Shushan Wushen

Chapter 213 The Transformation of the Xuanwu Gate

Chapter 213 The Transformation of the Xuanwu Gate

The Eighteenth Routes of Siping Mountain held an anti-king alliance, and Li Yuanba finally became famous all over the world.Later generations said that the first hero of the Sui Dynasty!
After Siping Mountain, Li Yuan's power outshone others, and he quickly took control of the situation in the East.Sweep away the opposition forces and establish the Great Tang Dynasty.

With the development of the current situation in Dongtu, everything is under Tang Chen's control.

Li Yuan had been the emperor for a few days, and he felt that he was old and his physical body was quite unsatisfactory. He occasionally mentioned it to Tang Chen, and Tang Chen smiled.

"Cousin, how about I take you to the underworld for a few days? If you have a suitable physical body, you will be reincarnated."

Li Yuan was waiting for these words, and immediately called Li Jiancheng to tell him where he was going.

Li Jiancheng knew that Tang Chen was a 'god'.He is the head of the Martial God of Dongtu Tangchen's team.He was also shrewd, resolutely rejected Li Yuan's Zen position, and vowed to follow Tang Chen.

Tang Chen shook his head and smiled, and told him: "Jiancheng, everyone has a mission for everyone, and they are born to shoulder it. Especially you, as the eldest son of the direct line, was originally the son of Tang Guogong, and now is the prince of the Tang Empire, helping the world and calming the people, It is destiny!"

Li Yuanji was extremely quick-witted, and took advantage of the situation to say to Tang Chen: "Cousin, helping the world and keeping the people safe, what is the fate of the eldest brother? That is the fate of the second brother. The second brother Li Shimin, his name has already stated that the father and the emperor treat him well." The expectation of a lifetime. This is the mission of the second brother!"

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, taking advantage of Li Shimin's absence, lobbied together.Tang Chen resolutely refused.

However, how could Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji be reconciled?Together, these two brothers came up with a plan.

Li Shimin, now the King of Qin of the Tang Empire, controls the soldiers and horses of the East and the world. He is far less leisurely than Prince Li Jiancheng and King Qi Li Yuanji.The paperwork is exhausting, and I have to lead troops out from time to time.

The duties he performed were the same as Liu Qifeng of the Jinduo Empire. Where there was danger, it was almost resolved. Qi Wang Li Yuanji went to check and accept, and he passed the acceptance.

This is the royal routine, whoever governs an empire is the same.There are black faces, white faces, and red faces.indispensable.Otherwise, there will be mistakes, no room for mediation, embarrassment for the royal family, and it will not be perfect.

The night is dense, the ink is flowing, the inkstone is covered, and there is a small moon, which is extremely bright and clean, which is of no help. Undoubtedly, this is an extremely quiet night. Sigh~, an arrow with carved feathers shoots high in the air, and the bowstring keeps "buzzing" and "buzzing" "Ring.

Li Shimin was startled, then shocked.The window lattice was shot through a big hole.When he turned his head, his cheek bumped against the eagle feather at the end of the arrow.


Soft feathers are far more frightening than hard gold and iron.

Li Shimin led the army to fight, went through life and death, possessed a detached spirit, quickly restrained his mind, and stretched out his hand to pull out the eagle feathers and arrows.

A white silk was wrapped around the body of the arrow, Li Shimin untied it, and unfolded it: "King Qin embraces his own strength, and will be punished by the Xuanwu Gate tomorrow!"


Li Shimin felt incredible.Because he has no ambition to be emperor at all.

If possible, he didn't even want to be the prince.Every time he went to pay his respects to his grandparents, and saw that their faces remained unchanged and their bodies were as healthy as before, he had already had the idea of ​​following his cousin Tang Chen.

It's just that the Great Tang Empire is waiting to be rebuilt.Now let go of the pick and quit, for fear that Li Yuan will beat him up.

Li Shimin frowned, very distressed.At this time, the door of the study opened, and Li Shimin's elder brother, Sun Wuji, walked in.

Changsun Wuji had already been dealt with by Li Jiancheng, and when Li Shimin was still in shock and his mind was in confusion, he was instilled with routines, shaking out the reasons carefully arranged by Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji.

Li Shimin hesitated, and expressed his willingness to resign and follow Tang Chen.Resolutely refused.

Unexpectedly, Changsun Wuji became angry immediately, pointed at Li Shimin's nose, and yelled: "My sister is blind and looking for such a useless person like you. Do you want to practice ancient martial arts and focus on conferring gods?"

Saliva splashed everywhere, and even raised his foot and kicked his brother-in-law Li Shimin down.

Li Shimin is not afraid of internal affairs, but loyal to love.He has true love for Changsun Wuji's sister.Photographed by Changsun Wuji's lustful power, he was forced to agree.

At this time, the fifth watch of the day is over, and hundreds of officials go to court.

Li Shimin hurriedly washed his face, changed his clothes, grabbed Jiaoquan'er and soybean juice, and ate them as he walked.Behind him, the eldest grandson Wuji looked unhappy, and at the entrance of Prince Qin's mansion, he opened his mouth angrily to drink up the bean juice, "Bang!" and threw away the fine porcelain cup.


Li Shimin, the king of Qin, felt that something was wrong. Looking at Luanjia behind him, there were hundreds more archers.Just as he was about to ask, Changsun Wuji interrupted on purpose, pushed Li Shimin, and asked, "My sister's burnt rings don't taste right! They're not crispy. Is there something wrong with the soybean oil in your Qin Palace?"

Li Shimin stayed up all night, and was stunned by what Changsun Wuji said.Instinctively introduced the source of soybean oil in Prince Qin's Mansion, and maintained his daughter-in-law's craftsmanship.

After a few words, we arrived at Xuanwu Gate.

A shocking scene appeared, Changsun Wuji suddenly shouted: "Follow the King Qin's order, strike first!"

Li Shimin hadn't reacted yet.

Qin Wangluan drove behind, swish, swish, swish!Arrows rained all over the sky, dripping and drifting, like locusts crossing the border...

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji had long been hiding in the Xuanwu Gate.Hearing this, he was overjoyed, held his head high, jumped out, and bathed in the rain of arrows.Neither of them wanted this physical body anymore, so they asked their cousin Tang Chen to replace it with a new one!
Puff puff!
The team of archers in Prince Qin's Mansion is equipped with the hard bows in the army and the city-breaking arrows.Immediately, flesh and blood flew everywhere, turning into a puddle of mud.

What Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wuji couldn't see was that Fan Wujiu rushed over and took out the chain. Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji carefully told Fan Wujiu that Tang Chen was their cousin.

Fan Wujiu's Yecha's indifferent and arrogant face was swept away at first, and he bent down with a humble face and a pleasant smile.Trembling and taking care.He made a ghost sedan chair and pressed the sedan chair himself, not only that, but the ghost soldiers who carried the sedan chair were all elated, as if this was a great honor.

"Damn it! Cousin Yang Guang is so awesome, no wonder he even gave us the Sui Dynasty!" The two brothers were shocked, overjoyed, and couldn't help snickering.I feel that the hug of this thigh is too worthwhile.This is the legendary immortality.

Therefore, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji poked their heads out of embarrassment and looked back with infinite guilt.At this moment, Li Shimin was crying like crazy: "Brother, third brother..."


Immediately wept.

Changsun Wuji waved his hand indifferently, several Qin Wang's personal guards went over, carried Li Shimin into the palace, and called the imperial doctor.

Li Yuan was furious when he heard the news, and he slapped his legs and stomped his feet: "These two souls are so disobedient. They slipped away under the banner of his cousin. I, Li Yuan, have no way to teach my son! Ah Cheng, you say that I am a bad person!" Isn't it a failure?"

(End of this chapter)

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