Shushan Wushen

Chapter 406 A sudden fight

Chapter 406 A sudden fight

The middle section of Futu Mountain stretches as far as the eye can see, with verdant greenery everywhere, and jagged rocks suddenly appear in the dense forest.Occasionally there are several open places with pavilions and martial arts arenas.

Often this kind of place is usually spread out according to the terrain. The larger area is a million miles deep, and the smaller one is only a few tens of miles in radius.

Most of the old students, the blue robes are strong and windy, their fists are shining brightly, and their mouths are drinking loudly.Learn from each other and practice, and practice obsessively.

There are also groups of three or four, occupying the gazebo in various poses and talking loudly.

The master of Zhunti Pagoda did not take the usual path, and led Tang Chen, stepping on the verdant flowering trees, the crowns of which were swaying, until they reached the other side of Futu Mountain.

This side belongs to the sunny slope, the vegetation is more lush, and there are clear ponds sparkling with light, and the streams converge into green springs, flowing like jade belts, dignified and graceful.

The terrain by the water is endless and open, the ground is covered with green grass, and the regular students in blue robes are talking and laughing happily, full of vigor.High spirits.

Tang Chen followed the Zhunti Pagoda Master and landed on the side of the mountain.Tang Chen looked around, it was a row of caves.The lintel is made of local materials, and the huge stone is carved straight.Quaint and heavy.

There are mottled moss, with indomitable vitality.There are also stone carvings, which are exquisite and smooth.

"From the road to simplicity!"

Tang Chen didn't see the vulgarity, only saw the ingenuity.According to the mountain situation in front of you, the first floor of the cave is protruding forward, and the upper second floor is gradually shrinking.The third floor is more contracted than the second floor.It is equivalent to saying that under the courtyard on the second floor is the roof of the first floor, and the courtyard on the third floor is the roof of the second floor.

Such a gradual upward slope is based on the direction of the mountain.However, Tang Chen clearly felt that the aura on the first layer was thin, and there was a sour smell coming out.

"On the first floor of the cave, thousands of people live together. On the second floor, thousands of people live together. On the third floor, a hundred people live together. On the fourth floor, ten people live together. On the fifth floor, those with abilities live alone or together!"

Master Zhuntita said seriously, and his tone returned to kindness.

Tang Chen asked: "What is capable? Can you challenge?"

The master of Zhunti Pagoda did not answer directly, but just nodded, and said: "Cao Zitou went to the sixth floor of the Futu Pagoda to find the bad luck of Qin Lao Jiang, Qin Lao Jiang was dissipated. He angered Master Ling Xiao and died forever. King Qin Guang is now relentless , with Princess Qin Yao, to stir up wind and rain, thoroughly investigate and search for all clues! You can practice at this level with peace of mind!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Chen meaningfully.

Tang Chen came to a sudden, his heart moved, and he felt the kindness of the Zhunti Pagoda Master.I also thought a lot.There are no good birds in this world.Of course, Tang Chen couldn't foolishly throw out his sincerity.He didn't even have a smile on his face.He stared at Master Zhuntita calmly.

Master Zhuntita has dealt with all kinds of students.I know how complicated and meticulous the minds of these guys who retain the memories of their previous lives are.If Tang Chen showed gratitude at this time, even if there was only a slight hint of gratitude, he would be looked down upon by Zhunti Pagoda Master.

"The mountains are high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fishes to leap! Here you can use your hands and feet as much as you want. The strong are not scheming or rhetoric, only fists are the hardest!"

These words fell into Tang Chen's ears, and Tang Chen couldn't help laughing.He raised his fist: "If the scheming and rhetoric are better than mine, I will use my fist to prove that I am better than him!"

"Okay!" Zhunti Pagoda Master kindly praised, and then urged with deep meaning, "I will always pay attention to you. However, I will not show up in critical moments. That is a test for you. I hope you can pass... …test!"

Tang Chen heard something else, and guessed the intention of the master of the pagoda.He lowered his head and looked up again, only to find that Master Zhunti Pagoda had already left.

"Hey~! God's talking."

Tang Chen shook his head, he was quite confused about the impression of Master Tita.I feel that his kind tone is always so contrived.It feels like it's hiding something.

"Hehehe... You came to the dormitory so soon. Is your name Tang Chen?"

Suddenly, the clear sound of gurgling like spring water, accompanied by the tinkling and humming by the stream, rang in Tang Chen's ears.Breathing out like blue, the hot air even touched Tang Chen's ears.

Tang Chen turned his head slowly and took a closer look, he was indeed old and ethereal.The ethereal figure is graceful and graceful.Standing there looks like a light green bamboo.

Tang Chen clasped his fists gracefully and calmly: "Tang Chen has met Senior Kong Ling."

"After passing the orientation area, you're already a senior student in Xiangyang Campus."

Kong Ling pointed softly, and then covered his face with his hands, his long and narrow eyes bent into crescents.

"Hehehe, no need to be polite."

She looked cheerful and shy, which was very seductive.

A first-quarter moon grinned from the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, with one hand across his chest and the other stretched out.Kong Ling had also seen the big world in her previous life, so she gently extended her hand.

Tang Chen pinched her four fingers, brought them close to his lips, and lightly touched the back of Kong Ling's hand.

Hand kiss!
The ethereal thumb lightly fiddled with Tang Chen's middle finger three times.This is the meaning of courtesy.However, there is also a hint of provocation.

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows, but without letting go, he raised Kong Ling's palm and guided it around Kong Ling's body slowly, in a very elegant circle.

Ethereal is very familiar, she twirled lightly, her clothes fluttering, like the wind passing through a bamboo forest, agile and graceful, then her arms were soft and boneless wrapped around her delicate body, leaning lightly on Tang Chen's chest, her cheeks were slightly tilted back, and she gave Tang Chen a kiss. .

The etiquette of nobles is quite cumbersome and pays attention to style.This is an extremely standard etiquette.

However, there are always those guys who have nothing to do and look for random types, doing things!


A loud whistle, full of sarcasm and extreme extreme.Whoosh whoosh~!Countless extremely unfriendly eyes released coercion with malicious intentions.

Tang Chen said with a smile: "Kong Ling, you have brought hatred for me."

"Hehehe~!, are you afraid? Hehehe, I don't believe it. Don't let me help you, okay?"

Kong Ling smiled slyly, her peach blossom eyes turned into bright moons again.

Tang Chen calmly cast his gaze on the face of an old green-haired student.Ticked his fingers to him: "Apologize! For your impolite behavior, you have to act in accordance with etiquette!"

"Are you talking about Lu Sha? I heard it right!" An old student beside Lu Sha flung the front of his robe arrogantly, exuding a sense of superiority.Bluff, extreme exaggeration.

"Brother Hou! Don't pay attention to this newborn. I'll give him a good beating to activate his blood. It's also very good!"

Lusha is very good at coming, so he grabbed Brother Hou, took a step forward, and met Tang Chen.

"Three-star Martial God? No wonder you are not afraid of me!"

Tang Chen slandered, without pausing, he quickly and secretly mobilized a force of Kui Niu, causing his entire right arm to swell.

Automatic without wind!

Boom ~.

Be the first to attack!Tang Chen slapped "Bang~!" and shattered half of Lu Sha's body.

This is not a game!Tang Chen has already seen that Brother Hou is not a good bird.Sooner or later it will come out.


Tang Chen flipped his fist and smashed Brother Hou's big mouth.The lips and teeth were immediately bloody, and the broken bones and rotten flesh splashed everywhere.

"Let's make your mouth cheap! Have you eaten shit?" Tang Chen said angrily.


With another punch, Brother Hou flew backwards, and fell into a coma in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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