Shushan Wushen

Chapter 120 The heart is immortal, and you can live forever

Chapter 120 The heart is immortal, and you can live forever

"Don't hurt my master!"

Suddenly, with a scolding voice, Tang Chen's clothes shook in front of his eyes.

Swish!In a blink of an eye, it was Ye Mengmeng.

She actually got into the cage of the big bird in the painting scene, staring at Tang Chen without any fear, full of anger!The shot was like lightning, he snatched Xiuxiu with his hands, and hugged her in the bad.

"Ye Mengmeng! You..." Tang Chen was very sensitive to Ye Mengmeng's voice for some reason, and unexpectedly Ye Mengmeng succeeded.Extremely annoyed!
But helpless, so embarrassing...

"Master Xiaochen, why do you have to kill everything! After so many years, can't you still not eliminate the hatred in your heart? Why are you so ungrateful! Flaws must be reported, and I, Ye Mengmeng, am blind!"

While talking, Ye Mengmeng's beautiful face was already full of tears.

Tang Chen really wanted to say, this hatred is as deep as the sea, the Tang clan built a city with more than a dozen households, no one was born, no corpse was seen when dead.

Tang Chen really wanted to say that this hatred deprived him of nine years of time, he stepped into the arena of martial arts, and he has been unable to turn back until now.

Tang Chen really wanted to say, this hatred is comparable to taking a wife, there is no such thing as a wicked Xiuxiu, you, Ye Mengmeng, have long been my concubine, living together...

Tang Chen really wanted to say it, but Tang Chen... couldn't open his mouth...

An indescribable atmosphere, a strange feeling, it's emotion——it exploded and blocked Tang Chen's mouth tightly...

Tang Chen smiled wryly, and even shook his head in pain.I don't know where to start, I don't know how to start this conversation....

"Cough, cough,...." Xiuxiu took a breath, "Hua Yujia——."

Before the words were finished, Xiuxiu's body became illusory, and then solidified again, and then illusory, it turned out to be flickering.


Suddenly, Xiuxiu's body exploded.

A majestic, creepy aura, "Boom~," was released suddenly.

In an instant, Xiuxiu turned into powder!
The powder, each particle glows, the particles are bright, the light is crystal clear, full of fairy breath, ethereal and terrifying.

Filled the entire birdcage painting environment.

A feeling of being in the fairy palace and encountering wild and ferocious beasts arises spontaneously. I can't help but tremble, but it's horrifying from the bottom of my heart!


"The heart is immortal, and you can live forever!"

I don't know where it came from. It's not from the ear, not from the bottom of my heart, not from a hallucination. I have never heard it before, but I have missed it now, and it will be heard in the future.

Xiuxiu's body suddenly solidified in the mist...

It turned out to be [Nirvana] successful....

Reshape the phoenix body!

"If it weren't for the isolation of the heavens here, there would be no reason for [Nirvana] to be reborn this time! Luckily! Luckily!"

Phew, Xianhuang Xiuxiu let out a sigh and turned into a human form.It's just that it's no longer a red robe, but a white robe.

The white robe is beautiful, and the temperament seems to be much more elegant than before. He was reborn after the calamity, and his natural state of mind has greatly improved.It pointed at Tang Chen, raised its arms high, bent its legs, and bowed profusely.

"Tang Chen, you gave me rebirth, which is comparable to reinvention! Xiuxiu wishes you to be the master. You accept the kneeling of your humble servant!"

Bang, bang, bang, it knocked its head three times sincerely.


Tang Chen kicked Xiuxiu away.

"Go away! You evil, wicked ghost! Stop playing tricks with me! Put away your tricks!"

"Tang Chen! You are going too far!"

Ye Mengmeng hurriedly supported Xiuxiu, and sharply accused her.


Tang Chen's face was cold.

Shua~, she glanced past Ye Mengmeng, and glanced at Xiuxiu.

The murderous intention leaked without concealment~.

"You! Tang Chen, I will fight with you."

Ye Mengmeng looked crazy, and rushed towards Tang Chen...

"Leave the meat, cough cough!"

Xiuxiu was kicked very hard by Tang Chen, and she couldn't slow down, so she stopped Ye Mengmeng.

Ye Mengmeng didn't dare to disobey Xiuxiu, "Boom" landed sideways, and punched Tang Chen on the shoulder, whoosh, flew back.

It's not that Tang Chen couldn't dodge, but he didn't dodge at all. This is Tang Chen's home field. It's very easy to kill the master and apprentice.


Xiuxiu suddenly deformed.From the human form, it has returned to the form of the divine beast fairy phoenix, a fairy phoenix with white feathers!

This painting scene suddenly shattered.


Xiuxiu let out the cry of a phoenix, and then transformed into a human form, kneeling down respectfully.

Tang Chen was startled, a little terrified, this was not something his Emperor Wu could compete with.

But seeing Xiuxiu being so respectful, she didn't escape?There was no attack!

Tang Chen hesitated, and his heart was full of puzzlement.

"Master, the phoenix family has always been loyal and committed. You shielded the way of heaven and let this queen, ah no! This phoenix was reborn against the sky, and the world was created and recreated with kindness. This phoenix is ​​your master for life! Please accept Xiuxiu's most humble Kneel down."

Bang, bang, bang, Xianhuang Xiuxiu kowtowed vigorously, her forehead was split open, and immortal blood gushed out...


Ye Mengmeng's teary eyes were tearful, she couldn't bear it, her eyes were full of red threads, and she shot at Tang Chen viciously.

"Master! Please accept!"

Xiuxiu raised her catkin, wiped away the blood stains with her jade fingers, released her mind, and the phoenix blood turned into countless ancient runes, which were exactly the drafted [War Beast Contract·Eternal Loyalty].

Tang Chen's face suddenly changed, his eyes lit up, he didn't expect Xiuxiu to be for real.unexpected!

He communicated with the Queen Mother of the West and the Chihulong, and even called the little pig softly.

After confirming again and again, with suspicion, Tang Chen integrated these few drops of Phoenix blood into his own blood.

Suddenly, a mysterious connection was born in my mind.Oath made!

What was even more shocking was Xianhuang Xiuxiu, who scanned Tang Chen's dantian and found Little Phoenix in surprise.

Xiuxiu has already started the second episode of the life of the Phoenix Clan in [Nirvana]. Everything is brand new.The so-called past is just a memory that is not good, or even unbearable to look back on.

Who will be able to [Nirvana] in a good way?

Xiuxiu feels guilty towards Little Phoenix!
In the last episode of Xiuxiu's life, she never met this child.Now in the dantian of the master Tang Chen, he found the little phoenix.

Not only that, Little Phoenix was not refined by Tang Chen!

Why not make it ecstatic!It is not an exaggeration to cry with joy!
Tang Chen was just the opposite. He checked Xiuxiu's memory and discovered a shocking secret...

The fact that Xiuxiu stole Tang Chen's luck was revealed to Fanfeng Tianyin by Kongtong Martial God Hua Fongjia!

"It turns out that the truth is actually like this!"

Tang Chen couldn't help being angry.Hua Fenjia, as a god of war, would undoubtedly be extremely detrimental to her status if she did so.Needless to say, he, Hua Fengjia, is still the head of the Kongtong Sect.

Tang Chen felt that he had to think of a way to cheat her once.And I have to cheat Hua Yuga once!furiously!Let him know that as a human race, as the head of the Kongtong faction, as a warrior god, you will have to pay a price for doing this!
"Tang Chen, we meet again."

Tang Chen looked up and saw that it was Liu Batian, Prince Wenhua.

Liu Batian was followed by Miao Shaotian and Miao Fei, walking slowly, with a calm and elegant gait.

It seems that they have received quite high courtesy on Tianyin Star.The texture of the robe on his body is quite extraordinary.

Tang Chen's eyes lit up immediately, and he smiled sinisterly.

"Your Excellency, Prince Wen Hua, how is the Martial God Hua Fengjia? I miss you so much after seeing him off for a few days. I wonder if he could please come out and see him."

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(End of this chapter)

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