Shushan Wushen

Chapter 242 The Overlord's Showdown

Chapter 242 The Overlord's Showdown

Tang Chen felt a chill in his mouth, and then he emptied himself. He fixed his eyes on the behemoth in front of him, and suddenly lost his temper.


This Suan Ni is too wretched.It's too shameless to snatch Tang Chen's elixir from his mouth.

"Competing for opportunity, competing for luck, the number of copies is normal, but you are so dirty, don't you think it is too much?"

Tang Chen sharply accused.

Suan Ni smiled, grinning at the mouth of a big lion, showing Shengxue's fangs, without stopping, took a small step back, curled her tail, and even directly smashed another complete Queen Mother's flat peach in Tang Yin's hand He flew away, raised his hoof, "Shua!" and grabbed Xiantao.

He leaned closer and took a deep sniff, "Kacha~" bit down, and then threw the peach pit into his mouth with a "Gulu~".

Ambiguous: "No wonder my father said that the human race has a great opportunity and great luck. It really is a race favored by heaven! Fifth brother, I opened my eyes today!"

How can there be truly selfless help between heaven and earth?The dragons just felt the extraordinaryness of the human race, so they arranged for the dragons to pull the carts in turn, in the name of protecting the human race, but in fact they took the opportunity to steal the great luck of the human race.

The model of Descendants of the Dragon is a very scheming cooperation.It's just tacit understanding of each other.

"Despicable! Nasty! You even snatch fruits from children, it's really embarrassing to the Dragon Clan. Hmph!"

Tang Chen unceremoniously reprimanded and cursed viciously.

Suan Ni also felt that it was too much.The former is taken from other people's mouths, which is shameful and should not be said to others.In addition, it is really unseemly to snatch fruit from children.

Thinking up to this point, Suan Ni is also a decisive person, a fierce light rose in his eyes.It considers that the human race has long regarded the three dolls of the Tang family as a burden...

"Kill it!"

In an instant, Suan Ni's mind was filled with this idea, and a strong murderous intent arose.It jumped high, bared its fangs, and rushed towards Tang Chen.


Tang Chen never imagined that this guy would even have the intention of killing someone to silence him.Immediately horrified.

With his small body, little Tang Bolong obviously couldn't escape.Tang Chen subconsciously wants to leave his soul.


Tang Chen's primordial soul shrank and entered the brain domain, and he was immediately stunned. The degree of soul compatibility can't be so nonsense...broken!
Tang Chen's broken primordial soul was actually perfectly integrated with little Tang Bolong's body.This also means that if Tang Chen can't cultivate this small body into a Martial God again, he will suffer five disadvantages and three deficiencies, three disasters and six disasters, life, old age, sickness and death just like ordinary people.

At the moment of lightning and flint, Suan Ni's hill-like golden body suddenly trembled, colorful halos, and rainbow-like ripples, the space trembled, and bright arcs of light lined up one after another.There was a roar.

"Damn it, this is Transformation Pill..."

Tang Chen looked in shock at Suan Ni, who was constantly expanding in the air, then shrunk sharply, and then expanded again.He was dumbfounded, and then couldn't help being ecstatic.

The transformation of the divine beast is a great breakthrough of the divine beast. The bones, muscles, hair, body..., except for the blood in the blood vessels, will undergo deep reorganization.

The project is extremely vast and at the same time extremely cumbersome.This is also one of the three great catastrophes of the divine beast, birth, transformation, and crossing the catastrophe, all of which are full of crises.The body, spirit, and soul are all weak to negative value!
"Small! Watch how I cook a roast suanni!"

The corner of Tang Chen's mouth showed a ferocious coldness. He was extremely disgusted with Suan Ni's murderous intentions. Although he was kind-hearted, he would not let the guy who tried to hurt him be pedantic.

Tang Chen's mouth was cold, and he stared at Suan Ni intently.

"Shadow Overlord Jue!"

Tang Chen let out a low cry in his heart, and quickly mobilized the power of his soul. This is a god-level skill.Tang Chen was forced by the situation, so he happened to use it on Suan Ni, and besides, he was in the shadow of his divine body at the moment.

It can be described as extremely wonderful to use it at this time!This exercise comes from Liuyin Xiaoshan.Sister Guanyin's face flashed across Tang Chen's mind instantly, and Tang Chen couldn't help but sigh again.

Thank you without words.

Suanni in the sky, under the gorgeous rainbow light, has restrained golden hair, revealing smooth jade-like skin, huge limbs, slender and tender.

The huge lion head shrinks slowly, forming a delicate and impossibly elf face, delicate and smooth, like falling snow.That bit of vermilion lips, as bright and bright as red blood, is as charming as crystal clear.

A head of blond curly hair, unusually smooth, covered the slight bulge of the front chest and the upturned buttocks.But the looming perfect waistline still stubbornly interprets what is enchanting!
Repeatedly, the upper limbs could not accommodate so many muscles and bones, so they all provided the lower limbs, the tail disappeared, and the thick limbs disappeared completely.

Instead, there are two slender and straight jade legs that are translucent, white and greasy, like Hetian jade, exuding a precious light handed down from generation to generation.

"It turned out to be a female? My God! What did I see? I questioned my eyes! I actually discovered a big secret of the Dragon Clan. The fifth brother who speaks loudly? He turned out to be a birdless generation! ……hiss!"

Tang Chen's mouth was dry in shock, he swallowed with difficulty, his heart was beating wildly, he was not a cruel person, but he was still sympathetic.Thinking that the next moment, this guy will be killed by himself.It is also unbearable.

However, to be cruel to the enemy is to send oneself to hell in a different direction.Tang Chen would definitely not do such a foolish behavior.He clenched his fists tightly.

"Yin Ping Yang Ping, go up and down..."

Tang Chen runs the [Shadow Overlord Jue] silently, the flatness is the rhythm of heaven and earth, and no mistakes are allowed.Once out of the law, it will bite back on his body, so Tang Chen is very cautious and cautious.

Look at the nose with the eyes, look at the mouth with the nose, ask the heart with the mouth...with no distracting thoughts in mind, concentrate on capturing the energy of the five elements of Suan Ni, and deify the small body of little Tang Bolong.

Little Tang Bolong's shriveled cells, and even the fundamental particles at the deepest level of the body, on the one hand, have the Qi of the Five Elements that Tang Chen's body lost, injected thinly, and on the other hand, the Qi of the Five Elements that overflowed during Suan Ni's inhalation and exhalation.

Comparing the two, Tang Chen's Qi of the Five Elements is full of aura, and the fit is quite high.And the Qi of the Five Elements of Suan Ni is sometimes a trickle, and sometimes it is as vast as the sea.But the Qi of the Five Elements of Suan Ni is indescribably pure and harmonious.

Since then, the unavoidable vanity in Tang Chen's Five Elements Qi has been perfectly complemented.


The animal skin robe on Tang Chen's body was obviously full as the muscles bulged.The belt suddenly snapped.

Suan Ni, the transformation is now coming to an end, this interruption is tantamount to the Nine Heavens Dazzling Thunder suddenly ringing in the ear.


Suan Ni was shocked.A force of divine beast, while smoothing the last meridian, reversed the meridian.Caused backlash.That is to say, Suan Ni, as a dragon son, has a strong body.Otherwise, it will inevitably explode and die.


Suan Ni opened her mouth and coughed up blood, her watery and exaggerated big eyes were instantly covered with a layer of blood mist, her mind was confused, and the last frame of her sight was Tang Chen.

Suan Ni opened her small cherry mouth, subconsciously as in the past, imagining biting, or swallowing in one gulp.

He rushed towards Tang Chen violently!
(End of this chapter)

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