Shushan Wushen

Chapter 266 Born out of nowhere

Chapter 266 Born out of nowhere

[Notice; "Zhan Lang" by Zijin Xingchen has been completed, please search for book friends on the Genesis Chinese website, and correct me step by step!Institutions that need film and television adaptations, please contact China Literature Group Wang Dalong.Or, leave a message online.My assistant will get in touch with you. 】

Hee hee hee hee ~!
Electric sparks rose from the mechanical warriors, and lightning swirled around them, drifting with the tide.

Whoosh whoosh~!

The gods and demons controlled by the ancestors of the human race came out.

The suction of the clear stream by the Weiming Lake was too strong, and the human ancestors and machine warriors were irresistibly lost.The bustling places along the Weiming Lake were all gone.

There is no trace of the machine race, and the ancestors of the human race disappeared with bare hands, soldiers in their hands, robes on their bodies, and combat boots under their feet.

The ancestors of the human race yelled: "Damn it, give me back my magic many times is this..., damn it!~"

"Hey hey hey~"

The gods and demon soldiers [by the unnamed lake] smiled awkwardly, the clear stream was turbulent, and energy balls with rough surfaces were controlled to separate out in the clear stream, floating in front of the ancestors of the human race.

Although the ancestors reprimanded so loudly that they cursed in pain, they understood the difficulty of [Unnamed Lakeside] and made great contributions.They put away the magnet-like energy balls one after another.

At this time, another group of machine warriors launched an attack.

The ancestors of the human race threw the energy ball in their hands without hesitation. In an instant, the huge expanse of space exploded and tore apart the sky, and the energy radiated brilliantly.It's like being on top of the sun and stars.

The gods and demon soldiers [by the unnamed lake] released a clear stream, covering the ancestors of the human race.Countless mighty lives are preserved proudly.

As soon as the war subsided, the human race Almighty ran back to the rear empty-handed angrily...

So much for the branding image——

Tang Chen shook his head, curled his lips and said, "You are too domineering, a soldier of gods and demons, and I can't control it due to my limited ability. Sorry! Farewell.~"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen lifted his foot and slipped away.

Just kidding, the gods and demons are so precious, you [Weiming Lakeside] can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy as soon as you make a move, forcibly refining your comrades' gods and demons into gray energy balls.Or a one-off….

Isn't this deeply offending people!How can we fight happily together?Can we fight side by side together?

"Hey hey~, let's go!"

Suddenly, a vast ripple ran across Tang Chen's body in an ethereal and clear manner, lingering in an ethereal manner.Like a lover's gentle touch, I can't help but relax my whole body and mind.

Tang Chen was horrified, extremely shocked, and horrified.

However, the primordial soul uncontrollably floated out of his mind.Lazy like soaking in the sun.The aura of the primordial soul dissipated, and soul silk evaporated visibly to the naked eye.

Tang Chen wanted to resist, but he couldn't.Tang Chen wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't restrain himself.

"What the hell? Imprisoned me?"

Tang Chen roared anxiously. [Ban Weiming Lake] sighed: "This is the last soul left by the former owner. He died after all. I originally wanted to keep it as a souvenir."

Tang Chen couldn't help feeling sad.

【Unnamed Lakeside】It is really powerful and outrageous.But fighting against the machine race, isn't that exactly what the human race needs.

Tolerance to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!Although it is used regardless of the enemy and the enemy, it will definitely be criticized, but the final result is achieved.Absolutely against the sky!

How can the gods and demons be more noble than their masters?
Manipulating [Unnamed Lakeside] by myself will use it at my own discretion.In everything, look at it from two angles.

Thinking up to this point, Tang Chen endured the weakness of his soul.Even if the original soul is stripped out more than half.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a few days, years, or endless years, or even just a short moment.Time seemed to freeze.Only Tang Chen's empty pupils kept reflecting the colorful bridge.

That was the auspicious auspiciousness from the heavens that someone in the distance got the gods and demons.

In other words, someone got the God and Demon Soldier and passed the selection.

Tang Chen was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.If you don't pass the selection, you will also pass the selection if you refine [Weiming Lakeside] by yourself.There is no doubt about it.

It's just the rainbow in the sky, constantly intertwined, thunderbolt and lightning, the light is lasing, and the roar is loud.

The new owner of the God and Demon Warrior is not willing to be lonely, this is making trouble.Robbing other people's gods and demons!
I don't know how much time has passed, it seems to have gone through the vicissitudes of several lifetimes.

Suddenly, gusts of majestic breath, fresh, sweet, or passionate thoughts came one after another.Tang Chen's original soul recovered at an incredible speed.

Tang Chen's aura rose steadily for it.The whole body exudes bright light.It's like a goddess reshaping a golden body.

The indescribable sense of control, the never-before-seen sense of solidity, came to my heart spontaneously.

Tang Chen's primordial soul was shining brightly, and he was born with a divine crown.The Dharma is solemn, awe-inspiring and sacred.

Swish!Swish! ~

Tang Chen Yuanhun's eyelids opened and closed, and at the same time, Feng Yuliu's eyebrows surged on the handsome face of the gods, the light in his eyes tore through the space, and two sharp lights more than ten feet long.It directly pierces through all obstacles in sight.

Yuanhun stretched out his hand and punched him.

With a soundless punch, most of a mountain in the distance will disappear like an eraser.

It took a long time before the echo of the earth cracking and collapsing resounded through the secret realm.Flying sand and rocks, birds and beasts were in a mess, and even the nearby Valkyrie was disturbed.Jumped out in a hurry, disheveled.Very embarrassing.Some were unable to dodge in time, were injured by boulders, and coughed up blood.

【Unnamed Lakeside】Having reached a partnership with Tang Chen and Tang Chen, his voice has also become youthful.A female voice actually came out: "Tang Chen, this time the conclusion of the communication went very smoothly, I have decided not to cooperate with you..."

"Don't cooperate with me? Then you absorb so many souls of mine!" Tang Chen was a little angry when he heard this.

"Hehehe, silly bird, I have merged with you. We are partners now." [Ban Weiming Lake] teased with youthfulness and vigor.

"When I woke up, I looked up your thoughts and memories, and the past you communicated with me was completely true, which shocked me. Tang Chen, you really are full of sincerity, and you rushed to my face. You respect me, I How can I live up to your sincerity!"

Tang Chen was overjoyed.He smiled and asked: "Just now your voice is that of an old man, vigorous and powerful, without losing your character. Why do you look like a young girl after fusion, singing gracefully, ethereal and beautiful?"

【Unnamed Lakeside】smiled and said, "Hehehe, it's not tiring to work with a man and a woman. My previous master was a beautiful woman. So I must be a boy. And the kind that is particularly domineering and sideways~. Hehehe, Hee hee hee."

Tang Chen smiled at it, and his thoughts descended, trying to control the gods and demons.

He said: "I haven't seen your body yet, and most of my soul has been robbed."

"Hmph~, don't be ignorant. I not only made up your soul silk, but also increased it by [-]%. Your cultivation base is too weak, you have to practice hard. I will urge you in the future!"

【Unnamed Lakeside】Warned viciously.It's like a housekeeper.

Tang Chen didn't answer, the ground under his feet rumbled and swelled.The earth is full of air, flying sand and rocks, drooping vegetation, spider web-like cracks, twists and turns, stretching into the distance, and the divine light is lingering.The momentum is amazing.

"How big this body must be!" Tang Chen was shocked by the vision that spread thousands of miles away.Guess and sigh.

call out!
An irregular pebble shot out of the ground.

Suspended in front of Tang Chen, dripping~, spinning~, never landed, never blown away by the wind.Tenacious and pompous.

Tang Chen didn't pay attention to this thing at first, it was just a small stone.It is not round and has no strange luster, it looks very ordinary.


The stars in Tang Chen's brain were ups and downs, and his brain speed was very fast. He quickly noticed that after the small stone left the ground, there was an abnormality in the surge of energy around the world.

The energy of the heavens and the earth forms a raging tide, roaring and forming a funnel state.

The tip of the funnel touched the small stone, and as the small stone rotated, it suddenly disappeared!

At the same time, colorful lights soared into the sky!

This is not a small stone with its own coercion.It is the Qi of the Five Elements.

The essence of the five elements, the breath is colorful, forming a spiritual cloud.The aura is surging, and large stocks are rushing forward.

Air traction.light refraction.

The Rainbow Bridge was born!

"Hehehe, how is it? How do you feel when you see my body? Hee hee hee~."

[Unnamed Lakeside] The pleasant voice made me laugh again and again.

"This is your body? Shocked me!"

Tang Chen responded, grabbed it in his hand, turned his head and jumped into the grass next to him.Gather the released divine thoughts and set up an enchantment.Stay calm and pay attention to your surroundings.

"What are you doing? I was dragged into the grass by you just after I was born. Is it okay to be sneaky like this? Can you let me breathe some fresh air happily~"

【Unnamed lakeside】Angrily complaining, it sounds very ambiguous and ambiguous.

Tang Chen didn't have time to talk to her.

At this time, a large number of Martial Gods had already stepped out of the air.The wind is flying fast, and there are afterimages all over the place. I just saw it, but it was already approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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