Shushan Wushen

Chapter 199 King of the Golden Winged Roc

Chapter 199 King of the Golden Winged Roc

Tang Chen's movements were extremely fast and ethereal, he passed through the vast and boundless playground, and went straight to the Cave of the Barefoot Immortal.

On the playground, there was a stream of people, and gods from all walks of life stretched their necks, looking at the mirror image of the inscription pattern with relish.Some cultivation bases were extremely high, and they saw Tang Chen clearly in a hurry.

Tang Chen took a quick glance and saw the content of the mirrored image, and couldn't help but chuckle from the corner of his mouth.

Phew~, Tang Chen purposely went around in the inscription screening area, wanting to see which team member was there.His eyes swept over, and suspicion appeared on his face. They were a group of strange faces.The human body is a bird with wings on its back.

Not a single member of Tang Chen's team was seen.

Tang Chen suddenly became suspicious.Pausing for a while, swishing, drifting to the depths of Tianji Academy.

The Golden Winged Roc King, he recognized Tang Chen.Bird shook his head in disbelief.Thoughtful, a stern light shot out from his eyes.It turned into a golden light and rushed towards Tang Chen.

Seeing this, Tang Chen stopped in his tracks.Converging the golden kidney wings, he took a step across and squinted at the golden-winged roc king.

"You are Tang Chen?"

The Golden Winged Roc King asked, seeing Tang Chen nodding, his face showed eagerness: "Do it with me! There are not many new mirror images of inscription patterns!"

Tang Chen was taken aback, feeling something was wrong, it was obvious that something was wrong with the 'Mirror Mirror Project'.said tentatively.

"Shi Zhongyu and the others are in charge of making the mirror image of the inscription pattern. Why do you want me?"

"Haha, your partners thought you were dead, so they sold your property. It shouldn't be difficult to attract them back with your appeal!"

There was no flaw in these words, but Tang Chen heard something strange.He asked faintly: "You took my inscription pattern mirror industry, you moved very fast!"

Dapeng Garuda wanted to recruit him, and didn't care about Tang Chen's bad tone.Instead, he patiently explained: "This seat was also taken from Zhang Tianshi. How they snatched Longhushan from the God of Wealth has nothing to do with me."

"God of Wealth?" Tang Chen blurted out, stroking his eyebrows and asking.

Dapeng Garuda said: "The God of Wealth was also taken from others. In the past ten days when the news of your death was heard, there have been at least 20 waves of success. Three days ago, there was a big battle here. The Bone Clan fought A group of disciples of Tianshi Zhang in Longhu Mountain. Fortunately, I came forward, otherwise the situation would be difficult to deal with!"

Tang Chen understood, this big black bird is not a good thing either.When the snipe and the clam compete with each other, he is the fisherman who benefits.No wonder he looks so calm.

Tang Chen sneered: "Big Black Bird, you are so resourceful! If the Bone Clan didn't have your backing, would you dare challenge Master Zhang of Longhushan?"

Dapeng Garuda sneered: "Master Zhang is also a stingy man. The dragon and tiger golden elixir is raw meat, but he refuses to discount it when he sells it to the bone clan. There is a lot of hatred between each other."

Tang Chen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "You took away my inscription pattern mirror image property, and all of you are enmity with me, aren't you afraid of my revenge?"

Dapeng Garuda saw that his words were not speculative, turned around and was about to leave, leaving a harsh sentence: "Then let my nephew Tathagata find you in person!"

With a flick of Tang Chen's finger, the space in front of his eyes curled up like a scroll.Create a decision!Before the sternness in Dapeng Garuda's eyes was released, it froze on the scroll.

Tang Chen's eyes flicked over the group of gods who projected the mirror images of the inscription patterns, but he didn't see the figures of Tang Chen's team members, so he turned and left quickly.

The servant of the Barefoot Immortal is tending the flowers and plants in the garden outside the cave.Tang Chen didn't even say hello, hey~, he went straight into the cave.

"Tang Chen? You, you, you—"


In the half-moon, the Barefoot Immortal lost a lot of weight, her skin was dull, and sores formed at the corners of her mouth.Clearly traumatized.

Tang Chen hurriedly asked: "Master, what happened? I feel that the atmosphere on the playground is so weird? None of my partners have seen it."

The Barefoot Immortal smiled wryly: "You are my own child. I used to have my face. Although some people are jealous of your inscription mirror business, you dare not make trouble. But your godhead is shattered, and you seem to have fallen. You My team is just equivalent to my uncle's disciples. They are not relatives! They will not give me face."

"They? Who are they? Who are they?" Tang Chen asked.

The Barefoot Immortal told Tang Chen, since you left, I feel haggard.I don't want to pay attention to other things, I only know that your inscription mirror image has been exposed several times, and every time it is a powerful and powerful person who stands on the platform in person.Now the one who controls the mirror image of the inscription pattern is the uncle of the Buddha of the Western Paradise, the Golden Winged Roc King! "

"Is it him?"

Tang Chen unfolded the scroll in his hand, the barefoot fairy glanced at it, and then looked at Tang Chen.Meaningful.

"It turns out that you are ready! After all, how can I help you as a teacher?"

Tang Chen pursed his lips, thought for a moment, and said, "First of all, I want to bring back my partners. The team members don't know——."

The Barefoot Immortal interrupted Tang Chen, and said, "Your team is empty. Four days ago, the Queen Mother of the West came, claiming to be your contract beast. Find me. I took it to the Shushan Medicine Store, but unexpectedly, the Dushita Palace The old Taishang Laojun has sealed off your Shushan medicine shop. So I found that old Taoist. He saw me come forward, and then reconciled. Tang Xiaoshao managed all the way, and took the money you earned. There is nothing left to spend .”

"If the money is gone, you can make it again. If you have a partner, you don't have to worry about it!"

Tang Chen didn't take it seriously, but the Barefoot Immortal shook his head unexpectedly.

"I heard that you are in Dongtu, and your partners Han Xiangyi, Zhang Pusen, and Shi Zhongyu have all gone to the underworld to find you. What's more troublesome is that the Queen Mother of the West was spotted by the Jade Emperor, and she was named 'General Rolling Curtain' and stayed in the The Jade Emperor's bedroom..."

"What? Why is the Jade Emperor so perverted?"

Tang Chen was very angry.

The barefoot fairy said again: "Not only that, I don't know who contributed the slander, Chang'e was also taken to the Moon Palace by the Jade Emperor. I heard that the original Moon Palace fairy was beaten back to her body and turned into a jade rabbit."

"What about the little pig? It must not be crazy!"

Tang Chen asked worriedly.

The Barefoot Immortal lowered his voice, "The Jade Emperor resorted to tricks and put a restraint on Xiaozhu's soul. Renran will never remember Chang'e again. The Jade Emperor also fought hard for Chang'e, and named Xiaozhu Renran as the canopy marshal. Pig body, bestow human body, control Tianhe!  …”

Tang Chen had a long secret conversation with the Barefoot Immortal.His face became more and more serious.

Unexpectedly, the Jade Emperor God Realm has undergone subversive changes in just a few days.Feeling a bit overwhelmed, unable to start.

"The Liuyin Xiaoshan you befriended is good. She sheltered the 120 girls in your partner. She brought the 'Qiyao Moyi Tianwu Palace'. Otherwise, it is a doomed end to become a servant of the gods!"

Tang Chen saw the Barefoot Immortal's look of embarrassment, and was very helpless. He took great effort to lift him up, but at the critical moment...

(End of this chapter)

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