Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1029 The momentum is like a broken bamboo [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen's works]

Chapter 1029 The momentum is like a broken bamboo [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen's works]


Tang Chen's spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire space of Yinquan Continent!

Unleash the divine power!


call out!
The Yinquan Empire space in the prestressed world was taken away by Tang Chen again!

Tang Chen's feet don't stop!




The Youquan Empire took the mountain and forest royal family!Xiaquan Empire took the lineage of the Gu family.Bitter Spring Empire against the ghost royal family.

The prestressed world occupied by the three major forces was thrown into Dantian Xingchen by Tang Chen!
Strong enemies keep pouring in!

Stepping across the border, shouting and besieging the Hanquan Empire army together!

Leng Mufeng had no choice but to take Leng Muwei with him and blew himself up! !
Big kill! !Killing and cursing!

"What a stinking marshal! I don't want to kill any more! I just took off my pants..."

boom! ! !
... blew up!

"Inhumanity! Inhumanity!!"

boom! ! !
... blew up!

"But such a day! I like it! It's exciting!!"

boom! ! !
Blow up!
Leng Mufeng had a great time!
He even personally passed [Explosive Judgment] to more than 1000 favorite concubines!
A mighty charge!

Crazy self-explosion! !

"Your Majesty, you are so brave! What a puddle of mud the concubine admires!"

"Ah...hehehe!" Leng Mufeng shook his head happily.

boom! ! !
He blew himself up again!

Boom boom boom! !Boom boom boom! !Boom boom boom! !Boom boom boom! !Boom boom boom! !

An extremely spectacular scene!
Leng Mu is charming and charming, beautiful and charming concubines!
Serial self-explosion...

After the resurrection, the queen was not happy!
She slapped Concubine Zhen Huan with her hands!

"Bad hoof! Don't talk about dignity! He even blew himself up before this palace!! Hmph!"

Zhen Huan was wronged and shed tears, sobbing, but she didn't dare to defend herself!

Leng Mufeng didn't take it seriously, and persuaded: "Why is the queen so angry? Destroy yourself again! Come on! Get ready to start!"

boom! !boom!boom!boom!boom!boom! !boom!boom!boom!Boom boom boom~~~
Reappear again!An extremely spectacular scene!

According to the level of status, self-destruct in order! !
They died happily one by one!Resurrected with a smile in the blink of an eye...

Ye Mengrou and the others couldn't stop laughing!
I can't even stand up laughing!

Tang Chen looked at it in illusion and shook his head!
But at this moment, Tang Chen moved all the way along the way...

Mingquan Shrine! !
Ye Kang looked serious!
"Who are you?"

boom! !

Behind Tang Chen is an endless ethereal space barrier! !
Squatting on the shoulders is Pu Lao!

Holding a Ming Dy dragon spear!

The majesty and domineering power of the emperor leaked!mighty!
The vastness behind him showed Tang Chen's majesty even more!The visitor is not good! !

Mingquan Shrine has no specific space!

It's just an upside-down cone-shaped meteorite!
Strange rocks!Ferocious and sharp!
The lower part of the meteorite is only a hundred feet in radius!

Diverge upwards and expand step by step!

Along the ring, open up a circle of caves!
This is Mingquan Shrine!
The elders of Mingquan Shrine all live on the top floor!

There is Mingquan Plaza on the top floor!The area is hundreds of millions of miles!
certainly!It's just a legend!

Actually!Less than one-fifth!

The remaining four-fifths is a mysterious stone gate!

Mingquan Shrine is the guardian of Shimen!
Guardian of the door! !
As for the other side of the door, the secret work of the Hanquan Empire did not get any information!

Since more than a year!

A large number of detailed works, the most recent, only explored the depths of Hannan Pavilion!
The four pavilions of Mingquan Shrine, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the combat power is gradually improved!

Shout out!It is the owner of Hannan Pavilion, Ye Kang!

Tang Chen didn't respond either!

call out!
Straighten out the Ming Dy dragon spear, and stab it straight!

"Stupid! Let out the whistling sound first! Hohohoho! Oooohahhhh~~~~"

Pu held onto Tang Chen tightly, and couldn't wait to yell out in person!

With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he teased, "Isn't there still you! Thank you!"

Tang Chen's words were easy, but his actions were merciless!

call out!call out!call out!
Spear flowers condensed out, all beckoning to Ye Kang's face!
Puff puff puff!

None of them failed! !
Ye Kang's big face and head instantly turned into ashes!

Da da da! !

drop on the floor!Loudly!
The density of the powder is unbelievably large!

Tang Chen was shocked! !

But I saw that the powder was like a liquid, swelling up...

Choo Choo Choo!
It got under Ye Kang's feet!

Tang Chen immediately became alert!Back quickly!

The space-time barrier behind him has already come under pressure!

Tang Chen didn't retreat but advanced!

Boom! !

It hit Ye Kang unexpectedly!
Tang Chen was shocked again! !

"It's too weird!"

Ye Kang was in a short moment!Another head was born!
Tang Chen's divine body collided!

Ye Kang's body shattered!Break into pieces!
But these pieces were wriggling and quickly approaching!
Ye Kang is reborn! !

"What the hell? Is it metal life or flesh and blood life?"

Tang Chen went crazy!
With the space-time barrier behind him, Tang Chen couldn't use it under the desperate pressure!
Restricted everywhere!The Mingdi Dragon Spear can no longer be swung!
Looking at Ye Kang again, he actually walked through the barrier of time and space!
Like a duck to water! !
Happy and free! !
"Who are you? Why did you invade the shrine?..."

Ye Kang still questioned him relentlessly!
Tang Chen has been forced to the foot of the mountain!

To know!The foot of the mountain is cramped!

The top is vast!

And the oppression of the space-time barrier is flat and vertical!

This means that it is impossible for Tang Chen to cross the Hannan Pavilion directly through the outside mountain and challenge the Skeleton Pavilion!

Is there a dead end?
Tang Chen's divine sense tried to cover Mingquan Shrine!

But found that the divine sense was blocked!
"I took over the entire prestressed world! But I couldn't take down a broken mountain!! I'm so pissed off!"

Tang Chen brandished the Dysprosium Dragon Spear and shouted!

Stirring the space-time barrier to churn!

Ye Kang can't get close either!

Tang Chen was teased with endless sarcasm: "What is the prestressed world? With my Mingquan Shrine here! Mantle civilization will never perish!!"

"You can't help but be ashamed of yourself! Hey hey hey!! Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

With the help of Pu Lao, Tang Chen's mingling dragon spear approached Ye Kang's gap!Let out a roar!
Ye Kang shook his head triumphantly!

"Sorry! Sound waves don't work on me! Ho ho ho..."

It even circled around the root of Mingquan Mountain in a fast circle! !
Tang Chen felt that the oppression of the space-time barrier was getting stronger and stronger!
I can only put away the Ming Dy Dragon Spear!

Blessed to the soul!
The corner of Tang Chen's eyes glanced at the swallowing mouth of Mingdi Dragon Spear!
Suddenly narrowed his eyes!

The probe picked up a piece of Ye Kang's "remnant body"!
Not gold and not wood!Soft with toughness!I really don't know what material it is!
【The Great Emperor Calls】!
Tang Chen runs the [Emperor's Mantra] supernatural powers and martial arts [Emperor's Summoning]!
The "Ye Kang Remnant" on the fingertips sent out mysterious waves!


Ye Kang howled in horror, but only uttered a complete syllable...

I just watched my body collapse quickly...

The dust of the body is like a moth to a flame...

It gradually took shape in Tang Chen's hands! !

Ye Kang has never been so close to Tang Chen!
Even the fine fluff on Tang Chen's lips...

(End of this chapter)

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