang said this, of course, not to avoid the notoriety of "abuse of captives", but to prepare for the plan after occupying Liangzhou.After all, the news of the war between Dong Zhuo and Lin Yi has spread all over the world. If it weren’t for Ju Shou’s repeated donations of money to Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhongda, who originally took care of Dong Zhuo, and the fact that Dong Zhuo forged the imperial decree and attacked Yizhou first, the court would have Lin Yi has long been decreed to be crusaded.In order to be justifiable after occupying Yizhou, Lin Yi naturally wanted the courtiers who were originally subordinate to Dong Zhuo to write down the eight characters "Dong Zhuo seeks rebellion, Lin Yi seeks thieves".This kind of righteousness in the world cannot be neglected or underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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