Shushan Wushen

Chapter 411 Insufficient concentration

Chapter 411 Insufficient concentration

Tang Chen was overjoyed when he saw Lao Sheng's behavior like this.

A group of old Jiang Hu, resourceful and resourceful, really lacked so much blood.

Turning his eyes, Tang Chen began to pick the exotic flowers and herbs.

"Come here! It's you, the longest beards!"

Tang Chen waved his hand. It was a muscular and sturdy man who had been stealthily pretending to be a gardener and weeding and fertilizing. In fact, he was a ginseng plant.

The ginseng man immediately trembled.The small rake in his hand fell to the ground.Ji Lingling shuddered again, obviously frightened.You must know that a beard is an annual ring of ginseng.Equivalent to a life.

Ginseng essence turned around and wanted to escape, but this guy was very deceitful.Staring straight at Tang Chen, he swung his arms, obviously running towards Tang Chen with all his might, but his body retreated quickly.Unexpectedly, the rain is coming fast, and it is getting farther and farther away!
"Talent!" Tang Chen was dumbfounded.This ginseng essence man is too wonderful.

"Then you!" Tang Chen approached a cactus with a 'whoosh' sound.This bamboo cactus plant demon is very extraordinary, green like warm jade, with yellow and tender spikes shining brightly.Every gesture is dazzling.


The cactus screamed coquettishly, but looked up and saw Tang Chen's eyes.Hastily lowered his head and did not dare to look directly.

"Don't be nervous, just open a flower, just one!" Tang Chen said softly.

The cactus planted a demon, and a colorful spirit flower obediently emerged from the top upon hearing the words.This is the inner alchemy of the cactus.Very precious.A seven-color spiritual flower is a 7000-year annual ring.It is of great benefit to people in the martial arts to consolidate their roots and cultivate their talents.

"Not bad! Put it away. I just looked at it, but I haven't seen it. It's really beautiful!" Tang Chen admired honestly, with a sincere expression on his face.

"Yeah, you really scared me to death." Cactus Zhiyao, with lingering fear in his heart, glared at Tang Chen alluringly.Eyes sparkling, full of tenderness.

The ginseng plant demon man in the distance focused his attention on Tang Chen's "poisonous hand" on the cactus plant demon, and did not see the expected tragedy.He looked annoyed.

This guy's head is also nimble, and when he sees the wind, he runs back again, panting and honest: "I finally ran back, fortunately I didn't disgrace my life. How many whiskers do you want? Just ask."

Tang Chen took a deep look at the ginseng essence, stretched out his palm indifferently and turned it over, and a majestic voice sounded: "Ten! Ten beards of the highest year!"

"Ah...! Those are the beards of the gods!" The ginseng spirit exclaimed in surprise, then made up her mind, raised her palms, and ten radiant ginseng beards emerged from her hands.

These ten ginseng whiskers are as red as blood, and each of them is lined with stars, shining brightly and extremely sacred.In a trance, there are still nebula and aurora flowing.

Tang Chen saw the careful thinking of the ginseng plant demon, because the ten beards were not separated from the body.The man with ginseng essence looked at Tang Chen expectantly, and he hoped that Tang Chen would say, "Put it away, I'm just looking."

As a result, he miscalculated.Tang Chen was deficient in blood transfusion, what he needed was the beard of ginseng essence.

Tang Chen didn't say a word, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the ten ginseng beards, and pulled them out with a "swoosh."


On Ginseng Essence's rough face, grievances and resentment appeared.

Tang Chen looked sideways at the ginseng essence in a dignified manner, and said seriously: "Just now, if you took the initiative to listen to me, then you are just like little Jasmine just now. But, you played tricks on me. This is a lesson!"

The big man with ginseng essence was weeping, and had nowhere to complain about his suffering.However, Tang Chen's words also hit the big man's weakness.Leave him speechless.

"Hey, come here! Come on my shoulder!" Tang Chen waved again to a yak in the distance.

With a very docile look, he flew to Tang Chen's shoulder with a whoosh.Tang Chen's body was so heavy that he almost fell down.

"Enough! As a freshman, you are so rampant, let me teach you a lesson!"

Chongjian is a swordsman, ranked among the top [-] people in the discipline, specializing in sword control, and carries a flying sword stand day and night.He is a three-star warrior.However, it is also difficult for ordinary five-star Martial Gods to get any big bargains under Chongjian's flying sword.

Before Chongjian could finish his words, the Flying Sword Platform had already been unfolded.Flying swords, whoosh, whoosh~!Shooting straight, sparkling, the sword light reaches the sky, brightening one side of the sky.

Chi Chi Chi....

One of the handles suddenly changed direction, piercing through the air fiercely, like the morning glow bursting out in the bright sun, very concealed.Approaching Tang Chen, it was like a comet hitting the moon, oppressively imprisoning the surroundings, and attacking people with murderous aura.Grand and grand.Just this aura made Tang Chen very suffocated.


Tang Chen shook his body, then quickly returned to his position, and then returned to his position after shaking again.A series of afterimages suddenly appeared, making Tang Chen look a little unreal.

Finally, Shua~!

Tang Chen disappeared briefly.Then, it appeared again quickly.

Because just now, there is an afterimage effect. In fact, there is really no Tianjiao who can find Tang Chen disappearing for a while.After all, the nine palaces and fifteen steps are too miraculous.Mysterious and unparalleled, the speed is unsurpassed.

Tang Chen, whom Feijian had originally targeted, suddenly disappeared.Feijian also lost his aim.It just so happened that Tang Chen just appeared,


Tang Chen stretched out two fingers, caught the flying sword, and put it away with a shake of his hand.Take it for yourself!
The flying sword is too precious, it is a divine weapon tempered by the sword cultivator who cultivates the flying sword with flesh and blood.After losing the flying sword, Chongjian immediately became angry, pinching his fingers to control the sword, one after another continuous sword light, surging and dazzling, the power is earth-shattering, stronger than the sun.

A series of five flying swords drew different trajectories, attacking Tang Chen from all angles.

Tang Chen's soul is extremely powerful, so his mental power is particularly strong, and he can clearly see the trajectory of the flying sword.However, the drop point cannot be determined.It's nothing more than that this flying sword is controlled by divine sense.It was a fluke to cut off the divine sense under the sneak attack and win one.Five flying swords come hand in hand, cooperate with each other to form a sword formation, it is difficult to deal with!
Whoosh whoosh~~!
How could Tang Chen sit still and wait for his death, Jiugong quickly changed direction with fifteen steps, Jiugong picking flowers turned extremely, fingers changed, Pingshui thirty fingers were fully fired, and power was brewing in the belly of the fingers....

Clang clang clang...!
Tang Chen flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, facing the flying sword, attacking frequently, every force was the ultimate power, with a clang, the flying sword deflected a little bit, and the slightest loss was a thousand miles away.The landing point must have changed.

"Puff puff puff~~~."

Chongjian Divine Sense wrapped Feijian, was hit hard by Tang Chen, and was immediately severely injured.It doesn't matter if the divine sense is destroyed, the key is the soul.The Yuanhun was defeated, even though it was only scattered, it was still a shock to the brain.Dizziness and eye strings, chest tightness, and brain buzzing.Not to mention being continuously traumatized!
So, Chongjian opened his mouth and spewed out black blood...

(End of this chapter)

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