Shushan Wushen

Chapter 318 Green Leaf Growing Lotus

Chapter 318 Green Leaf Growing Lotus

That sword, does not come from the present, does not come from the future, does not come from the past.

When the speed reaches a certain level, the sword ignores the space barrier.It came from the latitude ocean and across the domain.

Think carefully and fear, not knowing.

The Prince of Cambridge explained this.Mysterious and mysterious.

Tang Chen hurriedly drank a glass of wine, suppressing his shock.It's so embarrassing.To praise.You know, Valkyrie is very proud.

At this time, the sales platform downstairs did not fall silent.The gods who watched did not have the habit of watching the excitement, and the time of the gods was very precious.They all left.

On the auction stage, the blood of the gods was shining brightly.Dripping and dripping, sprinkled several pools.

Martial God Huang Jian eliminated those who couldn't see the depth of the realm by reversing the participation fee.For those whose realm is lower than their own, they will show no mercy and kill them painfully.

Not long after, there were very few people in the audience.At this moment, a young girl rushed up, dressed in an apricot yellow dress, extremely glamorous, just as Martial God Huang Jian was considering it.

The girl's headband bounced away, "Hey~~~!" The void split open, surrounded by flames.It was a soft sword, and with a bang, the head of Martial God Huang Jian exploded.

Yuanhun also didn't have time to escape, and his spirit and soul were all destroyed.

"There's a knife on Sezi's head!" Tang Chen sighed.

"No! Martial God Huang Jian is out of strength." Young Master Cambridge pointed out softly.

Tang Chen suddenly realized that the master's moves were all done with all his strength, so there was no way to hold back.Over and over again, if you lack energy, you will be exhausted.

This sale ended with the fall of Martial God Huang Jian, the girl in the apricot yellow shirt, the sale was successful!The beauty beheader announced the hidden bid price of Huang Jian Wushen, and at the same time picked out the hidden bid stone slips quoted by the woman in the apricot yellow shirt.

The woman in the apricot-yellow shirt paid the Lingshi according to the hidden price of Martial God Huang Jian, and the transaction was completed.

"It's such a way to make money by cutting and selling. It's bloodier than auctioning, but it doesn't make as much money as auctioning. It's puzzling."

Tang Chen was very puzzled.

Prince Cambridge whispered: "Do you know what treasure Mani Island is?"

"I don't know!" Tang Chen answered honestly.

Young Master Cambridge smiled secretly, and with a flick of his finger, a mirror image appeared, which was the [Hunyuan Ghost Banner] that Tang Chen had snatched from Marshal Li.

"Oh?" Tang Chen's thoughts suddenly came alive.

Prince Cambridge hastily stopped him and said, "Don't use your brains, the power behind Mani Island is beyond imagination."

"Hmm." Tang Chen hastily dismissed the thought.

Mani Island is actually powered by devouring souls, no wonder it trades in such a weird way.But if you need a soul, wouldn't it be good to send it to the Demonic Battlefield?
Tang Chen's thought popped up, and he swallowed it back after walking around.Did not say it.

On the chopping stage, the beautiful chopping master took out a crystal ball at this moment, and after showing it, he introduced: "This magic weapon of the cave is called Biye Shenglian."

"Oh? This is Bi Ye Sheng Lian?" Mr. Cambridge, his face was radiant, his eyes were burning and menacing.

Tang Chen didn't pay attention to all this at first, but suddenly, he saw that Mr. Cambridge had a strange expression, so he paid attention to it.

He turned his head to one side, leaned slightly, and looked at Biye Shenglian carefully.

Inside the crystal ball, a lotus flower the size of a fingernail is suspended. It is said to be a lotus flower, but it is actually more like a lotus platform.

Starting from the outermost layer, in order; light green, yellow green, grass green, emerald green, dark green, and the most dazzling fluorescent green lotus in the middle.

There are six lotus seed-shaped protrusions on the lotus base, forming a circle, like stars arching the moon, with a purple-gold protrusion in the middle.Shining light, very extraordinary.

On the whole, it is extremely coordinated, and seems to fit the rhythm of some kind of wonderful mystery.A feeling of refreshing and pleasant pleasure arises spontaneously.

"Is it only [-] million years? It's too immature." Young Master Cambridge was slightly disappointed, not without regret.

However, he still flicked his wrist, hey~!A stone slip was thrown out, and a hidden mark was cast.

"Pfft~!" Tang Chen laughed.

Master Cambridge gave Tang Chen a hard look.He came back angrily: "Adding a spirit stone is allowed by the rules. There are still people who have successfully picked up the leak."

"The starting price is 1000 million spirit stones. If you add a spirit stone, it's too much! I'm afraid it will cry when it knows the truth."

Tang Chen joked.

"Then how much will you add?" Cambridge asked back.

"Two yuan! At least." Tang Chen responded with a smile.

"Puchi~!" Young Master Cambridge and Tang Chen all laughed at the same time.

For the real rich masters, it is the best way to spend money all the way to eliminate the sellers.But only the real big chaebols can do it.

Young Master Cambridge took a fancy to [Bi Ye Sheng Lian] but it has not yet reached the point where he must buy it.However, following [Unnamed Lakeside] a reminder.Young Master Cambridge, sweat is on his temples.

"Hehehe, that's not 79 million years, it's [-] years of God's death."

"What?" Young Master Cambridge noticed the purple gold bumps in the middle of the lotus pod.suddenly realized.

He murmured to himself: "It's the verdant green outside that deceived me. It is estimated that many people will be distracted by it."

Young Master Cambridge is obviously trying to comfort himself.

Tang Chen pursed his lips tightly, and gritted his teeth, "I'll help you too!" Grabbing a stone slip from the corner of the table, input a string of numbers, whoosh!Throwing it into the hands of the beheading Taiwan beauty beheading master.

If you don't participate in the hidden bid, you won't be able to participate in the final sale.

"Thank you!" Young Master Cambridge cupped his hands gratefully.

Tang Chen curled his lips, and Yun Danfeng teased lightly: "You drag me around here and there, isn't it just for me to help you as a thug? Hahaha."

"Tch~! You really think highly of yourself. Is there anyone who is so self-proclaimed?" Mr. Cambridge ridiculed very sharply.

Hahaha, the two looked at each other and laughed.

This is a harmless joke.Among the Valkyries, it is rare for such a long time to argue together.Because of practicing one way, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

The long and quiet retreat is the right way of vicissitudes of life.

Being able to play together for several days is already a rare and irreversible acquaintance.

Young Master Cambridge and Tang Chen are very congenial, and they hit it off very well.It can be seen that neither of them is an honest guy who keeps practicing.

Therefore, there is quite a share of fellow-minded people who cherish each other.

At this time, the sale has already begun in the venue.The winning bidder was Qiu Ya Wushen.A very beautiful lady.

Seductive yet ruthless.

Suddenly, Young Master Cambridge instructed Tang Chen in a low voice: "I'll sell it later, you don't want to participate. This Martial God of Qiu Ya is a mid-three star. It's very powerful, no less than me!"

"Yeah." Tang Chen had already been secretly reminded by [Blood Blade Flying Dagger] and [Unnamed Lakeside].

When Master Cambridge said this, he agreed firmly and resolutely.

"You promised too soon. Chi Chi Chi, you are afraid of death!" Young Master Cambridge teased a little funny.

"Well, I'm always afraid of death!" Tang Chen grinned, shrugged, spread his hands, and made a funny look that made people laugh.

"Hahaha! I'll sell it!" Mr. Cambridge admired Tang Chen very much, and he didn't hide it.

He laughed loudly, flew across his body, and headed straight for the chopping platform.

(End of this chapter)

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