Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1016 Lu Meiting's Sword Glow

Chapter 1016 Lu Meiting's Sword Glow


Xue Xiaolian, Princess Cuiyan and the others laughed together!
Watching Yang Kangri with a fiery figure, his figure flickered and disappeared!
Dare to love this East Palace Anti-Japanese Empress, use a routine!

Go alone! ! !
However, except for the Dragon Slaying Seal!

No one noticed that behind him, inside the red robe...


Lu Meiting's heart almost froze!

Bone cold.

She did not expect that the nine guardians who came to [Minggumen]...

They are all so close to Tang Chen!

Obviously, both have a leg! !

"Tang Chen! You bastard!! Killed my father! Lied to my feelings! My poor and precious first love..."

Lu Meiting trembled!
My heart is icy cold!

"It's not easy for us to let the prince pick out the wrong one! Your Majesty wants the rain and the dew to be wet... let's go, sisters! Giggle~~~~~~"

Princess Xue Xiaolian twisted her slightly tight outfit.

The bare hands closed the upper body short robe!

Intent to cover up...

The turbulent career peak!
However, how can such narrow fashion clothes accomplish such a difficult task?

Xue Xiaolian is just,
It's just subconscious flirting!

Ye Meng gave Xue Xiaolian a soft look,
Pulling Tang Zhiyun...


in a blink!
Eight ladies, all gone!
No one paid attention to Lu Meiting in the red robe and cloak behind her!
Da da da……

Puff puff puff! ! !

On the top of the Jade Emperor, only Liu Jinduo and Lu Meiting are left!

Liu Jinduo thought Tang Chen had abandoned Lu Meiting!
So I stopped talking to Lu Meiting.

So, he waved his hand and put away the dragon blood warriors on the ground!

call out!
Offering a escape talisman...

Immediately disappeared without a trace!

Da da da……

A string of bullets hit Lu Meiting in the chest!
Lu Meiting was taken aback!
How powerful is the bullet rate! !
Lu Meiting couldn't help herself and flew backwards!

Da da da……

The physical bullets of those heat mercenaries couldn't hurt Lu Meiting!

This is also thanks to Tang Chen!
Jiang Tingting thought of this dragon blood quenching body!

I can't help being bitter and resentful!

Lu Meiting's face was cold!The eyes are cold!

Chu Chu Chu!
The thrusters on his back emitted azure blue flames!
Lu Meiting actually has a raised rock on her toes!

Soar into the air!

Da da da……

Da da da……

A string of bullets hit Lu Meiting's back again! ! !

boom! !

The thrusters exploded! !

Lu Meiting plunged into the air...

The nine wives don't care about Lu Meiting anymore!

But the dragon-slaying seal can't be ignored!

After all, this is also a mistress! !

Immediately turned into a warrior, committed to Lu Meiting's hands!

Suddenly there was a hideous and terrifying big black knife in his hand!

Lu Meiting's heart trembled!
So weird!

However, what's even weirder is...

Lu Meiting discovered that she actually has the ability to fly!

Lu Meiting, turn around...

Enter Taishan Yunhai! !

He brazenly launched a counterattack against the Heat's mercenaries! ! !

Lu Meiting's wrist trembled uncontrollably...

Draw a continuous knife light!
puff!puff!puff!puff! ! ~~~~~
The red dress is smart and evil!

The figure is graceful but extremely gloomy!

The dark shadow of the knife devoured the sun's rays! !
Dragon Slaying Seal! !

It is a death scythe that harvests vitality! !
Kill hundreds of heat mercenaries with the method of slaughtering the dragon seal!
It's not even a warm-up!

Lu Meiting's fake hand is just a gesture, and it's done overnight!

That is to blow away the froth in the tea bowl!
One more peck time...

Lu Meiting held an exaggeratedly shaped black knife in her hand, and a vast tide of knives flooded the heat mercenaries! !

A moment!

Lu Meiting's chest heaved!The waves are choppy!

Still in shock! !

The massacre of the heat mercenaries was just a temporary idea!

But never thought!

Amazing achievement! ! !

Lu Meiting.

The carcass hidden in the red cloak-style red robe!

Trembling uncontrollably!
Even the loose red robe cloak outside...

Sparkling trembling! !
I have lingering fears! !
"Your Excellency, what a clever method!! There will be a period later!!"

Pink eyebrow flying saucer hatch.

The magician of the Sirius Heat Mercenary Corps!

The dark and prey eyes stared at the figure in the red robe that kept moving!
Leaving a harsh word to distract attention, but quietly tearing open a page of magic notes!
"Peng" ~~~
An obscure magic chant, a magical syllable burst out inadvertently...

It's actually an auxiliary emotional blessing magic... [Eternal Blessing]! !

mean! !
Tu Longyin slandered, and immediately released a trace of spiritual power!
Cut and shield Lu Meiting's space!
boom! !

[Eternal Blessing], apply it to Lu Meiting!

But found that Lu Meiting no longer belonged to this space!

The magical power of the auxiliary magic passes through the void in the space where Lu Meiting is...

"Peng" ~~~~

Filled the entire plane of cool stars!
Originally, this [Eternal Blessing] magic should not have such a majestic magic power!

But in the current plane of the cool star, how can there be a cultivator? ! !

Under the pressure of the power of the world formed by the atmosphere!

An indestructible magical chant syllable...

Through the Beidou navigation sky eye earth ear system! !

Filled with cool stars! !

In an instant!

The cool star human who originally admired Lu Meiting!
All released without reservation! !

Worship from the heart! !

Start now! !

Lu Meiting wore a red dress!
A hideous big black knife!

Looming, pale and handsome face! !
Irresistible by magic power...

Branded in the deepest part of the soul! !
Countless humans saw this scene on the screen!
The magic chanting syllable broke into the ear again! !
Tears streaming down my face! !
pious murmur:
"This is the greatest of all mankind! The kindest!! The most fraternal!!...!! The goddess of the base!! The goddess of the base is the greatest support of mankind!! The backbone of mankind!! The backbone of mankind!! Human civilization continues The greatest protector of the inheritance!! Thank you to the goddess of the base!! Praise the goddess of the base!! The goddess of the base is with me!!"

boom! !

Lu Meiting was suddenly shocked! !

I just feel that the wave is extremely huge!
Incredible stalwart power!
Majestic as the raging tide of the sea! !
Tender as a lover's hair! !
Warm as a lover's embrace! !

Come roaring!They entered Lu Meiting's body one after another! !
Lu Meiting feels that she owns it~~~

Power never imagined before! !

Visions unattainable before! !

Lu Meiting turned her attention to...

The hot mercenary magician who got into the pink flying saucer~~
"Want to leave? ~~~!!"

In an instant! !
Big black knife in hand!

A palpitating black light surged out! !
Lu Meiting actually moved with her heart...

From an incredible angle! !

Incredible speed! !
Get into the pink flying saucer before the magician! !
The magician was caught off guard!
He got into Lu Meiting's sword light!
Turn into powder! !
Annihilation in an instant! !
"Batta! Batta!"

(End of this chapter)

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