Shushan Wushen

Chapter 230 Retracement of Time

Chapter 230 Going Back in Time

"Amitabha, ~, the Jade Emperor's immortal blessing will live forever as long as the heavens. I don't know what to call for?~"

A resounding Buddha's name, with destructive fluctuations, mysterious rhythm, extremely beautiful, like the birth of an illusion, the sky suddenly changes color, a large number of light spots appear out of thin air, mottled like rain, and then bloom, this is a Buddha flower, fragrant and fragrant, golden wind is blowing .Very auspicious!
The Tathagata seems to be born in a Buddha flower. At the beginning, the body of the treasure is small, and it rises in the wind.

The Buddha flowers are radiant, like a golden lotus springing from the ground, and the gods are shining. The Buddha crown rises behind the head of the Tathagata. There is a brilliant sun, and the rays of the sun are blazing. The two items are dazzling and extremely dazzling. , Dark clouds cover the top, if there is a demon atmosphere.

"Tathagata! It's boring for you to be so talkative!"

The Jade Emperor made a double entendre.

The Tathagata has a solemn Dharma appearance, squinted his eyes, and held flowers with both hands.Then slowly opened it, and looked at Tang Chen in surprise.

"Huh? How did this Tang Chen come out? Could this be a clone?"

The Jade Emperor squinted at the Tathagata, with a sneer on his face: "Pretend! You continue to pretend! It turns out that I don't care about people outside of you. Looking at it now, you, as a Buddha, are unwilling to be lonely and want to make trouble!"

Tathagata smiled faintly, and said slowly: "The so-called mother's uncle, the golden-winged roc king, is still missing. It's self-evident, Jade Emperor, you can judge. You can guess as you like, the poor monk's heart is like still water, and he will not lie!"

"Oh? Really?"

The Jade Emperor questioned it, but it was hard to force him with words.But the Jade Emperor was so thoughtful, he suddenly raised his voice: "No! Your Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was just with Tang Chen just now, you bald donkey, you definitely can't get away from it!"

This is the use of 'cheat'.Generally speaking, such a sudden move, there are ghosts in the heart, and the clues will appear to varying degrees.But the Jade Emperor is facing the Tathagata!
Hearing the words, the Tathagata took the opportunity to be furious and sternly said, "Liuyin Xiaoshan was introduced to my Buddhist sect by Yang Jian. With the face of the Jade Emperor, I was not careful and didn't know that you two had an affair! Where did the Bodhisattva go?"

Tang Chen's face suddenly changed when he heard the words.Tathagata is prevarication, clean it up!Picked himself out.

The Jade Emperor smiled sadly, and suddenly a breath surged from his body.Boom!The sky trembled, and a huge hole suddenly appeared.

The coercion of the latitude ocean is coming!

Liuyin Xiaoshan, Tang Sanzang, Chi Hulong, and Bai Longma sat in the Qixiang chariot, their faces confused, stunned and shocked.They didn't know how to run, they ran, and they came here.Unable to speak, only petrified!

Tang Chen was furious, and he scolded with shocking anger: "Jade Emperor! You are going too far, you are playing with fire! You forced me to die with you!"

"Ao Yu! Why are you still so naughty, you are so naughty! See if I'm not skinning you!"

The old dragon god looked enraged and cursed madly, and looked at the Jade Emperor while cursing, the Jade Emperor nodded slightly and squinted his eyes, the old dragon god nodded gratefully in response, and his younger brothers around him also knew the routine, and rushed to the seven Xiangche, grabbed Chihulong back!A symbolic slap across the face.

"...I have to find you a wife, or you won't take it easy!"

Tathagata imprisoned the Qixiang chariot with a divine power, and imprisoned Guanyin Bodhisattva and Bailongma to his side.

"The sea of ​​Buddha is boundless, turn your head and be right! Yellow scrolls and green lanterns, wooden fish scriptures..."

The Jade Emperor's eyes were dark, and he glanced at Liuyin Xiaoshan, whoa!Fu looked at Tang Chen again.

"Tang Chen, I warn you that this world of mine is controlled by blood and killing! If you want to seize my power, then you will pay the price of blood and life! Tell me your origin! Out of line!"

The bare-footed fairy, with a flash, floated in front of the Jade Emperor: "To the Jade Emperor, Tang Chen came from the Happy Universe, he vented his anger on the gods without mercy, rescued the trapped God Son, deliberately collapsed the universe, and caused his parents to perish. "After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Chen apologetically.

The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "So that's it! Hmph! I thought it was such a big deal! Taibai Jinxing found out!"

"I would like to abide by the jade decree!" Taibai Jinxing swung his whisk and shouted: "Back in time!"

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared in front of the gods, like a mirror image of an inscription pattern.But there is no sound.

Tang Chen's current figure suddenly appeared on the light curtain. It was the reappearance of the battle against the Jade Emperor, but everything was... reversed!

On the screen... Tang Chen seems to have stabbed the Zhantian thorn into his chest... Jingshi Fuchen quickly shrank in the bright explosion, and returned to its integrity... The Immortal Sword was withdrawn from the head of the Pearl Jade Emperor, quickly retreated, and jumped into the Tang Dynasty. In Chen's body..., whoosh, whoosh, Tang Chen jumped back to the ocean of latitude, and the Jade Emperor also jumped back to the ocean of latitude, and the big hole in the barrier was instantly closed...

The following pictures on the light curtain fell into a brief moment of silence, and then the picture of the underworld appeared directly!

Tang Chen was shocked and dumbfounded.Why are latitude oceans and east land omitted?After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly realized.The Eastern Land and the Latitude Ocean are not under the control of the Jade Emperor.So there is no way to go back in time!
"Underworld? Damn Yama of the Ten Palaces!"

The Jade Emperor's expression was not good.growled under his breath.

Xiuxiu took the opportunity to make trouble, and said viciously: "Yan Luo, the judge, and Tang Chen are all in cahoots, they should all be damned!" The humiliation of 'hair pulling' she suffered is unforgettable forever, and now thinking of it, it is vivid in my mind.The pain is still there!
"So there is no distinction between good and evil. What's the use of keeping it?"

The Jade Emperor stretched out a finger from a distance, a little bit harder, and suddenly disappeared!This action was very sudden, and there was no feedback from the scene, Tang Chen didn't care.

What Tang Chen didn't know was that one finger was destruction!
A finger descended from the underworld, like a mountain falling into an ant's nest.With a bang, the underworld collapsed!Countless ghosts, ghosts, and souls are scattered!
The Bitter Spring Palace soared into the sky, and with a whoosh, it plunged into the ocean of latitude.Thanks to Feng Chong [Eating Coffin and Strange Tomb]!
Fortunately, Yan Luo and Cui Fujun were playing money with Tang Yingxiong and the other three in "Fighting the Landlord"... and escaped.

Backtracking in time continues;...A collapsed universe suddenly appeared in the void, and the universe quickly recovered..., Tang Longwang, Mu Fengling, Little Pig, Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree, Guanyin Tears, Kongtong Seal..., Tang Chen!


The Jade Emperor gave an order.Taibai Jinxing grabbed the silk whisk.The picture suddenly freezes.

"Xiuxiu? Xiuxiu Queen?!"

The gods were taken aback.Thoughtful.

Back in time, the speed is extremely fast.When the Jade Emperor gave the order, it had already gone back more than ten years.

On the screen; Xiuxiu is wearing a fiery red shirt, smashing the photo wall of the Tang family.Tang Bohu, Tang Yingxiong, the Great Elder of the Tang Clan, the Second Elder, Lin Yu... Tang Chen was still sleeping soundly with a red face, the corners of his mouth were crystal clear, and there was a big shameful bubble in his nostrils!
Tang Chen couldn't help but blush for it, his expression was in a trance, his eyes were full of reminiscence...

(End of this chapter)

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