Shushan Wushen

Chapter 320 Destroying Flowers with Hot Hands

Chapter 320 Destroying Flowers with Hot Hands

At this moment...!
Tang Chen spread his palms flat, and the double sacred mountains suddenly appeared in his palms.Suddenly the wrist flips and the arm swings back.


Tang Chen fought like a common man, holding a brick in his hand.At the foot of the nine palaces and fifteen steps, suddenly, he deceived Qiu Yawushen.

"There is still such a desperate way? Open your eyes!" A warrior shook his head.There is a sense of emotion that the generation of Valkyrie is not as good as the previous generation.

"Water has an impermanent shape, and mountains have an impermanent potential. The law...Naturally has no fixed law. This trick is very good!" A martial god retorted.And be praised.

"Simple and rude, direct enough! Simple but not simple." You Valkyrie admired it very much.

"The road is as simple as it is!" There is a word from the Valkyrie, which is quite thought-provoking and thought-provoking.The aftertaste is long.


Qiuya Wushen realized something was wrong.Exerting the power of space, his figure flickered, and he reappeared in the original position again.

She felt that the two-star Martial God couldn't hurt her.

After all, the two-star Martial God does not have the ability of space and causality.Without cause and effect, the spatial position of the three-star Valkyrie cannot be found.And the space, on the other hand, always prevents the attack from actually landing on her divine body.

Unexpectedly, she really underestimated Tang Chen.

Tang Chen had already set a trick for her.When Shenshan made a move, he was radiant and powerful.

In addition, Tang Chen was in charge of picking flowers in Jiugong, and he was extremely fast.No one has noticed that there is a pearl on the top of the double mountain.

That pearl is actually Tang Chen who refined a divine thought of Mr. Cambridge.

A body without consciousness..., but with the power of a three-star warrior!
"Broken ~!"

Tang Chen was terribly calm, drinking in a low voice.


Martial God Qiu Ya suddenly changed color, and an attack no less than her force value had arrived.

Qiu Ya's Martial God's face turned pale, and he cried out in surprise.

However, the delicate and crisp voice still changed its frequency, but it still failed to break through the blockage of the throat.

The rather pretty face, with a terrified expression, is frozen forever.

Tang Chen shook his hand and pointed: "Marshal Li! Take it!"

As soon as the voice fell, a billowing black line was formed by highly concentrated ghosts, hey~!At this moment, a spirit of primordial soul rushed out of the tattered head of Martial God Qiu Ya.

The black thread rushed forward and tangled Wushen Qiu Ya into a rice dumpling.

"It's so scarce! It's so scarce! It's so scarce!"

Marshal Li shouted excitedly.

"Master, can you teach me?"

Tang Chen said casually: "It's up to you! Do it as you like! Do it however you like!"

"Hahaha, good! Thank you, master! I do it ten thousand times a day! One! Ten thousand! One time! One! Ten thousand! One time!"

Marshal Li yelled ecstatically, spoke incoherently, turned around in an arc, and slipped into Tang Chen's hands again.

Something very pornographic and violent is about to happen in [Hunyuan Ghost Banner]. Tang Chen's mind is wide open, will there be a bunch of ghost monkeys?
In Mani Island, it is not allowed to collect souls, but it is still possible to drink the wine you brew yourself.

In fact, Tang Chen didn't know the specific rules, because this kind of thing hadn't been clarified.

The big deal is that Mani Island asks for it and returns it to them.One or two remnants of souls, Tang Chen can still handle them.

"... Hiss! It's weird and powerful!" The remaining three Martial Gods are all two-star Martial Gods.Originally there was the idea of ​​picking up leaks.

Longing for two three-star warriors, his divine sense was exhausted.In this way, the two-star Martial God still has a chance to crush the two-star divine sense.

Tang Chen was beyond their expectations.Therefore, the three hesitated.

"Hmph~!" Tang Chen glanced at the three of them with extreme disdain, and grabbed back with his big hand.

The body of the Martial God Qiu Ya floated up towards Tang Chen.

Tang Chen raised his fist and punched hard.

"Boom~!" The body shattered.Armors, magic weapons, warriors, rings with inscription patterns, clanging and crackling, all fell to the ground.

"Hiss! This guy is too ruthless, you can destroy flowers with your hands! How beautiful is the Martial God Qiu Ya. He didn't even hesitate..."

The three Martial Gods became more and more hesitant.

Tang Chen looked cold, and waved Qiu Ya's ashes, as well as equipment, into the [Hunyuan Ghost Banner].

If Marshal Li can train Qiuya Wushen well, these can be returned to Qiuya Wushen.After all, the divine body is better than the original one.

The beauty beheaded the salesman, hesitated, but said firmly: "According to the rules, the dead warrior, equipment, soul, divine body..."

Tang Chen nodded, and took out two souls, "War God Qiu Ya has not fallen."

The beautiful salesman did not make things difficult for Tang Chen, and said apologetically, "That's the rule, I'm sorry. If it's convenient for you, I can explain it to you tonight. One-on-one."

Tang Chen was startled, and immediately became embarrassed.Is this a hint?He shook his head decisively.

Lao Tzu is not a casual person!
"They abstained!" Tang Chen said in a very arrogant way, squinting at the three people in the audience.

Those three people were also discouraged, and paid 300 million spirit stones in desperation.He plunged headfirst into the chopping platform and left quickly.

Tang Chen glanced at the hidden bid announced by the beauty beheader, and couldn't help but click his tongue.

The hidden mark of the Martial God Qiu Ya was actually 11 billion and one Lingshi!
This is definitely a huge sum of money!
It exceeded the starting bid price by [-] million, eleven times as much.It's a pity that Mani Island and the beautiful salesman were all cheap.

There is a commission for the beheading and selling of beautiful women.This time it is estimated that I will get a soft hand!
Did not go back to the restaurant box.The Prince of Cambridge is already waiting.He was beaming.Hugged Tang Chen fiercely.

"God Tang, great job! My friend!"

Tang Chen and Young Master Cambridge did not dare to delay, and left Mani Island decisively.

The sequence list itself is a magic weapon of time and space, and now the core magic weapon is the flame and stars.Got away by Tang Chen.

There is no magic weapon like [Bi Ye Sheng Lian].

in the sequence list.

Tang Chen and Mr. Cambridge stood in the void, Mr. Cambridge took out the crystal ball, pop!crumb.

【Bi Ye Sheng Lian】Blooms brightly suddenly.An indescribable holy radiance, released to the fullest.In the dark and cold space, even the silence was annihilated.

In an instant, the brilliance was blazing, like bathing in light rain.

The spiritual energy visible to the naked eye came one after another.Even the essence of the five elements, lingering and curling up, seems to be summoned...

"Sure enough, it's a magic weapon!" Young Master Cambridge clapped his hands and laughed, his anxiety disappeared.

In Tang Chen's eyes, that [Green Leaf Raising Lotus] devoured the aura, refining the endless essence of the five elements.Rotating slowly, the brilliance and vastness are released, rather than scattered.

One month later, [Bi Ye Sheng Lian] expanded hundreds of millions of times.Although it is not as vast as Heizi Land, it is enough.

"God Tang, it's up to you. Hahahaha!"

Prince Cambridge laughed.

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and made a move. "Small things! It's also a matter of duty!"

Flames lingered in the distance, and stars like fireballs shrank and shrank.Rumble ~, come floating.

Landing in front of Tang Chen's eyes, Tang Chen stretched out his hand to point.


Tang Chen and Young Master Cambridge followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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