Shushan Wushen

Chapter 404 One hit each [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen works]

Chapter 404 One hits ten

Some old students have lingering fears, whispering, and rubbing the top of their heads from time to time.Clearly, there had been injuries there.

It should be a dull pain to this day, and I can't forget it for a long time.left a psychological shadow.

Tang Chen was still standing so straight, a sense of coercion lingered faintly, and he was angry without being mighty.

Suddenly!A cloud of mist rose in front of Tang Chen, and the mist quickly solidified, and Immortal Zhunti suddenly appeared.He smiled and looked at Tang Chen.

"Very good! In the past 8607 million years, you are the second new student to receive the Sacred Heart of Ten Apertures. Congratulations, little guy!"

Zhunti Zhenren had a kind tone and a calm expression, but Tang Chen felt something was wrong.This is clearly rubbing fire!Tang Chen's new identity was exposed!
Zhunti Zhenren put down these words and disappeared again.

"Tower Master!"

Tang Chen tried to use this claim to persuade Zhunti Zhenren to stay.Unexpectedly, Zhunti Zhenren was so free and easy at this time, he also looked up to Tang Chen: "Little guy, your name is Tang Chen, right! You have the right to call me Lord Pagoda Master..."

The lingering sound lingered, and there was no trace of the figure of Zhunti Pagoda Master.

At this time, those old students who had been bluffed came to their senses and gathered around them one by one, with grinning grins on their faces.

Some went straight to attack, with a gleaming fist, full of divine power, and attacked Tang Chen's stomach fiercely.

"Beat me first, then talk!"

"Let him spit out the Sacred Heart of Ten Apertures!"

"Yes! How can a newborn egg be qualified to have the Sacred Heart of Ten Apertures?"

"Get out of the way! I'll come too!"

In an instant, this place is full of light and divine power.Fist and kick flying.Dust was also flying.The old students are ruthless and ruthless, playing the prestige of the old students, playing the momentum of the old students.

There is the arrogant glory that belongs to the reincarnation university, spraying on their faces.One by one, they are shining brightly, like gods, with blazing clouds flowing.Excited.

How fast is Tang Chen?The fifteen steps of the Nine Palaces moved like flying. The main thing, the Sacred Heart of Ten Apertures, brought Tang Chen vigorous blood flow, and his blood flow rate was much higher than that of the old man.

The most intuitive benefit of accelerated blood metabolism is hearing and eyesight.Tang Chen saw clearly that every move and every style became extremely slow in Tang Chen's eyes.

Tang Chen felt very happy fighting in this way.Shaking his head and smiling reservedly, he secretly said: "Isn't this bullying?"

He put his fingers together, and played [Pingshui Thirty Fingers Eastern Jue]... Boom!boom!Boom~!

The momentum is not mighty, but the effect is amazing.The wrist was sore from the shock.

Tang Chen instantly understood that these old students were not easy.The spirit and body are extraordinary.After practicing for a period of time, his combat power, especially his ability to resist blows, has been extremely good.

Where is Tang Chen, a one-star Martial God, who can completely crush him?

Tang Chen rolled his eyes and shouted loudly: "Stop! Stop!"

"What's wrong? Is the newborn egg going to be unbearable? Don't bother to knock him down!"

The old man rallied his remaining courage, with an incomparably mighty momentum, and it was another round of attacks.While retreating, Tang Chen continued to yell: "You have too many people. It's not fair. Why don't you form a team of ten, and I'll beat you all by myself!"

"What? This freshman is too arrogant. It must be defeated! Work harder!"

Some old students felt that Tang Chen was dying, so they yelled loudly, overwhelming Tang Chen's yelling.

Tang Chen really wanted to draw out the saber of reincarnation, and kill a dozen of them with just one sweep...However, this is a ritual of abuse for new students, and it cannot be a murderer.

There was no other way, although Tang Chen felt very upset, he could only avoid it blindly.Actively dodge.

However, just when Tang Chen was quite helpless, bursts of animal roars suddenly came out in Tang Chen's heart.

The mountain and sea beasts felt Tang Chen's depression, especially the Thunderbolt Dragon, which actually released thunderbolt lightning through Tang Chen's body surface, crackling and flickering, and sparks wandering away.The momentum is frightening.

Then, the lava power of the Chiyan Jinyan Beast made Tang Chen extremely hot all over, and the heat wave was rolling with every gesture!
"Ah...! This freshman wants to do something! Boss Lianyi!" The old students exclaimed.

"Look at me!" Lian Yi, this is an arrogance among the old students, he stepped out, his purple hair hanging down to his hips, his eyes were shining, and the purple eyes were actually double pupils.The corner of the mouth curved and flashed like lightning.

Lianyi made a quick move, his palm glowed, and the lightning arc swam away.The body is extremely fast and fierce.

Tang Chen's eyes went dark, that cheap figure was too big, covering Tang Chen's sight, without combat skills, the physical body alone was an insurmountable mountain.

"Playing with power? Want to crush me? Idiots!"

There was a coldness in Tang Chen's eyes, and he operated the [Pingshui Thirty Fingers] mental method, with ten fingers and 28 finger pads, like a volcanic eruption, the energy was horribly full.

Curling the fingers is the other two fingerings.That is the power of a meteor that can destroy the world!
Tang Chen stood still and released his energy instantly.Incomparably majestic, the momentum is earth-shattering.It was as if a big star shattered in front of my eyes.

Lian Yi's face was pale, he coughed up blood, and flew upside down, with a huge hole in his chest, dripping with blood, it was extremely miserable.

"Ah...! Boss Lianyi is actually defeated!"

The old students were so terrified that they opened their mouths and couldn't close them for a long time.Without stopping, they retreated one after another.

"What's cheap? Look at me!"

Zang Feng is also a proud man, usually arrogant, reclusive, and disdain to socialize.Now he stands up.For the old man's face and honor.


Zang Feng let out a loud roar, and the blue robe on his body swelled like wind.The overwhelming momentum poured out.

"Roar!" His hidden front is like a volcano that has been dormant for endless years. The surging scorching energy seems to ignite this space, which is even better than Tang Chen's fiery torrent!

"Once Zang Feng comes out, who will fight for the front? Tsk tsk, this freshman probably won't be able to hold his breath!" An old student looked at Zang Feng with peace of mind and adored eyes.

"What you said is very true! Boss Lian Yi is quite afraid of Zang Feng's burning sky combat skills. Let alone this little newborn!"

Some old students agreed, and the eyes they cast on Tang Chen were like looking at a dead person.Very indifferent.

"It's a pity, this freshman is very extraordinary, and he knows how to avoid the edge for a while, but it's a pity that he was exposed by the real Zhunti! Very sad guy!"

There is a sense of superiority brimming with control.The tone was full of sympathy and compassion.Shake your head and sigh.

Tang Chen's energy was crushed, and his body's energy was greatly lost.He suddenly changed color.He muttered: "Samsung Martial God! Shameless!" and wanted to retreat.

However, the Sacred Heart of Ten Apertures is too extraordinary.Since there is a realm gap than the size.Then fight against it!If you can't live with each other, you can overcome each other!

The power of the ice-armored horned dragon quickly exploded from Tang Chen's heart.

Kaka Kaka…!
Pieces of crystal clear ice, in the form of armor, covered Tang Chen's body in an instant.Even on the face, a crystal-like mask was raised.Incomparably bright, sacred and mighty!

(End of this chapter)

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