Shushan Wushen

Chapter 246 Emperor Xuanyuan

Chapter 246 Emperor Xuanyuan

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Fuxi was slightly astonished, looked at Shennong and nodded.With a dignified look.

Fu Xi raised his eyebrows, shrugged helplessly, stared at Tang Chen with a piercing gaze, waved his left hand, "Snack!" and clapped solemnly.

Tang Chen nodded to Fuxi, tilted his head with a smile, and walked calmly into the coercion.Walking unhurriedly to a boulder, avoiding everyone's sight, pretending to paw and pull on the ground a few times, kicking away the broken grass and rocks with the toes, bent down to pick up three flat peaches.

"This is so exciting. Unbelievable! One more than you promised!"

On Shennong's majestic face, there was a bright smile, and his big mouth could not be closed.Fuxi also raised his hand in surprise and patted Shennong's shoulder heavily.

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows, he couldn't bear to hit these two human emperors.He smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry! This is not an unexpected outburst of character. My promise is two flat peaches and a peach pit."

"What? Do you want to eat another one? What a waste of money!"

Fuxi shouted angrily.

Shennong bumped Fuxi with his shoulder as a reminder, and persuaded him earnestly: "Tang Bolong, these strange spiritual objects should be used on the human race's powerful body. Don't be willful."

Tang Chen's face turned cold, and he hummed lightly.Walking to the old patriarch Xuanyuan, he handed over a queen mother's flat peach: "Old patriarch, you don't have much lifespan, eat it quickly."


Xuanyuan old patriarch, excited heart, trembling hands.But dare not pick it up.His eyes flicked to Shennong and Fuxi.


Shennong and Fuxi shouted in unison.

"Otherwise, your body won't be able to hold on to Wucheng."

Tang Chen's one sentence is worth ten thousand.Xuanyuan old patriarch's eyes lit up, he didn't hesitate anymore, he opened his shriveled mouth, and bit down on it.In an instant, the juice splashed and the fragrance was dense. There was no coercion, and the sky was full of auspicious clouds and the scene was prosperous.Fragrance mist, the breath of fresh spirit floated far away.

"Why is it so comfortable... Uh-huh~,...hiss."

The queen mother's flat peach is the crystallization of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. If you smell it, you will live 360 ​​years; if you eat one, you will live 7000 years.Actually it is 【Opening the Heaven and Earth Fruit】.

Members of the Daming Tribe, unintentionally, became rich, and their lifespan increased, allowing them to live for many years longer.

Fuxi shook his head and sighed, "What a pity! You child..."

Shen Nong knew that flat peaches were extraordinary, so he took the two Queen Mother flat peaches that Tang Chen handed over, and took them as precious as they could be.Angrily, he glared angrily at the intoxicated old patriarch Xuanyuan, and said, "Three Sovereigns of Heaven, Earth and Man, the position of Human Sovereign is temporarily vacant. If you don't eat, this Sovereign wants to invite you to be Human Sovereign."

"What the emperor said is also what the emperor thinks. You missed a big opportunity." Fuxi added fuel to the fire.

"The position of emperor is so lofty. You led the Ming tribe to find spiritual objects from heaven and earth, and you are also good at fighting. Alas! A flat peach missed a great opportunity."

Shen Nong sighed and sighed.


Xuanyuan, the old patriarch, heard a "buzz" in his head, his mind was disturbed, and he almost choked to death.

Tang Chen hurriedly helped the old man cover his mouth to prevent the queen mother from spitting out the peaches. Fortunately, the peaches turned into mist at the entrance, otherwise it would have been ruined.

Tang Chen hurriedly explained: "Don't fall for the trick, you won't live for a few days if you don't eat flat peaches. What can you do for the human race when you become the emperor?"

To tell the truth, Xuanyuan Maosai suddenly understood, and gave Fuxi and Shennong a hard look.

Fuxi and Shennong were exposed by Tang Chen and laughed endlessly.The skin is flushed.

But it wasn't embarrassment, but envy and shock that couldn't be concealed.

I saw the old patriarch Xuanyuan, with a speed visible to the naked eye, the sparse flower hair became thick and pitch black.The dry and astringent muscular skin quickly becomes plump and elastic.Opening his mouth, Chi Chi Chi~, steel teeth like the sharp blades of soldiers sprouted on the pink and white gums.

Two rays of light shot out from the eyes, and the cold air was overwhelming.An unstoppable surge of vitality gushed forth.The dead branches of the grass under the feet grew wildly as if they were frightened, the dead branches turned green, and the spores bloomed...

miracle! ~
"Tang Bolong, thank you!"

The elder Xuanyuan patriarch looked solemnly at Tang Chen and bowed deeply.Then laugh out loud.

Compared with the rejuvenation of life, the position of authority is really not that important.The state of mind changed drastically.

"It's a pity, I could have been enshrined by the human race as a human emperor. Tsk tsk~" Shen Nong was unwilling to give free "regret medicine" to the old patriarch Xuanyuan.

"What you can do for the human race, even if it's just a title, is also a respect that has been passed down through the ages. What a pity! What a pity!" Fuxi put the "regret medicine" into the mouth of the old patriarch Xuanyuan with a sincere face.

Tang Chen remained calm, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xuanyuan grinning slightly, seemingly disdainful.Knowing that he was not deceived, she was in a bad mood, so she couldn't help but secretly nodded.

The so-called desire is hard to fill.Not everyone has this concentration.After rejuvenation, it is the prime of life, and the desire for power and desire should be at its peak.

calm down.This is the realm!
"What's the use of keeping a false name?" Xuanyuan choked, neither humble nor overbearing.

"It's beyond my expectation that these hundreds of members of the Ming tribe can get the qualification to return to Wucheng. What's the use of my false name?"

"Returning to youth is like a miracle. I can still do my part for the human race. What's the use of leaving a false name?"

Xuanyuan stretched his waist and limbs, and there was a crisp sound of "cracking" all over his body.Full of power, like words, resonant.Sonorous and powerful.

"Patriarch, my body is also full of infinite power at this moment, and now I can knock down a big tree with one punch." Someone was also very energetic.

Infected by the old patriarch Xuanyuan, many men stood up, and even a few strong women.

"Old patriarch, we will always follow you. You are not the emperor, but you are the emperor forever in our hearts!"

"Hahaha~, I thank you all for your love. It doesn't have to be like this, as long as you can do your best for the human race, even if you sacrifice your life. It's the same anywhere."

Xuanyuan has already seen through everything.Offending Fuxi and Shennong, there will be no good development in Wucheng. It is better to rely on a young and strong body to join other eliminated human races.No doubt it makes more sense.

A member of the Daming Tribe, showing reluctance.Although Xuanyuan is powerful and domineering.

But it is undeniable that the Ming tribe can survive until now.It is also inseparable from the desperate efforts of the members because they are afraid of him.

At this moment, all of the Daming Tribe showed sadness.

The old patriarch Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Remember! You fight desperately, some even pay the price of your life, but it is necessary in the team. Everyone is afraid of death, and the final result is that everyone will die in cowardice. On the contrary, everyone is not afraid of death, so they will die faster! How to grasp the scale, depends on you to recall the old man and my usual methods. Take care!"

Xuanyuan clasped his fists again, with a slightly sad expression on his face. The team led by himself will say goodbye now, and if he enters the prehistoric world again, it may be a farewell forever.It is also human nature to be attached to each other.

"Old patriarch, slow down!"

Tang Chen raised one hand, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and smiled calmly.

Swish swish!
He cast heavy gazes at Tang Chen.Look at this boy.

Tang Chen looked at Shennong and Fuxi, and said slowly: "One piece of Queen Mother's flat peach is reserved for refining alchemy, and the two are shared for food, to bless the human race forever. Is this what you two intend?"

Shennong and Fuxi looked at each other and nodded sincerely.And sighed.

Tang Chen defended himself.

"I understand that the burden on your shoulders is as heavy as a mountain. You are the backbone of the human race." Tang Chen said slowly.

"Young man, you are not simple!" Fuxi said bluntly.

Tang Chen couldn't help being speechless, he touched his clean and jade-like nose with a guilty conscience, slid his fingertips across his face, and thought, "Where am I still a boy?!"

The graceful and graceful body stood up straight, and he said calmly: "I will guarantee the old patriarch Xuanyuan to be the emperor!"

"You? Young man, what are you doing? I'm just complimenting you. Don't let the emperor look down on you." The smile on Fuxi's face disappeared.Majesty emerges.

"Unless you are looking for another flat peach." Shennong raised his jaw meaningfully.With hope in his heart, he clenched his fists nervously.The peach pit in the palm of his hand has benefited him a lot.A fist is full of treasure.The light shines brightly.

"Tang Bolong and I will jointly protect Xuanyuan." Seeing this, Suan Ni walked to Tang Chen's side with a very righteous and erratic lotus step.

"You are?" Fuxi and Shennong looked at this beautiful woman in black robe in astonishment.

"Long Xiaowu. Su Anni!" Suan Ni reported directly.

"Ah..., fifth brother! You have transformed." Fuxi was surprised.

Su Anni nodded her head lightly, and responded: "Yes, our sisters protect the ten eliminated tribes of the human race, and take turns to sit on shifts. And I, Su Anni, are the Suan Ni who protect the Daming tribe. Long Xiaowu, now that I have transformed, please Call me Sue Anne!"

"Lord Su Anni, the Dragon Clan cannot interfere in the internal affairs of our Human Clan. Please clarify your position." Shen Nong said seriously.

Su Anni smiled sweetly, and her stretched arms fell on Tang Chen's shoulders. Tang Chen was startled, and raised his hand to knock down Su Anni's frivolous catkin.Brow slightly wrinkled.

Su Anni didn't think it was disobedient, her pink and pretty face still had a smile on her face: "I plan to marry Tang Bolong, so let's just call it husband and wife. It has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan."

"...Hiss! What? You want to marry this boy?"

Shennong, Fuxi, Xuanyuan, and even the men and women of the Ming tribe were all shocked.

"Don't make trouble! This joke is too big." Tang Chen's consciousness roared, and his mind went blank.What's happening here?Could it be that she wants to rely on me?I am a human race.

"Are you talking about it again? Do you start messing around and end up abandoning? Xiao Liu and Xiao Ba have gone back to report to their father."

Su Anni's voice was trembling, how noble the Dragon Clan is.Pay attention to the end from the beginning.Since a misunderstanding occurs, it can only be wrong.To the Dragon Clan, innocence is not only decent, but also dignified.Still better than life.

"No! No, no, no!" Hearing something wrong, Tang Chen raised his head suddenly, and found Su Anni trembling wildly, with endless sadness in her eyes, and her complexion was pale.It was evident that she was very restless.

"No! I will be responsible." Tang Chen blurted out.

"How to be responsible?" Su Anni pressed her step by step.

Tang Chen was at a loss for words, yes, why should he be responsible?Time cannot turn back.wait!
Tang Chenfu was as spiritual as he suddenly opened a window in his heart.A memory came to mind irresistibly.His grandmother's name was Su Anni, and Tang Chen's grandfather, wasn't his name Tang Bolong?

"Tang Yin, what's your nickname?"

Tang Chen asked strangely.

"Tang Bohu!" Tang Yin replied honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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