Shushan Wushen

Chapter 228 Falling one after another

Chapter 228 Falling one after another

Tang Chen was inexplicably pleasantly surprised, and took out a brand new Godhead card.With all my strength, bang~, the Godhead card was radiant and shattered.Only at that moment of lightning and flint, Tang Chen could clearly see the value above.One hundred and eight thousand ranks of Valkyrie!

"Hey! I actually have the ability to fight the Jade Emperor head-on!"

Tang Chen was overjoyed!The brain speed of Valkyrie is also amazing.Facing the congratulations of Liuyin Xiaoshan and Chihulong, Tang Chen's face was dignified, and his evil spirit rose.Staring at the group of light and fog from afar.

The godhead card is a thing of the Jade Emperor God Realm, called detection, but in fact it is to monitor the martial god's cultivation.Tang Chen knew what a stupid mistake he had made the moment he smashed the Godhead card!


The light and mist of the Godhead card unfolded flexibly, and the figure was graceful.

Tang Chen waved Sun Wukong's body and the peach garden in the Five Elements Mountain into a frame.

A majestic coercion came from across the domain, surrounded by light and mist, and then collapsed. The Jade Emperor suddenly appeared with Xiuxiu in his arms!
"Tang Chen!" The Jade Emperor suddenly changed color.

"Hundan! It's Tang Chen! Damn it!" Xiuxiu looked terrified.

Tang Chen was extremely calm, staring at the Jade Emperor from a distance, stretched out a finger, and pressed it harder.

"You, a heretic from outside this world, harms the creatures in this world. If you come, stay!"

When the words come, the attack of Ping Shui Thirty Fingers also arrives!
The Jade Emperor raised his palm and shook it in the air, "Boom!" Pointing to the wind, he punched out!
Ping Shui Thirty Fingers are so fierce, "Poof!" The wind pierced through the back of the Jade Emperor's hand, and the remaining power is still there, "Boom!" It's like a sledgehammer hitting the chest.

"Wow! Puff puff ~" Jade Emperor hugged Xiuxiu, flew upside down, coughing up blood.Crashing into the ocean of latitude, countless fragments of planes.The big stars shattered and turned into dust.

Boom~, Tang Chen stepped forward and punched horizontally.

Tang Chen didn't hold him up, but Liuyin Xiaoshan, Tang Sanzang and Chihulong were beside him.I have to go on hard.


The Jade Emperor's punch was so fierce that Tang Chen felt his eyes go black, his arm bones were shattered inch by inch, his internal organs were overwhelmed, and his mouth was bruised, "Pfft!"

"Tang Chen!~"

Liuyin Xiaoshan and Chihulong quickly chased Tang Chen.Pull back Tang Chen's out-of-control body.


Tang Chen "Pfft! Bah~" spit out the residual blood in his mouth, forced a smile, and comforted him: "I'm fine, you two take Tang Sanzang to hide away."

Tang Chen took out a [Shushan Divine Pill] and a large handful of [Shushan Golden Pill], and stuffed them into his mouth.With a stern look on his face, he roared, unfolded his kidney wings, and stimulated his liver function.

"Oh! My liver is shaking!"

The Jade Emperor was also seriously injured, caught off guard, said, "Pfft!~" and spit out another mouthful of divine blood.

Harmful and beautiful, with three-legged golden crow wings flying out of her body, the light is dazzling, like the shining sun, Tang Chen is dazzled by it.

After a moment of astonishment, the Jade Emperor immediately turned around and threw out a pearl.


The pearl exploded, and another Jade Emperor came out of it.

"Spiritual thoughts? You actually have a second hand?"

Tang Chen was shocked. The new Jade Emperor in front of him blocked the way of heaven and vowed that the punishment would never come. Now, the destructive force discovered the existence of the Jade Emperor's spiritual avatar and appeared out of thin air.

However, at this moment of astonishment, the Jade Emperor Spiritual Mind who walked out of the pearl had already used all his strength to punch out a punch.

This punch was too violent, the rays of light were overwhelming, the coercion was subdued, Tang Chen was already feeling cold all over his body before the punch was about to strike.Seen from a distance, the body of the Pearl Jade Emperor collapsed like a sand dune.Even if the power is destroyed and no punishment is imposed, it is impossible to survive.

"Pingshui Thirty Fingers East Jue! Salty Jue!"

Tang Chen yelled hysterically, and instantly recited the mental formula for blessing.

With both fists out...

There is no way, I could have avoided it, but the Jade Emperor is very wicked, the Pearl Jade Emperor, Tang Chen, Liuyin Xiaoshan and the others are all on the same route.Tang Chen fought for his friends!

"Puff! Puff puff~"

Both arms were torn apart, and the bones were clearly visible. On the white bones, there were spider web-like cracks, which were as red as fire, and the bone marrow overflowed.It broke our hearts.

"... Hiss!... Hiss... Aw~"

Tang Chen shivered violently in pain, sweating like rain.Lips are pale and dry.

"Ahem, puff—"

An unhealthy blush rose on his face, and he coughed up blood!Boom!Hit the ground, this is void, the so-called ground is the space barrier. "Boom~" sounded.He actually entered the Lingnan Great World of the Jade Emperor God Realm.


Tang Chen rolled on the spot, urging the medicinal power of [Shushan Jinshan] in his body, his arms healed, and when he raised his head, the Jade Emperor hugged Xiuxiu, and even chased him in.And the Jade Emperor actually took out another pearl, this time it turned out to be two!

"Whoosh!" Tang Chen rose from the ground, and smiled bitterly in the air: "Is it either you die or I live? Can you give me some more time to grow?"


"wishful thinking!"

The Jade Emperor and Xiuxiu had hideous expressions on their faces, and they refused without hesitation!
咻咻~.The Jade Emperor shook his hands and threw out two pearls.Exploding in the air, "Puff!~"

The two Jade Emperors, repeating their old tricks, swung their fists in unison and tried their best!

This is equivalent to two masters of [-] ranks fighting against Tang Chen.

Tang Chen was in despair. He had just advanced, and the only one with a hundred and eight thousand ranks of martial god's spiritual sense was this deity.

How to contend?

"Disciple! I'm here to help you as a teacher!" Patriarch Jingshi's voice suddenly sounded.

"Peng!" The dust whisk threads all over the sky are crystal clear, like spirit snakes mating, covering the sky and the sun, and binding the sky!
"It's time for our old brothers to show their talents!" The spirit of the magic weapon of the frightening halberd made a rumbling sound, and with its body, it appeared impressively and rushed towards a Pearl Jade Emperor.

"There's me, my little sister!" The Immortal Sword, with sword aura soaring into the sky, is dazzling, and the radiance is billions of feet, and the whole Nanzhan Buzhou is amazed by it.Where did this rainbow come from, so magnificent and beautifully blooming?
Swish! ~, the Immortal Sword came first, piercing through the fist of the transparent Pearl Jade Emperor, smashing the head of the Pearl Jade Emperor with a single sword.He actually killed the Jade Emperor before he swore to destroy the power.The destructive force then descended, and the Rose Immortal Sword and the Jade Emperor's Divine Sense fell together...

When clanging~, an obscure and dull sword, like rusted iron, fell into the mortal world.The volley disintegrated, and disappeared forever from this world.

The terrifying halberd over there had a weaker cultivation, failed to block the fist and fell, turning into iron slag. Fortunately, the Tianluo Umbrella burst open with a "boom~", blocking all the aftermath.

However, the artifact Tianluo Umbrella, the ribs of the umbrella collapsed, and the surface of the umbrella was cracked, and the Virgin of Tianluo, who coughed up blood, did not fall, but died forever.

"See how many magic weapons you have?"

The Jade Emperor stretched out his hand to touch it, and took out two more pearls, whistling and screaming, he threw them towards Tang Chen, "Boom!" They exploded in the air.Impressively, there are two Jade Emperors again.

"Disciple, let's take a step ahead for the teacher!" Jingshi Patriarch still roared unwillingly, shaking the heavens and the earth.The power was destroyed twice just now, and it was affected in both cases. Now it is powerless, and its oil is exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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