Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1005 The Goddess of Sireng Base

Chapter 1005 The Goddess of Sireng Base


Tang Chen reached out and grabbed that mech mercenary by the neck!
Grab it without hesitation and throw it away! !

Pong! !

Fell into a cloud of blood! !

Shock the stone powder of the explosion-proof stone!

Sprayed the captain's face! !

The captain looked shocked! !unbelievable! !

Looking at Tang Chen! !

Tang Chen has raised the spare hatch!

Choo Choo Choo!
Carbonized flames burned all over the mecha! !

Light explosion! !
It can be seen how terrifying Tang Chen's hand speed is!How incredible! !
The light explosion directly crushes the "sonic explosion and broken kick"! !

"Stop that Qingqiu mecha!!"

Instructions came from the Huoshaoyun flying saucer!

The mechas controlled by Tang Chen are all in the net, so they can hear it naturally!
"Stop me? Dreaming!! Hmph!"

Swish Swish Swish!Swish Swish Swish! !

In an instant, Tang Chen accelerated with a curve!

Chirp Chirp Chirp ~~~~~~

Clean up and open a streamer air and land! !

This streamer air and land is like a beam of high-energy defocused laser shells! !

hum! !

The three mechs approaching were crashed and returned to the factory! !

Tang Chen's mecha didn't stop at all! !
Keep accelerating! !

Curve acceleration, the most damage mecha!It is also the most test of the driver's hand speed! !

Boom boom boom! !

The afterimage of Tang Chen's finger was actually surrounded by a circle of water vapor! !
Roar! !
The hand speed is supersonic! !
Pong! !

The streamer is empty and land, the streamer is radiant!
Like the sun coming down! !
Far exceeds the release equivalent of a nuclear bomb! !

Whoosh! !

Skip it! !
Crushed the Huoshaoyun flying saucer! !
Then! !
Tang Chen's mech exploded! !

overwhelmed! !

The shock on the captain's face quickly disappeared, and he resumed his breathing.

Shaking his head like self-deprecating: "It turned out to be a fake trick!! I was almost cheated."

Tang Chen's speed is too fast!
The speed of light is invisible to the naked eye of the human race! !

The braised cloud flying saucer, at this moment... although its shape is intact! !

but!It's actually vaporized! !
"Ah!! The goddess of the Sereng base is here!!"

"The Goddess of Sireng Base will win!!"

Tang Chen fell from the sky, got into the ground more than ten meters, and finally climbed out!

Get ready for cheers! !
result.The cheers came as expected!

But not for him! !

The goddess of the Sereng base in a red robe and a thruster!
Face painted with aviation oil paint! !
Holding a cannon in his hand! !
Behind the propeller is a blue flame! !
Whoosh! !

Slide out the arc track in the air, a flip and hover!
One after another dive! !

Beep beep beep beep! !

The aposu cannon fires a large number of nano-level bullets!

Plenty of achium!

Domineering and destructive radiation! !

Apsu artillery fire devoured the last mecha! !

That mech immediately disappeared in the air! !
"...The goddess of the Sereng base is amazing!! You are worthy of the guardian goddess of our base!..."

"...The goddess of the Sereng base, invulnerable!!..."

"...The Goddess of the Western Cold Base is the guardian of the gods sent by the Yuan Yuan School to our human race!..."

A piece of praise, no regrets!No pretense!Sincerely praise!Praise from the bottom of my heart!
The goddess of the Sereng base is the god in their hearts! !

Tang Chen smiled and looked at the familiar figure in the sky! !
There is no shock in the eyes!Only appreciate! !
"So she's so busy!!"

The Goddess of Sireng Base.

That's right.

Lu Meiting!
Lu Meiting stopped in the air!
Aposu machine gun aimed at the red-sauced cloud...

beep beep~~~~~~~
Dudu Dudu! ! !
boom! ! !
Just two shots! !
Braised cloud flying saucer! !

That gigantic Black Widow Xiuxiu Star Rogue Battleship——

Crash! !
Turn into a stream of light!

Completely annihilated! !
In the streamer, a figure appeared!
Embarrassed! !
His clothes are all torn!

Black Widow Xiuxiu's face was covered with a black veil, so she couldn't see her face.

With a flick of his hand, an exquisite small gatehouse appeared.

"Hmph! This time, I am Tiangui! You are lucky!!!"

With that said, don't wait for Lu Meiting's Abu cannon to fire again!
Whoosh! !Get into the portal and escape back to Violent Star!

When the gunfire of the Apsu machine covered the portal.

The portal has been activated!


The Goddess of Sireng Base! !
The overwhelming shout is earth-shattering! !
Lu Meiting raised the Abu cannon in her hand!

Go around the field for a week! !

Frequent compliments! !
"My goddess of the base is too powerful! Two cannons killed a flying saucer..."

"What is your base goddess? It's our base goddess!..."


Cheers!shout!Cries! !

Tang Chen nodded to Lu Meiting.

It's a pity that Lu Meiting didn't see him!
Tang Chen put his hands around his mouth: "Lu Meiting!! I'm Tang Chen! I'm coming out!!"

"I'm here to find you!!—"

How sensitive is Lu Meiting to the name "Tang Chen"? !

Hearing the words and looking for them.Immediately, willow eyebrows stand on end!

Outrageous! !
Raise your hands and cannons!Pull the trigger!Just pour out!

beep beep~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"What are you doing? It went off fire!! It hurt me!"

call out! !

Tang Chen stepped aside! !

Whoosh whoosh!
Lu Meiting's series of amphoteric cannonballs!
It's like a signal flare!
Puff puff! !

The eyes of countless people!Swish Swish Swish!Vote for Tang Chen! !

Suddenly the killing sound shook the sky! !


Tang Chen was astonished and extremely shocked!The situation is not good!

Turn around and run!

"……catch him!!……"

"...can't let him go!!..."

"...the villain in the eyes of the goddess!!..."

"...Who will kill him! I will pay him the [Residence Qualification Fee]..."

Tang Chen was hunted down like crazy!

There was no time to explain, and he ran away directly!

"Hurry up! The Chaos Fish is here again!"

Aoki even has a crying voice!

"Xiao Qingqing! Xiao Qingqing! If you ignore me, big brother will have something to say!..."

Chaos fish has a heart of love for Aoki!
With supreme mana, locked on Aoki!

Tang Zhiyun gave the order for Ye Mengrou!
at once.

Under the cover of the dragon-slaying seal.

The nine ladies left in a panic!

The void [dimension] is different from each other.

Every time the Chaos Fish has to look for it for a while!

[Dimensions] intersect each other in cool stars!

The Chaos Fish is incomparably huge!
A little careless!

Make a hole in the void of the cool star plane!

This is also the elk fire deer.

The so-called plane connection point found!
"No, let's go to the cool star plane! Our sisters don't help the prince! Can't we help the little princess? Hee hee hee..."

Among the wives, Yang Kangri has a detached position, so he naturally has no scruples in speaking!

However, this casual joke...

But it made Ye Mengrou and Tang Zhiyun look at each other and smile!
"Okay! It's just a matter of raising the level of experience for the prince."

"Oh? Really wow!"

Not only Yang Kangri!Even Xue Xiaolian and the five fairy princesses jumped up in joy.

Tang Zhiyun smiled meaningfully: "You are making trouble for the prince under the order of the prince Hou Yi! How about the sisters? Are you interested?"

A big black hand crossed endless dimensions and broke into the space barrier of Cool Star...

(End of this chapter)

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