Shushan Wushen

Chapter 127 Falling Whisk

Chapter 127 Falling Whisk

"Chihulong, your third younger brother Ao Bing was given to..., alas!..."

Tang Chen didn't know how to explain it to Chi Hulong.

Chi Hulong is faint, but infinitely lonely: "He should be the fourth child. But he insists that I am not a dragon... Don't disturb me, master, I want to be quiet."

Tang Chen shook his head, he could feel the entanglement of Chihulong.

For it, family affection is beyond reach.too far away.

Tang Chen returned to the cave, and began to seriously take the horse stance and stance horse stance. This is the gravity and endurance training of the muscles of the whole body, and the basic skills of martial arts. Therefore, there are sayings "to practice martial arts, stand on the stance first", "to be able to fight, first to stance the horse" statement.Learn to be old, practice to be old, don't let it go to waste.

At this time, Tang Chen realized that the [Plum Blossom Zen] in Kongtong that day was actually the Nine Palaces Plum Blossom Pile in the God Realm.Obviously, the concept of martial arts in the God Realm is much stronger than that of Cool Star.

But Tang Chen discovered that although the concept of martial arts is strong, Tang Chen's classmates don't seem to be very enthusiastic about this kind of ancient martial arts cultivation, and they all sneered at it.On the contrary, he is quite fond of supernatural powers.

Tang Chen was extremely puzzled, but he was relieved after thinking about it. After all, ancient martial arts cultivation requires perseverance and perseverance.This point is far inferior to supernatural powers and spells, which come elegantly, are easy to learn, and can be used as one likes.

But Tang Chen believes that supernatural powers, spells and martial arts are actually in the same line.They are all extremely consuming of true energy, or vitality.Really used in actual combat, life and death moments.Still not very reliable.Still step by step, step by step....


Tang Chen was immersed in his cultivation, and another day passed before he knew it.If it wasn't for the reminder from his stomach, he would have persisted for a long time.

So, Tang Chen regained his posture, relieved his stiff muscles, and jumped off the plum blossom pile.

Tang Chen originally wanted to go to the cave to have a bowl of hot soup, or dragon meat..., another thought came up, so he gave up.Food is hard to come by, after all, there are more than 200 people.What's more, War Beast also needs to provide some now.

The food is solid, not abundant.

Nostrils fluttered, Tang Chen smelled the aroma of the nearby temple again.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he clenched his fists, his muscles roared, and his bones made continuous crisp sounds.

"Try it, it's not a bad idea."

Making up his mind, Tang Chen took out a human skin mask to cover this magnificent face.

Whoosh, whoosh, trotted along the base of the wall, and when he reached the corner, there was no one around. The wind power of the wind bug Lei Yin Buddha Fu on his body was suddenly released, and Tang Chen soared into the air and crossed the high wall.

Do bad things, don't go through the front door.Going through the back door is a must.

The Tushita palace has doors on all sides, and it is still of normal specifications.If Tang Chen hadn't stepped on it a few times, he would have been dizzy.

Taoism pays attention to opening the door of convenience and accepting all directions, but it adds a lot of difficulty to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen had no choice but to find a corner, whoosh, whoosh, floated up lightly, and slowly landed in the Tushita Palace.

Tang Chen's nose fluttered, and he carefully touched the place with a strong fragrance.

"...It's so pitiful. How old is he? He was born less than three years ago. The dragon clan also committed crimes. Nezha pays for his life for a useless dragon. It's not worth it..."


"It's a pity, tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, Nezha will be serving his sentence at the Zhushentai. Could it be that a monster-like genius is no match for a useless dragon..."


"Nezha? God-killing platform? Paying for the life of a waste firewood dragon?... Hiss!"

Tang Chen was suddenly shocked.Little Nezha appeared in his mind, chubby and cute.

"Not good! Little Nezha is jacking the vat for me."

Tang Chen was shocked. He didn't expect that Nezha, who had only met him once, never revealed him in the face of life and death. Undoubtedly, such a friend is good enough to make!
"Hacking the court?"

This idea suddenly came to mind, Tang Chen immediately denied it.So…….

Suddenly Tang Chen was dumbfounded.This is not a cool star, no connections at all.

It can be said that every day should not be called the earth is not working, and his eyes are darkened.

Looking for Yang Jian?
Tang Chen made a decisive decision and denied it.It's not bad that Yang Jian helped to manage the status and godhead.It was Wu Gang who Liuyin Xiaoshan found to be able to enroll in Tianji Academy.

It can be seen from this that Yang Jian is not that kind of bad guy, he has standards in his conduct.Taking advantage of the trend, I just raised my hand to do it, and made a special trip, which is a bit unreliable.

Tang Chen thought about it, and there was only the Tribulation Field, which was pretty reliable.

"Okay! Then rob the court."

After making up his mind, Tang Chen's body flew into the air, and swish, he floated out of the Tushita Palace. He needed to plan in detail.Compared with Nezha's life, eating is not so important.

What Tang Chen didn't realize was that right at the place where he was sneaking around and poking his head, there was an old Taoist behind him, wearing a gorgeous and exquisite Taoist robe, looking at this 'little thief' with a smile.

Tang Chen left suddenly... This made Taishang Laojun couldn't help being astonished, looking at the direction Tang Chen was leaving, muttering to himself.

"Isn't he a thief who stole pills? Is he pregnant with wind worms, could it be..., stealing pill recipes?"

The Taishang Laojun was in a mess, "Bada" inadvertently, the precious whisk in his hand dropped to the ground...

Tang Chen left Tushita Palace and ran straight to 【Zhushentai】.

Tang Chen wants to step on the spot.

He tried to make use of his strengths, build a fake [Zhushen Terrace], steal the beams and replace the pillars, and then draw a Nezha, use a phoenix feather to enhance his eyebrows, replace Nezha, and send him to the cave....

Arriving at [Zhushen Terrace], Tang Chen was dumbfounded, because the execution was going to be executed tomorrow, and martial law was enforced here.

"Walk, walk, stay away, I want to watch the excitement, tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, walk, talk about your, that eyebrow..."

The Heavenly Soldiers on duty yelled loudly, reprimanded them repeatedly, and drove away the gods and men who were close to Zhushentai. Tang Chen got a little too close, and was actually called by name.But this also reminded Tang Chen.

He is deciding to use the eyebrows of the white eyebrow city lord tomorrow.My eyebrows are very special.Easy to reveal stuffing ~.

The knowledge taught by Tianji Academy is quite complicated, such as astronomy and geography, divination, astrology, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Tang Chen muttered anxiously, trying to find out the secret books of calligraphy and painting.These are the internal versions of Tianji Academy, which are forbidden to spread outside.

In the past, the paintings that Tang Chen learned in Kuxuan Xing were all the techniques of the first level of [Green Eyebrows by Size] in [Brown Eyebrow Dance]. This technique was introduced in the textbook of Tianji Academy, called fine brushwork.

Flowers and birds, freehand brushwork, splashing ink, three major aspects, five major tones and seven major relationships... Tang Chen tossed and stayed up all night.

The execution took place at three quarters of the noon, and before noon approached, the Zhushentai was already crowded with people.


Very free.

Zhushentai has not been activated for a long time.

Nezha has not yet been sent to the execution ground.There was a lot of noise and discussions around.

"Look, Li Jing is still thinking about chatting with the Dragon God..." An observer helped Li Jing to worry.

"...Look, Li Jing is still smiling, how big is his heart..."

"...Is Nezha his own son?...I'll cut it off~"

"The thoughts of the gods are unfathomable. It is not something we little gods can understand..."

There are different opinions.

A trace of suspicion flashed across Tang Chen's face.

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(End of this chapter)

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