Shushan Wushen

Chapter 108 The Monster Clan Doing Things

Chapter 108 The Monster Clan Doing Things

Tang Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately fainted.

Qi Yu had quick hands and eyes, and Li Yiqi, Lin Yu, and Tang Xiaoshao all made quick strides and supported Tang Chen.

There are imperial doctors in the army who act as military doctors, but Tang Xiaoshao, Lin Yu, and Tang Chen's partners can't trust outsiders.Keep a close eye on the military doctor's every move.

An invisible murderous aura permeated the entire space, the military doctor finished the diagnosis tremblingly, and prescribed a prescription, but when he turned his face away, he couldn't hold on, paralyzed, and urinating in fear.

Send Tang Chen back to recuperate.But the war here cannot be delayed.

Someone looked at Tang Xiaoshao, Qi Yu, Gao Ziyin, Jiang Xueting, and Han Xiangyi, and suggested that Tang Xiaoshao and Lin Yu should lead together.

Lin Yu looked at Tang Xiaoshao and shook his head. Tang Xiaoshao smiled, and he shook his head too.

Lin Yu said: "Since everyone is a team and our boss Tang Chen is not here, let's discuss collectively. As for the conclusion, we can simply vote with a show of hands."

Suddenly everyone's eyes lit up, Tang Xiaoshao gave Lin Yu a thumbs up, sincerely admiring him.

Lin Yu is old, and his standards of handling things are precise and in place.Approved by team mates.The resolution was passed unanimously.

In the end, they voted again, agreed to the opinion, and launched [-] [Bangxiu Ju].All the remnants of the Luohuang Sect in the mountain depression, all the scum left.

It's not cruel, it's not inhumane!It's not that the teammate is bloodthirsty and brutal.It is true that Luohuang Sect has done too much.

Those believers who were permanently banned in the painting world by Tang Chen, which one is not selfish?The so-called pursuit of teachings is false, but the pursuit of interests is true.Be it this world or other beings and stars, how can one enjoy the days of clouds of beauties and mountains of money without working hard?

Wealth can only be obtained through hard work.This kind of money is spent as you like, and no one blames it.

Relying on depriving others of their luck and plundering their wealth for their own selfishness is the cancer of the empire.

If there are more of these cancerous tumors, the empire will become ill. This time, a serious illness almost killed the empire.Life is hanging by a thread, so dangerous! How dangerous!
Tang Chen cultivated for a long time, and finally recovered his sanity.It's just that the childish smile on his face is much less.

The partners all knew that Tang Chen had a knot in his heart.He is good like that, but he is too affectionate.

For the sake of the Tang family, he can choose to practice martial arts and seek Taoism.In order for his parents to join the Kongtong School, he stayed in [Plum Blossom Zen] for seven years.In order to abuse the show, he even cruelly ravaged his own fingers...

Tang Chen is a true hero, a great hero, with a home country and a world.What he has done for the family is obvious to all.When the empire needed him, he could step forward and use his body as a hostage to save Prince Wushen, the empire's [-] troops, and Baihefeng disciples.

When the cool star in this world is being taught by the Luohuang sect, the flames of war are everywhere, and people are panicking... The young Tang Chen is in command, and it is his duty to shoulder the moral responsibility with iron shoulders, and lead the army to fight against Kongtong!
Tang Chen, a well-deserved contemporary hero!It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a model of martial arts!
Friends, formed a group to tease Tang Chen, various routines appeared one after another, Tang Chen gradually regained his vitality, although his smile was not as bright as before, it was rare and bright, quite like the vicissitudes of breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly!

Lin Yu refused the persuasion of Tang Chen and Tang Chen's team, and did not follow Tang Chen's class teacher. Tang Chen obeyed the collective opinions of his partners, wiped out the eternally banned painting scene, retracted the white eyebrow, and returned to Chaoge.

This time, Emperor Jin Dao led the crown prince Liu Batian, the Martial Prince Liu Qifeng, and all the civil and military officials in Gyeonggi, all out to welcome 30 li!
When Tang Chen left, the nobles of Chaoge all snorted.Just treat it as a joke.When he came back, he slapped them hard.

Impressed!They all knelt down in total convincing!I am grateful for Tang Chen's kindness.

Without Tang Chen, their good days are numbered on the fingers of their fingers.With Tang Chen, they can still be happy and happy for a long time, a long time, even endless years.

Sincerely convinced!

Tang Chen returned to the Imperial Academy again.Tang Chen set off in command, and after walking around, the marquis inscription flag was replaced by the duke's inscription flag.Although he is a third-class duke, he is also a rare existence in the circle of nobles.

The Tangmen of Shushan made such a great contribution to the empire that they got a hereditary first-class Duke of Tangmen.

Tang Xiaoshao has been with Tang Chen for a few short years, and he is infinitely close to Tang Yingxiong's hereditary title.It has become the legend of Tangmen in Shushan.As for Tang Chen, it has already become a legend.In the minds of the disciples of the Tang Sect, it is unattainable, like a god!
The Liantian Town of the Tang Clan has even become a holy place.Some of the direct descendants even turned to the door to find connections, just to sit down and have a meal with Tang Longwang and Mu Fengling.Discuss the unique secret method of raising Tang Chen...

Mu Fengling was so disturbed that she offered an extremely high price.

The rivers and lakes exclaimed; the sky-high price meal.

The elders of the Tang sect sent advice from Mount Shu one after another, saying that this is not good.

Unexpectedly, rare things are more expensive, which attracted more nobles to visit.Mu Fengling made a fortune.

Tang Longwang couldn't help but be astonished, and Mu Fengling herself was also shocked.

The elders of the Tang Sect did not expect it, and made a mistake in judgment, which was a bit embarrassing...

With the help of Xiaozhu Renran, Tang Chen successfully promoted to Dawu King, and after 18 years of consolidation, he was ready to become emperor.

Unexpectedly, the empire is on the rise again!
During this war, the people of the empire all knew the danger and insidiousness of the Luohuang Sect.No longer talk to Ye Mengmeng.But Ye Mengmeng, how could she be willing?She actually ran to the demon world.

The demon world feels that the friendship of the Phoenix family is very precious, and decides to form a bond and send favors to Guangfeng Tianyin and Xianhuang Xiuxiu.

Now they are recruiting soldiers, horses, food and grass in the demon world.Build a cross-domain demon nest.Yaozu wants to do something!
When the news came, Emperor Jinduo hurriedly met with Kongtong Martial God Hua Fongjia, Nether Martial God Xue Xiaolian, and Tieyu Martial God.

Tie Yu is a new Martial God, but in fact he has no title yet, and this 'Lei Yin' just shows his background.

The three gods of war are the cool star, Optimus Prime.

The thickest pillar is Xue Xiaolian, the ghost god of war.But the tallest pillar is undoubtedly the Kongtong Martial God Hua Fengjia.

"I once attacked Xiuxiu's apprentice. It's a pity that I couldn't destroy her colorful barrier. That protection does not belong to the power of martial arts, but belongs to the law of divine beasts and supernatural powers. It forms a [dimension] barrier and is immune to all law powers. My law of conferring gods It’s not easy to use. Only physical attacks with force are effective, but extreme strength is required for melee attacks. But I have never possessed extreme strength.”

The ultimate power, that is, the full opening of the dark veins, the opening of the meridians and the expansion of the meridians to the extreme.Only the top-level torment can be achieved.He Hua Fengjia, the [Kongtong Promise Fist] he practiced is not authentic, but improved!He can't!
Hua Fengjia's words are true but shocking!The Great Emperor and the Martial God fell into deep thought.

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(End of this chapter)

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