Shushan Wushen

Chapter 290 and Fei Beast

Chapter 290 and Fei Beast

"No! Let's try more, and we will eventually find a way out!"

Xiuxiu was very stubborn and refused without hesitation.咻咻咻~, with the innate intuition of the beast, in the ocean of inscription pattern law, continue to find the way.

Phoenix luck is good.Meng Tiandao blessing.However, after the Phoenix [Nirvana], it is not included.

If you walk too much at night, you will eventually encounter ghosts.

Suddenly, a radiant sacred beast condensed into shape impressively.Opening its crystal bright mouth, it struck ferociously.

"Naughty animal! Get out!"

Xiuxiu's hand trembled, a flaming long sword was in her hand, and she stabbed straight at it.

Ye Mengmeng hurriedly got up her seven-color treasure clothes, her graceful figure swayed, and Liuyan spikes emerged from her body, which were clusters of Liuyan arrows.

Swish! ~

A small crossbow the size of a palm appeared out of thin air.

swoosh swish~
Ye Mengmeng pulled out the cluster of Liuyan arrows with her left hand, and fired the small bow and crossbow frequently with her right hand.Clusters of Liuyan arrows shot all over the sky.The flames rise and shine brightly.

Yu Feishou was hit by countless arrows, and his mouth was shattered by Xiuxiu's fiery red long sword and sword flowers.


Xiuxiu didn't dare to delay, she pulled Ye Mengmeng and was about to leave.

all of a sudden—

Mutations abounded, and the non-beast had obviously been annihilated, but just as the streamer turned into twinkling stars, the aura suddenly became fierce.

It's frightening!

As if facing the relics of the prehistoric world, an ancient ferocious beast suddenly released a more majestic and tyrannical aura.

"And not a beast! Yes and not a beast! Broken!"

Yu Feishou lives by devouring inscription patterns.It is the bully of the ocean of inscription patterns.Also the guardian of the role of scavenger.

Yu Feishou is extremely sensitive to abnormal inscription patterns, and will never stop dying.Whenever they meet, they must be hunted hard, very persistent and ferocious.

Here, the home field of right and wrong beasts, it is like the waves in the ocean, endlessly alive.Immortal and immortal, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become!

Xiuxiu let out a desperate wail, feeling that she was hard to match.

"Run away..."

Xiuxiu evaded and didn't stand, unexpectedly "whoosh~" she developed her body to the extreme, and suddenly disappeared.She escaped too fast.He actually left Ye Mengmeng behind.

Ye Mengmeng couldn't help being shocked.This situation, she never expected.He has never experienced the incident of Xiuxiu abandoning his disciples and fleeing.

"Master is such a person, it's too bloody!"

In an instant, despair appeared on Ye Mengmeng's face, her beautiful face was pale and piercing.

Seeing Xiuxiu fleeing with Feishou, its IQ is relatively rough, and its judgment has stagnated.

In fact, it's just half a breath of lightning and flint. With a sound of "boom", this guy actually split into two, and according to the combat power of Xiuxiu and Ye Mengmeng, he was divided into two figures...

Together, they chased after Xiuxiu, disappeared in a flash of light.

The other one opened its crystal clear, ferocious mouth, and rushed towards Ye Mengmeng with an "Aww".

Ye Mengmeng's soldiers are the small bows and crossbows the size of a palm, and the main defense is speed and the extraordinaryness of the colorful treasure clothes.

However, the soldiers are so close, it is not easy to use, and it cannot reflect the lethality.

Ye Mengmeng turned around and ran away, but unfortunately, how can the speed here be compared with Feishou? ....

... On the colorful treasure clothes, Liu Yan was flying, and Ye Mengmeng's divine power was constantly draining. Although she tried to escape, Nian Feimen had already grabbed the back of Ye Mengmeng's treasure clothes....

"Whoa, whoa..."

Ye Mengmeng struggled desperately, unable to break free.Yu Feishou bit Ye Mengmeng's colorful treasure clothes, but couldn't get his mouth out.

However, as Ye Mengmeng struggled harder.And non-beast breath is rising steadily again.

Ye Mengmeng was horrified, she even thought of taking off her precious clothes...

However, driven by jealousy these past few days, in order to prevent Zijin Shimei from taking advantage of her son, she... She went into battle in a vacuum!
Ye Mengmeng regretted it very much at this time, she didn't want Young Master Xiaochen's meat, which hadn't had a full meal, to be looked down upon by others!

"Jealousy kills people!~"

In desperation, Ye Mengmeng uttered these words, and she wailed bitterly: "I was wrong! I will never be jealous again! I really shouldn't be jealous!"

boom boom boom~
At this moment, a human-shaped streamer arrived at an incredible speed.Outrageous shot.

The ocean of law, continuous sonic boom, is like a big gun disrupting broken jade.Beautiful and majestic, imposing and majestic.

bang bang bang! ~

Who else could that human-shaped streamer be?Tang Chen chant!
Tang Chen deliberately diverted Ye Mengmeng's unbearable psychological pressure, and shouted: "Hahaha, Mengmeng, remember! Don't be so jealous!"

Tang Chen waved his big fist like a windmill, scattered Yu Feishou, and hugged Ye Mengmeng who was still panicking.


Stepping into the ocean of laws, the most important show along the way, the speed is extremely fast, flying fire meteors.When he left, it was Feng Chong [Eat Coffin and Strange Tomb] who did it.Suddenly increased the speed ten thousand times!

Swish! ~

An afterimage disappeared inadvertently.

However, Tang Chen was still there in Yu Fei's animal eyes and thoughts, and its re-condensed body swallowed 'Tang Chen' in one gulp.

"Aww~, damn afterimage!"

This is not the end!
The Wind Beast [Coffin Devourer] is a wind insect, and its speed is astonishing!
The sonic boom was delayed.

Rumble ~.Rumble ~.Boom boom boom...

Stretches into the distance.And the source is a vacuum tearing zone.At the same time, it is also the non-shou who came together... the animal head~.

This is sad.


The newly condensed head of Yufei Beast even involved a brand new animal body.

It exploded with a bang~!
Tang Chen hurriedly escaped from the ocean of inscription patterns.I have lingering fears.If it wasn't for Ye Mengmeng, he would never have entered this sea of ​​inscription patterns.

The smaller the world's ocean of law, the more dangerous it is.

Slightly larger ones, such as the cool star law ocean, are left with a glimmer of life.But the sequence list is not like this.

The inscription patterns here come from various planes, they are complex and there are many back windows.Some inscription patterns have low cultivation bases.So a lot of non-beasts, even non-beasts, slipped in through the rear window....

"Master Xiaochen..., blah, blah, blah! blah blah..."

Ye Mengmeng leaned on Tang Chen's shoulder, her pear blossoms were raining, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears like jade.I can't cry.

Tang Chen felt the crazy rhythm of her heart.Obviously terrified.Pat her on the back lightly.Consolation in a low voice.

Back on the ground, Zijin Shimei is still waiting outside the door.Seeing Tang Chen coming out with Ye Mengmeng in his arms, narrow smiles appeared on his beautiful and charming smiling faces.

Tang Chen hastily said solemnly: "Don't miss it, we are innocent and we are not married yet."

"Hehehe, don't worry, my lord, the matter of stealing food is related to the innocence of the mistress, and we will not talk nonsense."

Feng Ling squeezed her eyes, and gave Tang Chen a look of understanding.

Tang Chen wanted to explain again, but he was afraid that the description would become darker.He simply kept silent.He lowered his head to look at Ye Mengmeng, who was asleep after losing strength in his arms.

He raised his head and smiled, shook his head and said, "No wonder you misunderstood, we just went through a fierce battle."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Chen suddenly realized something was wrong.The way Zijin Shimei looked at Tang Chen changed in seconds!
Change in seconds!

Tang Chen shrugged, and fled in a mess...

"Sister Xiangyi, tell me, master's words, are you hooked..."

Wushuang Wushen asked in a low voice.

"Oh, the moon is really round today..."

Xiangyi Martial God looked up at the sky, looking for the moon she praised.

Looking at the sky surrounded by flames, Zijin and Shimei raised their heads together.

To reminisce, to remember...the past months.

However, at this moment, there was a touch of Liu Yan, which was as red as blood, and his breath was weak and extremely weak...

Next to the boots under Zijin Shimei's feet, there was a flash, and it appeared again, also in the distance.

Xiuxiu, who was also fateful, escaped anyway.

Sure enough, the scourge has lived for thousands of years....

(End of this chapter)

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