Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1007 Martial Arts Alliance

Chapter 1007 Martial Arts Alliance


"Master! I also bowed to the teacher's ceremony! You have also drank the teacher's tea! You also drank more than one sip..."

Tang Chen stood up slowly on the ground, calmly reasoning.


Only then did Zhiqing look squarely at the kettle in his hand, and his face turned red!

Na Na to himself.

"Too passive! Too passive!"

"Hehehe! Uncle Grand Master! Emei Wuxiang greets you!"

Emei wraps around Master Xiang, shakes the ups and downs, bends down to salute Tang Chen.

"Let's be flat! Bao Xiang is good! Good! Very promising!"

Tang Chen rubbed his clean chin, and nodded amiably to the little nun.He raised his hand and lovingly stroked Baoxiang's bald head!
He even flexed his fingers mischievously, and picked the ring scar on the top of Xiang Xiang's head...

Bao Xiang was just teasing and teasing Tang Chen, but he didn't want to be teased by Tang Chen instead!
Tang Chen didn't have any thoughts in his heart, he really just found it interesting!

Kongtong Zhiqing was an old man and had no choice but to recognize Tang Chen as his apprentice.

Seeing Tang Chen belittle Wou Xiang, he hastily changed the subject:

"Appreciation to the teacher is a rough ceremony! But it's a big deal. In a few days, when the martial arts league is held, we will hold the formal ceremony! Mrs. Xiangxiang, as the head of the martial arts league, what do you think?"

Bao Xiang was experiencing the shame and anger Tang Chen brought to her.

hear the words
Hastily replied:

"Flower fake master, accepting disciples is the great joy of the martial arts alliance! Hero posts should be widely distributed! Call all sects and factions to share the momentum!"

"Good! Good! Good! Let it be according to your words! The martial arts alliance gathers on Mount Tai! Taishan apprentices! Hahaha!"

Zhiqing laughed.

Leaving the specific affairs of handling to Mrs. Xiang Xiang!

Of course, this is also a good time for the Emei School to become famous and gain a sense of presence!

The little nun Bao Xiang gladly accepted the order.

Tang Chen couldn't enter the Chang'an base.

I can only follow Zhiqing and the little nun to the Qufu base.

On the road.

Tang Chen learned through conversation;
Wulin world.

Most of them live in seclusion.

The location of the mountain gate is some distance away from the base.

In addition, people outside the party do not have money or other vulgar things in their hands.

Therefore, there is no money to pay the [Residence Security Deposit]!
That means you can't enter the base!






With the leadership of the five sects and the support of mysterious funds, an organization has been formed!
【Wulin League】!
The Martial Arts League is aimed at the outskirts of the base, to rescue some human beings who are besieged or chased by monsters and are in crisis!
In this way, the ancient martial arts will be revitalized again!

The five martial arts sects of the ancient martial arts line cherish this opportunity very much.However, the world of martial arts is still underrepresented nowadays, and there is not enough talent!


Kongtong!Shaolin!Wudang!Qingcheng!Emei!Heads were dispatched one after another to wait at the entrances of the five bases.

Trying to recruit some martial arts prodigies with ancient martial arts foundation, and martial arts legacy with extraordinary aptitude.

And these people are called [Martial Arts]!
As long as these [Martial Arts] cannot enter the base, then the heads will personally come forward and lobby!In short, it is as much as possible to pull people's heads!Strengthen the martial arts world, the ancient martial arts forces!
"Kongtong Tangchen is wearing an iron cloth fir covered with golden bells, which can't even penetrate bullets from reinforced guns!"

The news spread like wildfire!

In the martial arts world, it caused an uproar!

"Tang Chen has been accepted as a disciple by Kongtong patriarch, Zhiqing!..."

"Kongtong Tangchen, the seniority is scary!..."

"I want to challenge Kongtong Tangchen..."

then! !
A storm against Tang Chen has begun! ! !
Warcraft and humans competed for cities, and at the same time caused humans to lose a lot of land!
No more land to grow food,

It has become a luxury item!
Tang Chen's table was surrounded by the heads of the five major sects, as well as the heads and teachers of individual sects!

Of course there is wine.

Other tables, not to mention wine, some don't even have tables!

In the world of martial arts, it is important to learn from each other!

The long night is long, there is meat but no wine!Also lost a lot of sex.


The discussion became more and more intense!
"This time, the Martial Arts League is to set aside areas around the major base cities, and the relevant sects of our martial arts world will be responsible for the rescue work in this area! This is the time for our martial arts world to show our true skills! Hahaha !"

Muyan Boluo, the head teacher of the Qingcheng School, got a hint from Master Xiankong, the head of Shaolin.

Started talking.

"It's all said, south fist and north kick! East sword and west sword! Since I have seen the martial arts league so far, from my point of view, it's easy to compare them all, and it's okay to compare them!"

Zhang Tianhe, the real person in charge of the dung beetle sect, echoed the proposal.

"Hmm! It should be a good idea! This idea is good! This idea is good! Good, good! Let's compare!"

The person with the highest moral and prestige, the one with the most right to speak is none other than the ancestor of the Kongtong Sect, Daoist Zhiqing!
Zhiqing's old way said it right away.

The curtain of the martial arts competition has officially opened!
"However, in this competition, shouldn't there be some prizes to add to the fun, so as to be motivated! Huh? Hahaha..."

Master Shaolin Xiankong raised his hand to caress the bald head that had just been hung up, and pouted at Wudang Chongxuzi Taoist Priest.

Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Master Xiankong signaled to Wudang Chongxuzi that it was himself!

"Damn! I'm so senior, and I'm always looking at strange eyes everywhere! Even this sparring, I won't let me disappear for a while..."

Tang Chen cursed in his heart.But can't back down!
Tang Chen was unwilling to make a move, it was because Tang Chen was not interested in meaningless fighting.

But today's meaningful battle is nothing more than killing monsters.

If it was a competition to hunt and kill the number of monsters, then Tang Chen would agree without hesitation.

But it's just a competition! …

I really owe you!

Wudang Chongxuzi is a fine person, so he exchanged a few words with Zhiqing beside him!

Zhiqing actually came to nature!

With bright eyes, he nodded fiercely to Tang Chen!
Look at the posture.

Master Zhiqing
I almost raised my fist and shouted Come on!
After Zhongxuzi and Zhiqing finished their communication, they also communicated with Master Xiankong at this table, Muyan Boluo and Mrs. Xiangxiang!
Basically it's settled!
At last,
Madam Bao Xiang stood up and announced;
"The Martial Arts League still lacks a leader! The master of Shaolin is willing to take out the treasure of Shaolin, the Bodhidharma stick, as a token of the leader! Command the world of martial arts!"

it is good!
Immediately, people in the martial arts world applauded!
There are more than 30 people participating in the martial arts league!How can the people stationed in the sect be lower than this number?
Now that the Martial Arts League is established!
It proves that the martial arts world needs such an organization!
The so-called came into being!

An organization, let alone an organization with more than a million people.

A group of dragons without a leader is extremely dangerous!
Establishing a leader in the martial arts league is indeed a top priority!Top priority!

"...The leader of the martial arts alliance is the martial arts emperor! Hold the Dharma stick and rule the martial arts world! Once the Dharma stick is released, order the world! Life and death follow!"

(End of this chapter)

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