Shushan Wushen

Chapter 329 Falan Great Pill

Chapter 329 Falan Great Pill

The law enforcement general didn't introduce himself, but he was very respectful, and led Tang Chen into a military camp.

From the outside of this barracks, there was nothing special about it, but Tang Chen felt an extremely majestic aura when he approached it.

It's an inscription pattern!
Stepping into the barracks, sure enough!
Incomparably huge and majestic boulders are built into a huge and majestic castle.Very shocking.Extremely amazing.

Tang Chen couldn't help admiring.Without stopping, the law enforcement general approached a blue pyramid.

Tang Chen's heart was startled suddenly, his eyelids twitched wildly, and there was a strong sense of ominousness.

"Don't make any noise! ​​Remember!" the law enforcement general exhorted.

Inside the pyramid.Ahead is a hall.The layout is extremely simple.A large grand teacher's chair, on which the master of the building, Mr. Tsinghua University, sits.

It was Tang Chen's first time seeing Mr. Tsinghua.Smiling and clapping hands.

Young Master Tsinghua exchanged pleasantries with Tang Chen for a while.Long sigh.

"Master Cambridge will not be able to pass this hurdle this time."

"What's going on?" Tang Chen asked.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Young Master Tsinghua took Tang Chen upstairs.

Pyramids, for Valkyrie, have the effect of gathering divine power.It is equivalent to passive absorption.Prince Cambridge lay quietly on the top of the pyramid.The whole body is covered with spirit stones.

Tang Chen couldn't help but his heart sank, "So serious?" A very bad feeling arose spontaneously.

Tang Chen couldn't help being stunned when he walked up to Young Master Cambridge.

Each blood hole, shocking.Although scabbed.But there is still blood, gurgling and flowing.If it weren't for the bright spirit stone.Moisturize constantly.I'm afraid the young master of Cambridge has already lost his vitality.

What a horrible attack!Incomplete.The whole body festered and could not heal for a long time.

Master Tsinghua introduced: "The Machina team is full of purple phosphorus elements, which are extremely poisonous. It is known as the Purple Phosphorus Army. Our Purple Gold Army has lost 600 million three-star warriors. The high-end combat power is almost exhausted."

Hearing this, Tang Chen gasped.Can't help being surprised.asked:
"Then what tactics did you choose to deal with the Purple Phosphorous Army?"

Master Tsinghua shook his head and sighed: "There is nothing we can do!"

Then, he said again: "Our Zijin Army has no combat power and is about to be withdrawn. This place will be handed over to the Iron Blood Army to garrison. Maybe the withdrawal will be this year."

Mr. Tsinghua looked very painful, with a face of entanglement and depression.

"Endless glory is far away from our Zijin Army, and unspeakable humiliation is coming!"

Tang Chen leaned over to check Young Master Cambridge's wound, and asked, "Have you never used the right medicine?"

Young Master Tsinghua shook his head and said, "Ordinary detoxification pills are not effective at all. After taking regular treasure pills, the wounds burst and bleed profusely. According to the Tangmen military doctor who was born in Shushan, you should take [Falan Great Pill]. But there is something missing. The main medicine for children cannot be refined."

"Yes, Falan Great Pill can indeed detoxify, and it has a miraculous effect on the poison of purple phosphorus. What is the main medicine missing? Is it the rejuvenation grass, or... the mechanical heart?!"

"That's right! It's the mechanical heart. Originally we had a general-level mechanical heart, but the alchemist refined [Falan Great Pill], and the success rate was too low. The furnace exploded!"

"It turns out that's the case... Then why don't you get a mechanical heart, other armies can also exchange it."

Young Master Tsinghua shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face: "It's so hard to find a general-level mechanical heart. All the troops reserve are soldier-level mechanical hearts. It's useless! We lack high-end combat power and can't take down general-level robots. The solicitation of rewards sent out has also caused the friendly army to lose a lot of good players. Therefore, it is still pending."

Tang Chen thought about it, and after a long time, he said firmly: "I'll go! I want to get a general-level mechanical heart for third brother."


Young Master Tsinghua suddenly lost his voice, widened his eyes, and then shook his head decisively, "Tang Chen, I understand your thoughts. I will keep this friendship in my heart. But I am not hitting you. Even if I am a five-star Martial God, I am not at all sure. "

As he spoke, Young Master Tsinghua raised his left hand, which was carried behind his back, and took off the glove.

"Did you see it? It's fake!"

Only then did Tang Chen notice that this hand was covered in purple gold, and it turned out to be a mechanical palm.The whole body is radiant, dazzling, and extremely extraordinary.

Young Master Tsinghua's tone was dignified, and he could not help but sigh: "If I hadn't made a decisive decision to cut off this hand, I am afraid that my wrist, arm, and shoulder will be like the third brother is now. You... don't go to die."

"I'll try it! I'm destined, and I won't die easily." Tang Chen replied firmly.

"No! Otherwise, when the third brother wakes up, he will blame me, the elder brother, for not treating his friends as friends. This matter cannot be discussed."

A warm current rose in Tang Chen's heart.The three landlords of Zijin Building are really very human.Friendship is very important.However, this also strengthened his thinking.Scholars die for their confidants, yes!
"Lord of the building, I have made up my mind. For the sake of the precious friendship between us, and the dragon's pond and tiger's den, I also want to break into it."

After finishing speaking, he cupped his fists at the owner of the building, turned around, and was about to leave.

Master Tsinghua, the owner of the building, grabbed Tang Chen, let out a long sigh, and told the truth.

"Tang Chen, there's really no need, look!"

As he said that, Master Tsinghua, the owner of the building, waved his sleeves and swung away the Lingshi Mountain beside Master Cambridge.Brilliantly missing, the true face of the 'Cambridge Young Master' was revealed impressively.

Tang Chen stared at it and was shocked.

"This, this, this is the third brother?"

Master Tsinghua looked sad and shook his head: "This is Hengshui Martial God. He was also injured, and the poison of purple phosphorus penetrated deep into the bone marrow!"

"What's going on?" Tang Chen asked.

Young Master Tsinghua gave a bitter smile: "Don't you understand?"

"I..., I can't believe it!" Tang Chen responded weakly.I couldn't believe it even more.Thick ominous, ups and downs.

"There are no bones left!" The owner of the building, Mr. Tsinghua, burst into tears when he said this.

"My condolences!" Tang Chen comforted in a low voice.My heart was suddenly empty, as if it had been hollowed out.The voice became hoarse.

"Our three brothers, two dead and one disabled, oh! There is no time for glory! Unfortunately, the great cause has not yet been accomplished, and the mechanical clan is still there. The middle way collapsed. Did not persist until the end of the war!"

"Lord of the building, don't be sad. The war has not stopped because the demons are still there. Although we may not be able to turn the tide, we are destined to do another big thing to avenge the third brother and the generals of the Zijin Army!"

Tang Chen clenched his fists, flames of hatred shot out from his eyes.Clusters of phoenix feather flames, like petals, bloom and wither, never annihilated for a long time.

"My three brothers have worked hard all the way here, and now I am the only one left. I have,... I have no faith! If you have the heart, I will temporarily entrust the Zijin Army to your command!"

(End of this chapter)

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