Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1018 The tyrant throws Yu Haoran casually

Chapter 1018 The tyrant throws Yu Haoran casually


The golden-robed Tianjiao cast their immortal spells one after another and bombarded Tang Chen!
Ye Mengrou and their nine wives.Unexpectedly, Lu Meiting actually moved Tang Chen... with the idea of ​​searching for the soul!Angrily shouted:
"Lu Meiting! You disregarded the prince's true love for you! You actually tried to harm the prince! It is a crime that cannot be punished!"

"Lu Meiting, you failed the prince! You will regret it! Hold grudges forever!"

"Lu Meiting! Our sisters should have killed you in the first place! You are so wicked! You even thought of searching for souls! Do you know how noble we are? You don't deserve to be favored by the prince!"


Ye Mengrou!
Tang Zhiyun!
Yang Kangri!
Xue Xiaolian!
While scolding Lu Meiting!

On the one hand, quickly organize forces!Fight back!

Princess Cuiyan!Princess Renshou!Crown Princess!Princess Zhenhui!Princess Shiren!It is a rapid fit!
The big black knife in Lu Meiting's arms suddenly disappeared!

Wrapped around Lu Meiting, she flew back to Tang Chen's side!
Lu Meiting's face turned pale with fright!
At this time, I realized that the dragon-slaying seal was not just relying on myself!
Still a hanging sword! !
Desperately struggling to break free, but where can I break free?
Tang Chen waved the Gongshu bodhi stick.

He was stern to Lu Meiting: "Lu Meiting! Let me tell you! I didn't kill Uncle Lu Bu! \I came out of the bronze tomb, and you and uncle disappeared! \I don't even know what happened three years ago!\Those three The year is blank for me! Everything is a misunderstanding!\You have betrayed our love!\Eliminated our couple number!\I am very sad!\Now I am not pure!\The last thing I can do for you One thing is to let go and leave you! \ Let you find pure love! \ Zhang Pusen is still alive! You go to him! \ Tulong Yin let go! Let her go!!"

Tang Chen finished speaking a long paragraph in an instant.Don't pay attention to Lu Meiting anymore!

Concentrate on dealing with the Golden Robe Tianjiao!

Tu Longyin let go of Lu Meiting!Turned into a glove instead!
Personally protect Princess Cuiyan!Princess Renshou!Crown Princess!Princess Zhenhui!Princess Shiren!

The [Hand of Creation] of the five princesses!Immediately Shenwei Exhibition!Unleash the majestic power!

The five princesses have extraordinary combat power!With fairy roots!With the blessing of dragon-slaying gloves——

But at this time, Luo Yao and Kuafu are both phantom bodies!

The main body sits in the Light Realm, and is trying to capture the Winged Immortal...

I'm so busy! !
At this moment, Kuafu couldn't care less!

After all, internal grievances are small, but harvesting cool star plane souls is big!
The phantom actually walked out of the light realm! !
boom! boom! boom!
Raising your hand is three attacks!

After hitting Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun and Yang Kangri flew out immediately!
Kuafu's focus is on Tang Chen!
call out!
A wave of immortal power attacked Tang Chen!
"My lord!"

The hand of creation wearing the dragon-slaying glove!Throw down the golden robe Tianjiao facing you!

Choo Choo Choo!
Three Ming Light Speed!
Quickly return to defense!
Boom! !boom!
At least three attacks were stopped by the hand of creation!
The dragon-slaying seal can't bear it anymore!
At least [-]% of the good fortune in the body has been destroyed!

Princess Cuiyan!Princess Renshou!Crown Princess!Princess Zhenhui!Princess Shiren!

Get affected!

Immediately lose weight!

Peng -!
Unable to fit together!

"Yuanyuan Liuliu master searches for souls! Get me the world-destroying talisman!! This plane is no longer needed!! Kill them all!!"

Luo Yao shouted angrily! !
Behind him, a golden robed genius, hastily handed over a box!
Luo Yao opened the box!

A terrifying breath swept out! !
Tang Chen was shocked when he saw this!

The talisman has not yet been activated, but it is already so terrifying!

Once it's activated, what's the deal?

My heart suddenly became clear!
Understand that this time there is no solution!

Waved the nine wives and the dragon-slaying seal into the city mansion!
Gritting your teeth, click!Broken wrist!
The soul, which was not very powerful at first, was released into the boundless sky through the blood in an instant!
[The strong man breaks his wrist]?
Luo Yao couldn't help being taken aback!
The hand unexpectedly stopped!

Kuafu was also stunned!

Lu Meiting didn't know that Tang Chen...why committed suicide at this juncture!
Tang Chen shouted with his true spirit: "Boundless will of the universe! I am calling you with my soul! Please follow the supreme rules! Pass my crisis to the one with the strongest combat power in my bloodline! I have fulfilled my unfulfilled mission, fulfilled my unfulfilled wish for me..."

Tang Chen's original intention was to summon... the one who was imprisoned in the Ancient Moon Tower—Tang Chen, the same soul and different plane!
In fact, Tang Chen's [Hero breaks his wrist] touched the mechanism of the universe.Tang Chen, the tyrant in the endless boundless, shook his body, but grinned, raised his hand to break through the space, pulled Yu Haoran's hair, and threw it over——


Peng~~!Tang Chen's body exploded instantly!Turn into a crystal clear golden dragon ball!

"It turned out to be a dragon's blood pearl!!" Kuafu and Luo Yao stared at each other!Just about to release Xianli to grab a few...

puff!puff!Poof! Poof...

A more intense fission has occurred!The Dragon Blood Pearl has become untraceable!I saw where Tang Chen was originally standing...glittering with gold!The aura is dense!Suddenly!Out of which was born a pole! !That pole grows rapidly! !As if someone deliberately propped it open inside!An increasingly majestic and endlessly terrifying aura is coming out!
Space channel! ! !

Luo Yao and Kuafu looked at each other... I don't know what kind of wild beast this is going to summon!
Kuafu spent endless years in the Godhunting Starfield, and the star thief has a keen intuition for crises!There is an intuition telling Kuafu; something is wrong!
So Kuafu hurriedly reminded Luo Yao: "Sacrifice the world-destroying talisman!! Hurry up!"

Luo Yao hastily threw the World-Extermination Talisman high into the sky.Drinking in a low voice: "Chi——"

boom! ! !
In the extreme created by Tang Chen!

Chi! ! ——

Suddenly, a force popped out!Go straight to the Extermination Talisman!The World Destruction Talisman is about to explode!Weirdly disappeared!Appeared again... It was already the Light Realm!Feel free to cross the dimensional barrier! !

Tang Chen still had residual consciousness, and he was very relieved to see this!He looked up to the sky and laughed hard! !The World Extermination Talisman flashed in the Light Realm!
Annihilated without a sound!
The golden avenue behind Luo Yao and Kuafu... then disappeared! !

"Not good! Run away!"

"Run away! Hurry up!!"

Kuafu and Luo Yao sacrificed Kaiyuan talismans one after another!
This is a transportation talisman specially refined for the purpose of transporting a large number of treasures of heaven and earth!
Extremely precious! !
Did not get the corresponding natural material and earth treasure!
The good use of the Kaiyuan talisman caused the spirit of the Light Realm to dissipate...

That will be severely punished!


At this time, in order to get through and return to the light world channel, I don't care too much!


"Chi! Chi! Chi—"

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Want to run? Stay here!"

Yu Haoran's figure suddenly grew bigger!
Fully visible! !
The big hand is brilliant!Immortal spirit surrounds!
The palm seems to have stars revolving!
Click! !
After cutting off the Kaiyuan talisman, the dimensional barrier was finally broken!
The fairy energy of the light world...

Huh!Huh!Huh! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
In an instant on the cool star, many unknown exotic flowers and plants bloomed!

Luo Yao, Kuafu, looks ashamed!

Dozens of Tianjiao led by...

Even the guardians of the gods who were showing off their might just now...

(End of this chapter)

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