Shushan Wushen

Chapter 106 Tang Chen's New Team Comes Out

Chapter 106 Tang Chen's New Team Comes Out

Baihu also intentionally stimulated Qinglong, and he praised sincerely and sincerely: "Yeah, Tang Chen, you are too good. Look at my skeleton, the essence has not leaked at all, how much thought has been spent, tsk tsk, tsk tsk, You really have nothing to say to me. To make friends, you have to make friends like you."

After finishing speaking, he squinted at Qinglong and didn't speak.Just watch the fun.

Qinglong was really frustrated. His bones and essence were seriously drained. Although the fit was quite high, compared with the white tiger, it was not angry.Looking at Tang Chen sadly: "Da Qingzi has a straight temper and doesn't know how to be devious. He offended him a lot in the past. Let's see Da Qingzi's actual actions in the future, for sure..."

"From now on, you two are the Dragon and Tiger Grandmasters of the Shenlong Sect affiliated with the Jinfen Family!"

Tang Chen raised his hand and threw several dragon pills to Qinglong.Qinglong was so grateful that he almost knelt down, while Baihu was very resentful.Tang Chen shook his head with a smile, raised his hand and threw him a jar of [Pluto Soul Tea].

Baihu is very shrewd, his eyes slid past the old man, whoosh, he ran to the third step and got past...

"Be careful!" exclaimed the exiled old man.

It's too late, Baihu has a physical body now, and he can't go back.

With a bang, he fell down the steps.

"Wow! Wow!" Baihu was quite surprised, he couldn't remember how many years, he didn't have this down-to-earth feeling, and it was very refreshing to fall down.The big snow-white paws are waving the smashed bronze tea pot, which is so beautiful.

Whoosh, Tang Chen passed it over with a wink, Da Qingzi understood, made a grimace, hey, the shot was like lightning, the tea pot in Baihu's hand disappeared.

"Robbery! Robbery! Da Qingzi, do you still have the law~" Bai Hu was crying like a concubine, patting the steps with his furry big snow-white paws, almost crying.

Jiang Xueting couldn't bear it, she stretched out her hand and went to the old man, thinking...

The exiled old man pretended not to see it, swish, and turned [Pingshui Thirty Fingers] to bring back the several large pots of tea leaves that Queen Mother of the West had brought back. , it's time to rest. I won't keep you guys."

He even issued an order to evict guests.

Tang Chen rode Daqing Zi, Jiang Xueting sat on Xiaobai's head, waved goodbye to the old man, and flew into the sky.

The old man had the demeanor of an elder, and raised his hand benevolently. Suddenly, the old man realized the most important point, and shouted loudly: "Tang Chen, leave some Wangchuan river water for me!"

The most precious thing in the desert is water, or saline water.Brewing [Pluto Soul Tea] with Wangchuan River water is a perfect match.

It's a pity that Tang Chen and Jiang Xueting didn't hear it, they had already arrived at the outer sect of the Kongtong School.

It was not easy for Ban Fan to catch up, so he took out a tea leaf extravagantly and stuffed it into his mouth. Immediately, his mouth was filled with the fragrance of tea, and his body became much firmer, but the bitterness made Ban Fan tremble. Going round and round in the room...

Suddenly, "Huh?"

Several huge bronze water tanks, Qi Fan rushed over, lay down on the edge of the tank and looked, a kind old man was reflected on the water surface.

Yan Fan smiled, "This little Tang Chen didn't tell me either."

The old man in the water tank actually laughed too.

Tang Chen [Ping Shui Thirty Fingers] has a small achievement in cultivation, and more importantly, military affairs.

The so-called official position cannot be controlled by others. For Marquis Tang Chen, mission is better than cultivation.During Kongtong's trip, counterinsurgency was the most important responsibility.He will fulfill it with utmost fidelity.

Tang Chen's personal power is limited, so he must play a team role at this time, and be a loyal partner to Tang Chen.Three days later, Tang Chen's partners have basically mastered [Thirty Fingers of Pingshui·Han Deletion].

230 nine partners, as well as Chen Ye and Zhang Pusen who joined later, Tang Chen called Wu Haotian again.Formed a new Tang Chen team, named Jinfenshijia.

In this way, there are 240 people, exactly three [Falling Flower Formation].The three small formations of falling flowers happen to be the [Three Talents Formation of Luomei].

With the power of the formation, with the blessing of the [Luomei Sancai Formation], all the partners can reach the [Green Eyebrow Chasing Code] realm of the [Brown Eyebrow Dance].

The Kongtong Mountains are so huge, Wangchuan runs to death, Tang Chen can't complete such a huge painting by himself.

With the team strength of his partners, Tang Chen will be half relaxed!
Tang Chen scattered the white-browed bamboo pens, and the new team members, after being baptized by [The Milky Tiger Roaring Valley·Oath], were all awarded with a white eyebrow.This is a magic weapon.very precious.

In the end, there was not one left.Qi Yu and Gao Ziyin asked with great concern, "Tang Chen, what are you going to do?"

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows playfully, "Oh, I use my own, your realm...."

Before the words were finished, the two partners, whoosh, whoosh, each plucked their eyebrows, made a grimace, and ran away.

Tang Chen looked around, and jumped, 230 nine pairs of eyes, staring intently, unabashedly eager to try, may be hungry at any time, and painfully pluck eyebrow fingering, this is [Ping Shui Thirty Fingers] ah!

Wu Haotian was awe-inspiring and upright, and put on a posture of desperately protecting the master, shouting and reprimanding: "Everyone back, everyone back, don't hurt my master!" Turning around, he raised his hand to help Tang Chen cover his eyebrows.

Tang Chen was moved and kicked it away. "Go away! What are you thinking, I don't know! Guard yourself?"

Wu Haotian suddenly felt ashamed, and lowered his head in shame, which was tantamount to not calling himself.

Tang Chen's classmates had a sense of justice, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation, especially Shi Zhongyu, who overthrew Wu Haotian with his hands. This guy is also Emperor Wu now, and he is only a thin line away from the strong Emperor Wu.Wu Haotian is no match.

But how deep is the friendship between partners, lest Shi Zhongyu will be lost, and help the 'big beauty'....

"Howling! Whooping~~~~."

Wu Haotian's miserable scream resounded through the entire Kongtong faction. He roared loudly: "I was wrong! I admitted my mistake! I shouldn't have given Shi Zhongyu a love letter. Please! Let me go..."

A large number of followers of the Luohuang Sect gathered on the post road outside the mountain gate of the Kongtong Sect, stretching across the road, more than 1000 billion followers from various forces, unexpectedly surrounded the Kongtong Sect with water.

Tang Chen was in charge of the periphery in person, and the partner team formed the [Luomei Sancai Formation] was still short of one person, so Tang Chen brought Lin Yu here.

I wanted to use Yang Yi from Cyanwood Peak, but Tang Chen thought about it... If it wasn't for Yang Yi, he accidentally hit and grabbed Tang Chen's wrist...Tang Chen of Kongtong Jimen must have let go of his hands and feet long ago.

Yang Yi was somewhat restrained towards Tang Chen.

Lin Yu is undoubtedly the most familiar with the Kongtong Mountains.

With Lin Yu's help and planning, two mountain ranges suddenly fell on the paper.

Tang Chen took out the seal of the Generalissimo of the Kongtong Army of the Jinduo Empire, and stamped it with "Boom!"He personally approved this plan, handed it over to the Chinese military documents, and kept it for the record as the outline of the campaign.

The first team is also led by Han Xiang.

The second team, led by Chen Ye.

The third team, led by Li Yiqi.

These three teams are three [Luohua Small Formation] formed [Luohua Sancai Formation], and Lin Yu is in charge of it.

Lin Yu's team is responsible for drawing the mountains in the inner ring.

As for the wider periphery, Tang Chen is in charge of it himself!
In fact, this is, a Liantian Town magnified countless times...

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  Today is the birthday of Xiao An, the creator of the world. By the way, I would like to mention his work "Laughing Cat: The Beast God of Time and Space".Happy birthday to him.You can read it when you have time, it is very well written.


(End of this chapter)

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