Shushan Wushen

Chapter 117 Hi~~, testimonials on the shelves【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen】

Chapter 117 Hi~~, testimonials on the shelves【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen】

It's on the shelf, trotting all the way, Dian'er, Dian'er, hey, it's now.There are naturally many feelings in my heart.If you want to say something, the most important thing is to thank you~.

Thanks to the editor-in-charge of Ink Mo Da, if it weren't for his valuable advice at the beginning, if it wasn't for his timely advice in the mid-term, this book would not have made it to where it is today..., thanks to the signing editor Yiyi.

The editor is always the author's solid backing.Zijin knows very well that every popular work of Chuangshi, in addition to the hard work of the author itself, also embodies the efforts they have put in for it.

Zijin was lucky to meet Bole.Once again, thank you ink painting and Yiyida.

Thanks to them here! (There is applause here, and it is extremely enthusiastic)

Thanks to the book friends who supported this book.For those who commented and supported, tipped, and voted for recommendations, Zijin Xingchen is very grateful.I want to list the names of some book friends here, but it's not good if I miss out.

In fact, compared to the many book friends who collect a book, what the writer can remember and list is always only a small part.The vast majority of book friends have the habit of diving (including Zijin Xingchen himself), reading books silently, silently supporting them, and perhaps only showing up to say a word or two at the most whim.

Whether it is a book friend who is actively floating on the water, or a book friend who is quietly sinking under the water, they are the cornerstone of a book's achievement.Without the support of book friends, there is no need for the existence and continuation of the work.

It has been [-] days since Zijin Xingchen came to Genesis to write. Although his grades are not bad, Zijin knows that this is inseparable from the strong support and love of book friends. (Zijin Xingchen solemnly surrenders here)
... These two months have been really tiring, but also very exciting.Full of passion to create!
While accompanying Tang Chen's growth, he created obstacles and opportunities for him.They are also teenagers. Sometimes after writing the plot of abusing him, I can't help but open the window and let the night breeze dry my tears.Then go back to the computer and silently delete that paragraph.To change the plot, let Tang Chen abuse others...

Zijin knew that this was not good, and the plot would take a big detour, which was a waste of effort.But I..., just can't help it...

Friends all said that Zijin Xingchen's heart is too soft, it's a mess.

So my book... always abuses others....

Zijin has paid attention to many writers, especially those Platinum writers who are amazingly talented.In Zijin's eyes, they are not geniuses, they are also accumulating one after another of their works, slowly simmering and tempering, the quantitative change reaches the qualitative change, and then they stand out among the many writers, and they are very popular and brilliant.

Therefore, friends who read Zijin Xingchen books, I can guarantee one thing, the quality of the books will only get better and better!As for the eunuchs, I can't say that a flower will wither before it blooms...

As a teenager, hehe, I believe that I will accompany my friends through endless years. ...

Zijin likes to write books and wants to gain recognition so that she can growl proudly when facing grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, or other relatives and friends.

I am a writer of China Literature Group!

[-]K titanium alloy master!


Zijin Xingchen implores capable book lovers to subscribe as much as possible.For monthly tickets, those who can vote for Zijin can vote more.Zijin is extremely grateful!
Still the same sentence, Zijin will accompany you through the fleeting years and bathe in the endless years of time.Create together, and embark on the road to becoming a god together!Fragrant each other ~.

Kneel down.

———Zijin Xingchen, on May 5

(End of this chapter)

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