Shushan Wushen

Chapter 315 Playing with Machine Fronts

Chapter 315 Playing with Machine Fronts

Tang Chen's expression was serious, revealing a trace of ferocity: "General Xiao Zhang, we don't care about his character, in fact, I prefer..., um, look at my violent temper, when I mention his general Xiao Zhang's character, I am really filled with righteous indignation , I am so angry!"

Tang Chen squinted his eyes, quietly leaving a glimmer of light to observe the old man in animal skin.

Sure enough, the look of the old man with animal skin was relieved again, and he even responded with his jaw: "Xiao Zhang is a real person, and there is something wrong with him! Tell me about your experience."

Tang Chen pondered over it, scratched his head, and said solemnly: "General Xiao Zhang, I am extremely disdainful, he is not worthy of being a hero! I want to contact him because I want to use him as a mirror to correct my life!"

"I have an idea! Talk about it!" The old man in animal skin urged him with great interest.

Tang Chen considered that although the old man with animal skin and Xiao Zhang belonged to the Zijin Army, they might have conflicts with each other.

At the same time, after all, they are all members of the army. Thanks to Valkyrie, he is competent as the manager of the sequence list, and his rank must not be lower than brigadier general.

It would be inappropriate to blaspheme and smear Xiao Zhang with exaggerated words.

It's like, you accuse your parents to your friends, how bad it is.However, if this friend foolishly chimed in.

"Slap~!" You will mercilessly respond with a big slap in the face, angrily and loudly reprimand: "Get out!", and resolutely break off relations with him!Never communicate.

In view of this, Tang Chen stood upright with his hands behind his back, sighed, and said, "What is a chivalrous man? A great chivalrous person includes family, country, world, and stars! But General Xiao Zhang is too selfish!"

"Oh?" The eyes of the old man with animal skins flashed a gleam of splendor.

Tang Chen said again: "Qi family, governing the country, leveling the world, advancing step by step! But how does General Xiao Zhang treat his family?"

Seeing that the old man in animal skin was silent, Tang Chen seemed to be lost in thought, and the words of love and knowledge touched his heart, which aroused a resonance.

Tang Chen showed an indisputable resentment, and his slightly extreme words gushed out loudly: "He, General Xiao Zhang, is a great hero on the front line! The backbone of the human race!... But what can we do?"

"Oh?" The old man with animal skin suddenly raised his head, his color was dark and complicated.

The more Tang Chen spoke, the more intense and high-spirited he became: "He knows that just because he is in a high position, his younger brother, his son, rely on him to do evil! How many irreversible tragedies have been caused? He chose not to announce the prestige of General Xiao Zhang..."

The old man with animal skin has an uncertain face.Tang Chen also saw it, this treasure is right!
At least, Tang Chen's paradoxical, ambiguous, and two-headed routines can be justified, and the situation of conquest is not to mention, but the situation of death has been resolved.

The so-called communication is endless, as long as I have something to say and you have something to say, everything can be clearly explained between one answer and one harmony.

"So, that's why you attacked Xiao Yan? To end your so-called tragedy?"

With a thought in his mind, Tang Chen said solemnly: "I also do it out of reverence for the heroes of the Zijin Army! I don't care who they are! As long as the names of our human heroes are tarnished, I, Tang Chen, will never agree!"

"Then you put Xiao Yan in a cage for people to watch, and the gods laughed at him. You are very reasonable? Hmph!"

The old animal skin snorted coldly, the voice was soft, and he didn't feel it deliberately, it was almost undetectable.It fell on Tang Chen's ears, but it was like the sound of nature!
It's wonderful!

Tang Chen almost jumped up, it was so exciting.Even, at this very moment, Tang Chen wanted to sing a song!
The old man with animal skin has a close relationship with General Xiao Zhang!Combined with the conversation just now, and the murderous aura at the beginning.

Tang Chen can definitely conclude; the old man with animal skin has a deep grudge against Tang Chen for persecuting Xiao Yan!Even, murderous intent sprouted.

However, Tang Chen's treasure was right!People have two mouths, and if you look at the same problem from different angles, you will get the possibility of getting other conclusions.

"Not bad!" Tang Chen replied with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"You! Don't you think it's too much for you to do this?" The old man in animal skin snapped angrily, threw away the blood cloth in his hand, threw the iron fork upwards, grabbed the tail, and even faintly assumed a fighting posture.

Tang Chen pretended to be calm, straightened his back even more, and said loudly: "What I do is based on my heart. As long as I see what I can do for a hero, I will stick to it! Do it firmly! "

Tang Chen's words were convincing, his righteousness was awe-inspiring, and his aura shocked the world.Very majestic.The momentum is vast, fearless and fearless!

"I want to hear what your plan is for Xiao Yan? How do you want to deal with it?" the old man with animal skin asked, a test with connotations.

Tang Chen had vaguely grasped the context, and without any fear on his face, he said calmly: "As for Xiao Yan's matter, my current idea is to sharpen his character. As for the post-processing, do you have any advice?"

The old man with animal skin shook his head, his eyes lit up.aggressive.

"Don't ask questions, just tell me."

"Then I'll be abrupt. I declare in advance that this is just a preliminary idea. It's not the final plan."

After Tang Chen finished speaking, he didn't say another word, but stared at the old man with animal skin from afar.

The old man with animal skin paid attention to Tang Chen, looked at him for a long time, and the two clashed in their hearts for no less than a thousand rounds.

Tang Chen withstood the coercion in the old man's eyes.The old animal skin finally spoke.

"Let's talk! After the talk, I will give you a great opportunity!"

At this moment, Tang Chen was startled suddenly, and a figure vaguely appeared in his mind; Yu Wenda, Generalissimo of the Cool Star Empire!
Especially the drooping angle at the corners of the old man's eyes can cover at least [-]% of his vision.This is undoubtedly a great hindrance to observing words and expressions.

It will cause misjudgment!

Tang Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he muttered again.Could it be that people born with this face are all as narrow-minded and selfish as Yu Tiannu?But will he also have Ruyu Tiannu's overall view?

It was a matter of life and death, Tang Chen had an extremely delicate mind.Carefully considering the response, he said in a heart-to-heart tone.

"Xiao Yan, as the elder of the Zijin Auction House, has a high status. Just imagine, without the military achievements of General Xiao Zhang. It cannot be said that it is impossible for Xiao Yan to reach this position. But at least, it will not be so smooth. Are you right? Do you deny it?"

Tang Chen looked at the old man in animal skin, expecting a response and interaction.

The old man with animal skin raised his hand, raised the iron fork in his hand, and commanded in a very imposing tone: "Go on!"

"Ha ha."

Tang Chen shook his head with a chuckle, spread his hands helplessly, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "If Xiao Yan does well, it will definitely contribute to the human race, but if there is a flaw in what you do, can you predict the consequences? I don't think you know! Didn't think, did you?"

Tang Chen asked again.Once again an opportunity for interaction is created.

(End of this chapter)

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