Center first

Chapter 461 Madison Night

Chapter 461 Madison Night

The ten-match suspension period is a hellish test for a guy like Lin Yi who regards the game as his life. If it weren't for the fact that he has two beautiful girls guarding him now, maybe he He was really going to go completely crazy for more than half a month. For him, the days without basketball games were almost like killing him, but fortunately, this guy who was about to go berserk finally calmed down. After this difficult time, and he is very satisfied with the opponent he will meet in the first game of his comeback. He has prepared all means of attack to deal with those nasty guys. The scene more than half a month ago He hasn't forgotten that he vowed to give back to that city double everything he suffered, but now it's all right, God has given him this opportunity, and it's up to him how to deal with these scenes with those big hands.

If you ask Mike D’Antoni what he thinks of the NBA schedule, he will definitely tell you very simply, if killing people in this world is not illegal, he will definitely use a heavy machine gun to kill those who are responsible for arranging the NBA schedule. Guys, and he promised that none of those 500 rounds would go to waste, he does have the idea of ​​killing these bastards immediately, especially when he sees that big man standing on his own territory again When he was doing warm-up activities on the sidelines, he was even more determined. At this moment, he must have thought that he had offended the Almighty God somewhere, because that nasty old guy was obviously torturing him nerves, deliberately playing with his fate.

Is ten NBA regular-season games a retribution?God damn knows if this is a scene deliberately arranged by God, or if this is an arrangement deliberately made by that nasty little man, President David Stein, but at this time, no New Yorker will have Thinking about cursing those who try to watch the New York Knicks play well, they must now understand what kind of situation they are facing.

Because the guy who once brought infinite terror to this home court is here again. The guy who has just finished his ten-game suspension is standing on the sidelines and looking at the Knicks' basket. He seems to be eager to play. All New Yorkers seem to know what this guy is thinking. The big man will never let go of any chance to ravage the Knicks' basket. He completely destroyed the Garden Arena.

The din at Madison Gardens is still wildly explosive, and every breath of the air here reminds these Miamians that this is not the place for them, but even the New York fans can hear it. They didn't have much confidence, they wanted to shout out the feeling of oppression in their hearts, but unfortunately, when that big guy appeared in this arena, the whole air was already filled with an oppressive chest that made people unable to breathe. Suffocation, no one wants to admit that all this is caused by the arrival of that big guy, but these New York fans know very well what that big guy represents, what that guy has done here, don't mention that fist belt The chaos came, it was just one of the nightmares that this guy gave to this city, and his hands were the source of everyone's fear.

If there is an Iverson in the Miami Heat now, maybe these New York fans will not be so frustrated. They are not afraid that such a guy will attack Madison, because he can only take away his own data, not It will make those crazy fans shut up, they can still spray their own trash talk wantonly to attack the opponent's nervous nerves, even if they lose the game, they will not have any hesitation in venting, but that ruthless The hot big man seems to have never understood their provocative language. He just silently tore apart the Knicks' defense, and then ruthlessly ravaged every defender who was facing him. Maybe This is the guy's response. Not only does he look extremely bloody on the scene, but he also uses the most ruthless way to warn the fans who try to anger him. This is the end of angering him.

When there is hatred between the two cities, the best way is to make the situation on the court appear chaotic, but I am afraid that this goal cannot be achieved today. When those shouts flood the arena again, those crazy people What the fans saw was Lin Yi's eyes full of coldness. It seems that he no longer responds to the hustle and bustle with silent actions as before. He seems to have become accustomed to using the most intuitive action to oppress the whole world. The atmosphere in the arena. At the end of the warm-up, this guy did not choose to go back to the locker room immediately. Instead, he stood on the edge of the basketball court and swept the entire Madison Garden arena with one finger. His last move was to directly He clicked on the eye-catching scoreboard, and then turned his head and walked into the player tunnel. His meaning has been clearly expressed. He needs everyone here to keep their eyes open. He will definitely let the scoreboard The bright red number on the card hurts the hearts of every New York fan. This night will not be devastated, but the craziest bloody massacre.

For such an obviously provocative way of declaring war, the entire Madison erupted with huge boos and abuse. Although they tried their best to prove that their stadium would be defended crazily by them, but look at that guy's back, look at it again For the big man on his own team, all the New York fans can do is pray. Want to trap that guy to death?Forget it, it would be easier to just pray for the American economy to improve quickly. Even the old man of God would scratch his head helplessly when he faced a problem that was too difficult, because it was too difficult.

No one expects Harrington and David Lee to fight against Lin Yi. The combination between the two of them may not even be as good as that of Beasley who defended Lin Yi like a lunatic in the previous game, but now this is already The only commanding height that the entire Knicks can throw on the court to grab rebounds, after all, the unlucky Beasley is still recuperating at home with the sequelae of concussion, and it is impossible for Mike D'Antoni to repeat the provocative Lin Yi again. Don't forget, that conflict was all because Lin didn't adjust his mentality and emotions well. If he hadn't been bothered by the terrible things before, this guy would never have been fooled by such an idiot and wanted to provoke him. he?Please, you better hope he doesn't provoke you.

Spoelstra originally didn't want Lin Yi to appear in such a bad environment. After all, the noisy atmosphere here will affect many people's normal performance, especially because Lin Yi's feud with this city has made him the favorite of the entire New York City. Disgusting people, as soon as Lin stepped into the Madison Garden Arena, those offensive words have been overwhelming, that kind of crazy situation seems to have surpassed the previous game, and even those who should have stood in neutral TV stations from different angles began to mix too much personal emotion in their broadcasts, almost overwhelmingly condemning this oriental boy who was easily let go by David Stein, and they firmly believed that there was an ulterior motive behind that punishment. Lin Yi is the beneficiary of the transaction, otherwise, it is impossible for him to receive a ten-match suspension. Such a person and his waving fist are almost provocative to the New Yorkers. They will not let this guy have any breathing time at all. They need to use the sharpest language to stimulate his nerves. They need this guy to fall into that crazy state again. Fight one, and then the whole of New York will make this kid never recover. This is the ending of a story that conforms to the logical thinking of New York fans.

However, Lin Yi didn't seem to care about these noisy voices. He even told Spoelstra that he needed such voices to make himself more excited. Now that the city has chosen to be his enemy, he doesn't want to let go of any chance to kill the enemy. During his suspension, the old man Lewis once talked with him on the phone.

"You will never be able to make everyone in this world like you. The only ones who are not jealous are those mediocre guys. They hate you and abuse you because you bring them a sense of fear. They need to use this way to build momentum for themselves, otherwise they will not have enough courage to stand in front of you, never try to tolerate anyone, there is always only conquest in the NBA world, there is no respect."

The old man's words are obviously a wake-up call to this beast-like kid. He doesn't need this little guy to be too humble on and off the basketball court. Never expect a gentleman's behavior to be exchanged for respect in the NBA arena. Here Most people will remember those humble gentlemen, but they may be more likely to remember bad boys like Rodman. In the face of those boos, the best way is to directly knock out their front teeth, there is no other way.

Lin Yi kept in mind what the old man told him, he would no longer insist on silently using actions to prove something on the field, provoking with a clear purpose, looking directly at the opponent's challenge, all of these will be filled in his game of conquering others , since you have chosen to continue the hostility, there is no need for me to hide my edge!Come and come, who is afraid of whom!Your abusive and provocative methods can only prove your guilt and cowardice!
And this is the first time he and Iverson have cooperated on the court. Although he has partnered with this guy in training before, after all, the confrontation effect is not as good as the game. The tacit understanding on the court is It needs to be adjusted in actual combat. He needs to use mutual inspiration on the court to find the offensive rhythm of the Miami Heat's third knife. In the absence of Wade, he needs someone who can stand beside him and take on the role of the Flash. It is really a good idea to choose such an opponent. Maybe after this night, too many people will understand that Miami is no longer a simple double-edged sword from this day on. It is obvious that there is already a trident. Now, and it will be sharper than the previous double knives.

Are you sharpening your knife and rattling at pigs and sheep? NO, sharpening the knife to Apple, Spoelstra has never had any mercy, especially when he faced such a city that made his team suffer from ten games without core players, he was even more sympathetic. There will be no plans to show mercy. Lin Yi, Iverson, Millsap, Raja Bell, McDyess, these guys with the strongest firepower and the strongest impact have all been put on the field by the Filipino. His The request was as simple as, "Kill them, I need all of New York to witness this massacre!" When Spoelstra said this, every Miami Heat player could bite from the Filipinos. On his teeth, he saw the horror expression of a beast about to devour people.

Now that the face has been torn like this, there is nothing to say. Even if the Filipinos do not issue such an order, these violent players do not intend to make these New York fans have any good times. I have long been tired of the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere here, since there is no need to keep any reservations, why not just sink the inflated confidence of those fans?The game will enter the rhythm of the Miami people from the very beginning. Sorry, when you choose to be our enemy, you should have thought of the crazy revenge from the Miami people.

Iverson, like Lin Yi, didn't like the city very much. When he was forced to leave from the Grizzlies, the New York Knicks were the first team to shake an olive branch to try to recruit him, but also James. For the first time, that idiot Dolan publicly said on TV that New York would not accept Iverson's arrival, because in his opinion, Iverson's current level would not provide any effective help to the New York Knicks. New York is now Fresh blood and superstars are needed, not a worn-out old guy, and they're targeting the summer super transfer market, not the present.

I really don’t know where James Dolan, the guy who ruined the Knicks like this, got the courage to say those words. Maybe he is too confident that he can get those superstars with the attraction of New York, little The Emperor, Wade, Yao, Bosh, Boozer, these superstars are his real targets. Obviously, he is not interested in such an Iverson who has entered the twilight of his career. Iverson is no longer satisfied. He has a big appetite, but he never thought about what it would be like when that guy stood opposite him again, but now he will have this experience soon, because this guy is in his luxury box Li was watching every move on the field, and the veteran who had been devalued by him was about to use his own hands to prove that there was an idiot who would pay the most painful price for his demeaning remarks.

This is definitely not a war between Lin Yi alone and the entire New York City. This is a battle between the entire Miami and New York. The traces of confrontation between the cities have been extremely fierce before the game. This may be the first time Thousands of Miami fans appeared at New York's home court. Although they could not control the entire Garden Arena with their voices, at least they hoped to tell those New Yorkers in this way that Miami people will never be afraid of any opponent. Lin Yi and Iverson will conquer here with their performance on the court, and they will be the strong backing of these guys.

When Mike D'Antoni saw the five starters that Spoelstra put on the court, he already knew what the Filipino was trying to do tonight, that crazy guy was going to humiliate him in this way The whole of New York, and he now needs to use his players to defend the honor of the city, but when watching those five guys standing on the field and preparing for activities, what Mike D'Antoni may think more is that he will He would not be directly shot and killed by a group of New Yorkers on the street after this game, or directly thrown out of the window of the highest box in Madison by James Dolan, because this is the most he can think of now. Good ending, he never thinks he can get through this night safely, he is no longer thinking about how to kill those Miami people, maybe after this night is the end of his New York Knicks team, this is definitely not a hypothesis, maybe this It will really become a reality, especially when the big man stares at him with cold eyes. This old guy who once led the Suns to the best record in history can clearly feel his blood congeal at that moment The feeling appears.

But that's just the feeling he's getting on the sidelines, he probably knows it's going to be a bad night, but for the guys on the court, it's not all they feel, because they need to use their own. From the moment before the jump ball, David Lee could already feel what the guy standing opposite him was thinking, especially when the referee's whistle sounded, He even has the idea that he doesn't want to jump up anymore, because sometimes many things are really futile even if you work hard.

Lin Yi pulled the basketball from the air without any suspense. He even had enough time in the air to observe which side to turn. The ball fell directly into Iverson's grasp under his control. This guy With a very iconic shake, James Dolan in the VIP box once again experienced what is called the pain of the skin. His step-down dribble continuously shakes and changes direction. In the eyes of Chris Duhon, it is almost Unable to stop it, that poor Du Hong could only watch this 34-year-old veteran pass by quickly, is he old?Damn, what is this old man? His footsteps are still as fast, and he can easily pass anyone who tries to defend him. Maybe at this moment, James Dolan will start to wonder if his basketball IQ is too low. People don't bother to laugh at his idiocy anymore, because he missed too much.

Iverson didn't let the basketball stay in his hands for too long. After passing Duhon, he didn't rush to cut to the inside of the Knicks immediately. At the moment when Jeffries came up to block him, He swayed open enough to allow him to spy on the entire Knicks defense. Iverson let the basketball under his control fly directly to the basket. NO, this is not his shot from outside the three-point line, but a goal. Sexually very explicit passing.

Moreover, this guy's pass has completely exposed his intentions. Lin Yi, who has already started to fly into the air under the basket, is the purpose of his pass. This is an alley-oop for everyone to see, even if David Li has already returned to the defensive position, and he can only barely jump up, hoping that his fingertips can touch the basketball one step earlier than Lin Yi. He does not expect to be able to stop Lin Yi from wreaking havoc, but he hopes that his hands can Retain a dignity for the New York Knicks, but he seems to only care about the jumping ability of the guy behind him, and forget who the person passing the ball to him is.

Maybe Iverson has never been a standard pass master, but don't forget that this guy does not lack the ability to pass the ball accurately, but his offensive ability is too sharp, which has already covered up this guy. All the other pluses, including his ever-so-accurate passing.Do you know what an old and spicy organization is?Maybe Iverson is using such a pass to decipher all the meanings contained in this word for you.

The basketball he threw up seemingly inadvertently almost brushed against David Lee's fingertips. The guy jumping high behind David Lee doesn't need to make any adjustments at all, he just needs to open his big hand, and then wait for the basketball to fall obediently in his palm, and no one else needs to do the rest Tell him, is there another option for a poor basket?Maybe the basketball hoop pulled by the tyrannical force can tell you the answer with its painful shaking.

After completing the one-handed slam dunk, Lin Yi pulled the rim hard and fell to the ground. He beat his chest with his right hand and uttered an angry voice to the entire Madison Garden Arena. He didn't need to go There is no cover up, he came here to vent his anger crazily besides winning the game, he wants to tell the city in this way that he has never been knocked down by those damn public opinion, he also needs to use Such a roar to announce his comeback, and now Lin Yi has become more vicious than before, stop me? OK, please come up and have a try!
Spike Lee, who was sitting on the sidelines, didn't want to see a guy who was just 20 years old be so arrogant in his team's home court. He almost waved his middle finger directly in front of Lin Yi's eyes, but he didn't win much friendship and support, and the arrogant kid in his eyes didn't turn around and leave in silence, but came directly at him A very standard throat-cutting ceremony, the right hand that quickly slashed across his throat was just like his one-handed slam dunk just now, not only fierce, straightforward, even a bit domineering and barbaric, this is Lin Yi's strong response to others' humiliation, He will no longer simply rely on his performance on the field to beat his opponents. Conquering his opponents starts from the bottom of his heart, making these guys tremble for his performance, and making these guys who try to interfere with him regret what he did!

"NICE!" Spoelstra saw that the two guys with the most core effects in his hands could play such a cooperation. He no longer needed to worry about anything. There are always some guys on the basketball court who don't need too much They can always find each other's rhythm through running-in. These two guys have reached such a tacit level of understanding in just one training session. Maybe now Spoelstra really doesn't need to worry about how long Wade will have to keep him. hurt.

This is only the first cooperation between Lin Yi and Iverson. When these two new partners start Miami's chariot, I am afraid that a team like the New York Knicks can no longer stop it. When Du Hong and David When Li faces the torture of these two guys again and again, they will definitely hate that Beasley who once teased this guy. Why should the troubles caused by that bastard be borne by these two innocent guys? cost.

Interspersed, running, covering the ball from the wing, the entire Miami Heat began to display their flexible tactical style under the support of Lin Yi's inside line. Their formations began to change frequently because of this guy's existence, and Lin Yi Yi's inside attack did not frantically ravage that poor David Lee. He paid more attention to the interaction with Iverson. Perhaps the inspiration and tacit understanding between them cannot be described in words, but They know that this is just the beginning of running-in, and maybe it is still early for the playoffs, but they are already ready to polish their edge. When Miami only has Wade, they are a postseason team. When they have two knives, Lin Yi and Wade, they will be the crazy team that makes the little emperor shake his head helplessly. Then what about when Miami has three sharp knives?Maybe they can really do a lot, at least now the whole of Miami is looking forward to the playoffs coming sooner, and Wade, the Flash, will come back sooner, they can't wait to see the three-knife scene, that will be A festive season in Miami, but that's certainly the last thing other teams want to see.

Maybe James Dolan, who was sitting in the box at this moment, knew clearly what he had missed. Maybe he had already begun to regret sitting here enjoying the game on such a night. Damn, this is not a game appreciation at all. He is simply suffering here. He is not admiring his team to slaughter others fiercely, but now his team has become the prey that is slowly cut off with a knife.

Such a night is really a fucking night for the New York Knicks, because they are powerless to resist and can only endure all the humiliation in silence. Mike D'Antoni has given up on continuing to arrange any tactics on the tactical board , He understood that no matter what miraculous tactics he had now, it might not be as enjoyable as giving him a Desert Eagle directly. After enduring such a night, he might as well lie in the grave directly.

In the night of New York, there are two fierce knives flashing the craziest light. . .

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(End of this chapter)

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