Shushan Wushen

Chapter 281 A first look at that layer

Chapter 281 A first look at that level

A condescending cut-off made the air in the hall stagnate.

Tang Chen's face turned cold, his steps were not chaotic at all, and he said as he walked, "It's true that I am Tang Dashen, but I am a god at the age of 17, there is no doubt about it!"

"After becoming a god, you have cultivated for endless years! The experience is too complicated."

Tang Chen took a few steps closer, and the arrogance in the air became more and more intense.The man in the golden robe questioned loudly.It seems that it is extraordinary to show the significance of their existence.

"How can I turn a blind eye to the scenery on the side of the road?"

Tang Chen was neither humble nor overbearing.The man in the golden robe was clearly making trouble for no reason.


The man in the golden robe suddenly changed his face, showing a hint of appreciation.

"Tang Chen has a good mind and is not surprised by changes. He can enter the sequence list!"

"What's the situation? Are you cheating on me?"

Tang Chen felt like being fooled.It hurt my self-esteem.

"Hahaha! Please sit down, Martial God Tang Chen! Congratulations on becoming our colleague."

The man in the golden robe was arrogant first and then respectful, and his attitude changed abruptly.They all got up and signaled Tang Chen to sit down.

Tang Chen didn't know what happened, so he calmly and quickly checked the relationship, but couldn't figure it out.Sit down slowly.

Taking advantage of the situation, he looked back at Zijin Shimei and the eight Martial Gods under him, but they were nowhere to be seen.Suddenly scary.Looking around, his face suddenly changed.

As far as the eye can see, it is no longer the hall where he was just now.The place where you sit at this time is a brand new space.

The whole body is purple gold, luxurious and low-key, with high grade and taste.

"Martial God Tang Chen, don't panic! We are all three-star Martial Gods, you are not in the realm, so you can't detect the enchantment we have set up."

Another Valkyrie comforted him kindly.

"I'm General Shaye Valkyrie, we have observed you through the crystal ball for a long time, and your methods are very suitable for the battlefield. Therefore, we would like to ask for your wishes. Are you willing to enlist in the Zijin Army and fight on the battlefield?"

"The Battlefield of Demon Control? Zijin Army?"

Tang Chen was confused.Very puzzling but did not ask questions.Repeat silently.

"Hahaha, what I say about Demon Killing Martial God and Shaye Martial God is a big secret of the human race. One-star Martial Gods generally have very little authority to know..."

"Appreciate further details."

Tang Chen saw that the Demon Killing Martial God was hesitant to speak, and he knew it was to test Tang Chen's wishes.Tang Chen had no choice but to make a statement.

"The human race has been in the fall for a long time, and the mechanical race has become more and more desperate. The war on the front line of the human race is very tight. As a platform for the human race to raise resources and talents, the main significance of the Zijin Auction is to ensure the supply of soldiers in the front. Including A Valkyrie like you! You have experience in leading troops, an army of hundreds of millions..."


Tang Chen opened his mouth wide in shock, unable to close it for a long time.He even felt panic.

How long ago was that, how would they know?
Seeing this, Martial God Shaye laughed loudly: "Don't be surprised, Martial God Tang Chen, our ancient martial arts realm is much higher than yours, and you have no secrets to us. Don't worry, your Ye Mengmeng is Ya Fei's engagement has been broken."

"Can you read my thoughts and memories?"

Tang Chen blurted out, his handsome face was as red as blood.

Demon Killing Martial God smiled and said: "After reading some private information, we will abide by the spirit of ancient martial arts and righteousness, and forget or delete them. We will not remember those beautiful past and ambiguity, ho ho ho. In fact, you are really simple."

Tang Chen was greatly embarrassed by it.His face was on fire.

The Martial God of Demon Slaughter relieved his embarrassment, and turned to say: "The human race wanders in the latitude space, does not belong to the past, does not belong to the future, does not belong to the present, and existence is king. For the sake of the human race, are you willing to abandon your grudges and rush to the battlefield?"

It was a gigantic hat, and it fell on Tang Chen's head with a bang.

The mission of the human race!Where is bargaining allowed?

"The glory of the Valkyrie! The family, the country, the stars and the race! The boy who weighs it!" said the Iron Horse Valkyrie, who had been silent all this time, coldly.

Tang Chen looked up coldly.

Solemnly said: "You can easily read my memory. I have no secrets from you. However, my dignity cannot be violated. You must know everything about my past. What will I do? Choose, you all have the answer based on the deduction of the gods. But I can't accept your domineering attitude! If I were in my hometown, as a nobleman, I would definitely ask you to [Duel to the Death]!"

"Hehehe, what a bloody boy. I like it! I like it! Join me in three years!"

Iron Horse Valkyrie opened his mouth wide open with surprise on his face!
Tang Chen was astonished.I thought, these guys have a tendency to be abused.Are you not used to nice communication?Do you have to force out harsh words to be comfortable?
"Tang Chen, you're missing the point! We fight and fight in the battle against demons, and we don't like twists and turns. You may not be used to it. Of course, our way of communication may not belong to this era!"

The Martial God of Killing Demons is considerate and enlightens in a timely manner.After he finished speaking, Iron Horse Martial God continued: "Tang Chen Martial God, the Martial God you subdued, I will leave you Zijin Shimei as your personal guards, and we will take the rest away for three years of experience, and then they will be under your command."

Before Tang Chen could respond, Shaye Martial God said loudly again: "Tang Chen, your subordinates need a joint attack, and you have to practice in the sequence list for three years. I hope you can pass the ultimate assessment of the Zijin Army! This time we are the most optimistic It's you! We came here to wait for you! Others don't have this treatment!"

The stars in Tang Chen's brain were ups and downs, speeding up, jumping too much, and he didn't ask many questions clearly, and he couldn't ask clearly.

For a moment, Tang Chen didn't know where to start, so he could only grasp the most important part and asked: "My fellow warriors, I participated in the selection of the Zijin Auction, but I didn't say anything about the Zijin Army."

Iron Horse Martial God stared at him, and said mysteriously, "The selection at the Zijin Auction is to select horses, and the key point is to select a Martial God like you who is qualified to join the army!"

"Would you rather be a horse boy or a general?" Shaye Wushen asked jokingly.

Demon Slaughter Martial God, with a deep meaning, said from the bottom of his heart: "Not every selection is born sequentially, you are the lucky one, and you are able to display what you have learned all your life for the human race, and you are supremely honored!"


Tang Chen frowned slightly, he felt that this matter was too urgent, a little brainwashing.Even with an unusual taste of conspiracy.

wrong!They are fooling me.It's not easy!
Tang Chen purged his expression, closed his eyes and remained silent.Anyway, I can't hide my thoughts from these three three-star warriors.Simply keep silent.

"That's all! Let me tell you, those of you who passed the selection are all going to be cannon fodder on the Battlefield of Demon Control. The hope of surviving is extremely slim."

Tang Chen's astonishing looks made Martial God of Killing Demons a little unbearable, not to mention that Tang Chen was still so young.He deserves a better future.

"Time in the sequence list is accelerating, three years is 3000 years. That is also your last training time. You have to survive the pursuit of the Zijin special envoy, and... to advance to the three-star Martial God, to have the hope of surviving!"

(End of this chapter)

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