Shushan Wushen

Chapter 204 Kick the girl's heart open with one kick

Chapter 204 Kick the girl's heart open with one kick

The inscription pattern mirror image of Tianji Academy is far less addictive than the little mirror image of Zhushentai Erotic Palace.The desire that reaches the depths of the soul is very infectious after reading it once.

Tianji Academy, when the night comes, the grand occasion is already gone!No one is there.

Now, the Golden Winged Roc King who is in charge of the small mirror with the inscription pattern of Tianji Academy has disappeared strangely.

The Tathagata of Lingshan Mountain in the West Heaven realized that something was wrong, so he came to Tianji Academy in person.

The Buddha is looking for his uncle!
This is a major event, which has attracted the attention of all high-level officials, including Dean Taibai Jinxing.How could the teaching director, the Barefoot Daxian, be absent?Came to Barefoot Daxian Cave in a hurry and notified dozens of times.

The servant saw that this matter was no small matter. As the leader of Buddhism, the Tathagata was in a certain sense equal to the Jade Emperor, so he hurriedly opened the cave and came out to look for the barefoot immortal.

"Tang Chen, why don't you accompany me to my hometown right now."

The Barefoot Immortal encouraged Tang Chen to run away, and he felt that Tang Chen should be very suspicious of this matter.This guy was ruthless, and the Golden Winged Roc King was probably killed by Tang Chen.

Tang Chen shook his head and flatly refused.

"Golden Winged Roc King is not dead, even if I investigate the underworld, it has nothing to do with me. It's nothing to be afraid of. You can go to Taibai Jinxing to attend the ceremony. I'm going back to the cave to study my homework. The mid-term exam is approaching. It's okay to fail." it is good."

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen swaggered away.

The Barefoot Immortal stared at Tang Chen's back with great interest, liking Tang Chen's domineering personality more and more.I feel that this apprentice is worth it.

Tang Chen and the Queen Mother of the West returned to the cave, and carefully looked at the training materials.

Although Tang Chen is currently at the tenth stage of the Martial God, he is still an outstanding existence in the Jade Emperor God Realm.

However, in the past few days of absenteeism, some courses have been missed, and it is still very difficult to learn.

There is no end to learning in martial arts practice, especially this obscure theory, which must be thoroughly understood.Otherwise, it will be too late to regret when things happen, and you will miss the great opportunity and great luck inadvertently.

After watching for a while and pondering for a while, Tang Chen simply went straight to Wang Baochuan.

Wang Baochuan is a top student with a great reputation.She is also a school belle, very famous in Tianji Academy.She used to be Tang Chen's 'Tuo'.Tang Chen's alumni and friend.

Seeing Tang Chen, Wang Baochuan's eyes showed a trace of sadness, and he ridiculed him angrily.

"Hero Tang, don't come here unharmed. If you disagree with him, you will perish. After returning, you can think of your old friend. It's very rare."

Tang Chen was startled, and then realized that Wang Baochuan was a taste, as a beautiful school belle.Being squeezed out by girls, boys have ulterior motives, which is normal, Wang Baochuan is unwilling to show mercy, so naturally he doesn't engage in ambiguity, he is cautious in dealing with things, and he doesn't have many friends.

Tang Chen accidentally hurt his friend's heart.

However, Tang Chen's face has become much thicker after going through a life-and-death accident.Calm and composed, calmly flirting with girls.Said seriously.

"At first I didn't want to come back, but I got a bouquet of flowers. Although the viburnum is beautiful, I am very proud. I have to find a beautiful woman to be ashamed of it, otherwise I really think that this broken flower is the most beautiful flower in the world." Where is the land? Give it!"

Tang Chen used the textbook in his hand to cover the dantian in his lower abdomen, and a thought came to the Yangzhou plane, grabbed a large bunch of fresh and tender viburnum, and pulled it out of the dantian.

In an instant, the fragrance of flowers overflowed.Crystal clear.The petals bloom with holy light.Dazzling.

"Ah! So beautiful!"

Wang Baochuan cried out in surprise.

Almost whispering: "I have never seen such a beautiful and amazing flower."

She immersed a fair and delicate handsome face deeply into the bouquet, feeling the rich fragrance of viburnum very deeply.

There was a well-known proverb in the oceans of latitude.

The so-called flirtatious girl has no posture, and it cannot be unlocked by one viburnum flower. If it is still a little difficult to unlock, then...two flowers!
Tang Chen is also a local tyrant, it turned out to be a large cluster, at least hundreds of flowers.Wang Baochuan was still able to force himself to be calm, which was already extremely against the sky.

However, those slightly trembling jade legs, small jade-like hands, unstoppable trembling, and the inadvertently fragrant sweat from the temples all deeply betrayed Wang Baochuan's inner shock.

Qionghua's offensive was fierce and fierce, as if a thunderbolt across the stars of the universe and across the eternal river split her girl's heart.The small broken chaimen is broken like powder, so the door is opened, and the heart is bright, soft and throbbing.

A girl's heart needs to be cared for.A wave of anticipation that had never been felt before surged into Wang Baochuan's heart.

Wang Baochuan is blooming like petals, waiting to be picked...

An orchid-like deer-like breath, like a shy and obedient deer, quietly listening to Tang Chen's breath.

However, after a long time, Tang Chen didn't take advantage of the situation to confess his love!

Wang Baochuan was ashamed and annoyed. He pursed his pink lips, and with his narrow peach eyes, he looked at Tang Chen with doubts, encouragement, and more expectations.

Tang Chen had no distracting thoughts in his heart. It was pure friendship. He raised the textbook in his hand and asked for advice seriously.

"Baby, I don't quite understand this sentence. It is said that the eyes are the portal of the heart. As far as martial arts practice [star body] is concerned, the pupil in the eye should go straight to the liver. Why is it called the portal of the heart? Could it be that the heart and the liver Compatible..."


Wang Baochuan almost vomited blood to death, but he didn't expect that this guy took such a precious bouquet of flowers and kicked the girl's heart away, it turned out to be a problem?This undoubtedly hurt Wang Baochuan's self-esteem.She sighed faintly.Shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Tang Chen, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are one body. Your question makes me tremble. My baby's heart is tight."

Tang Chen was all thinking about making up for the missed homework, frowning and thinking, not realizing that there was something in Wang Baochuan's words.

Wang Baochuan stared and waited for a few breaths. Seeing that Tang Chen didn't read aloud, he couldn't help but feel a little bit apprehensive.Thinking about it again, there was love between the two of them, and I felt a little lost.Down-hearted.

She raised her eyes, restrained her surging heart, and said bluntly, "Tang Chen, I'm leaving. I will help you to succeed in cultivation."

Tang Chen, however, still insisted on me, and waved his hand, "Don't! Don't push me, I've hit a bottleneck, it really is like this. I'll be here with you for a while, and it will be fine in a while."

Tang Chen is now in a star body. While learning martial arts theory, he can also combine himself to further dig out the treasures in his body.Integrate and connect, use the treasure body as a treasure medicine, or use fine gold and silver to temper a magic weapon.This is what you learn!

Although Wang Baochuan's martial arts theory is solid, his actual cultivation level is not as good as that of horses. Naturally, he doesn't know how advanced Tang Chen's cultivation base is now!
Wang Baochuan rolled his eyes, and the girl's sensitive thoughts came to his mind again. He quietly exited his cave, went to the cafeteria of Tianji Academy, ordered a few dishes, and bought a jug of wine.

After hesitating for a while, I actually bought two Shushan blue pills.

"puff puff"

Throw it into the jug, shake it, and see it melt away.She blushed slightly and returned to the cave.

Tang Chen was still comprehending the obscure martial arts theories, but seeing how Feng Yuliu's eyebrows were stretched, he had clearly understood being played.

Wang Baochuan gently filled the table with food and wine.Resting his fragrant cheeks in his hand, he stared at the magnificent Tang Chen, a string of crystals flowed from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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