Shushan Wushen

Chapter 418 Burning paper in front of the grave

Chapter 418 Burning paper in front of the grave

Xiameng Mountain is formed by arching four mountains in spring, summer, autumn and winter.Only this lush and lush Xiameng Mountain is like a girl in a green gauze dress on a midsummer night. Under the setting sun, she is very eye-catching.Hence the name.

The girl in green gauze is elegant and graceful, resembling the brilliance of beautiful jade.And like a heroic heroine.Defend a pure land.Guard the three mountains behind.

The other three mountains of Xiameng Academy are forbidden areas.Even the senior officials of Xiameng Academy are forbidden to enter at will.

Under the cover of three mountains there, a cave mansion is impressively entrenched.It is the Great Dream Temple!
The students of Xiameng Academy are all lonely ghosts with no "background" in their previous lives.They don't have their own spiritual body.So how does the soul obtain the physical body?Fortunately, Xiameng Academy has a standard body.It can be used to soothe the soul.But this Xia Meng spirit body is really too crude, it can only provide basic functions.

Therefore, the senior management of Xiameng Academy selected the outstanding ones with a high degree of fit and bestowed them with the title of Tianjiao.Sent to the Great Dream Temple for further training.

The Great Dream Temple, as the name suggests, is a dream for thousands of years.Many Xia Mengtianjiao's cultivation bases have risen sharply because of this.Many stunning and stunning Valkyries of the Supreme rank emerged.Graduated successfully.After reincarnation, reach the world of the sun, like a rose on a cliff, women do not give in to their eyebrows, virtuousness and talent fly together, crossing the ages!Even the mother's appearance in the world has influenced the direction of a great world.

It can be said that all regular students of Samsara University covet the Great Dream Temple.Every time I think about it, I scratch my heart and scratch my liver, my heart surges up and down, and I can't calm down for a long time.

In the past six months, Tang Chen's ears have been worn out.I have long been deeply attracted by the magical function of the Great Dream Temple.

The old principal of Xiameng Academy had bitter eyes, although she was reluctant, it was a pity that she had become a polished commander.All the girls were taken away by Tang Chen's team.She led the senior management of the academy to push aside the barrier of the three mountains.Only bring Tang Chen in.

"Ah..., this is a piece of sea! It's so majestic!"

Tang Chen was shocked.Unexpectedly, the col surrounded by three mountains is not an abyss, but a blue sea!The sea crystal is crystal clear, large drops of water, and broken jade seem to surge to form tides.There are golden yellow and soft sand grains on the beach, each sand is so round, like beads from a beeswax car.The brilliance is incomparable, but it is as gentle as jade.

"This is not the sea, this is the Great Dream Temple!" The old dean of Xiameng Academy explained with a sigh.

Tang Chen blinked his eyes, his eyelashes flickered, bowed his hands respectfully, and gave a deep salute:
"Old dean, this time Tang Chen offended and offended. All of this is just unavoidable. You see, I am only a one-star martial god, and my cultivation level is too low. I am really embarrassed this time. It is very abrupt. Tang Chen If there is a breakthrough this time, I must dare not forget Xiameng Academy's help to me. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will double the compensation!"

"Okay! With your words, the old man feels much better. I hope that the person behind you can take care of me at Xiameng Academy in the future." The old dean's expression softened slightly.

After all, Tang Chen is not so domineering and overpowering others, and what's more, his words are very tactful and humble.She looked in awe, which calmed her down a lot.The tone also eased a lot.

The old woman glanced at Tang Chen solemnly, and said:
"Tang Chen, your spirit body and treasure body are a bit extraordinary. It's actually a fish-like body."

Tang Chen nodded, looking into the eyes of the old dean.

The old dean bent his back and moved his shriveled mouth, and said again: "The Great Dream Temple is actually what you see, but it is not what you see. You don't have to say what you saw. Because everyone sees it in their eyes. It’s a different world.”

"What?" Tang Chen was shocked when he said this.Looking at the old woman in astonishment.

The old dean smiled happily, and was very satisfied with Tang Chen's reaction. She recognized something that was tangled in her heart, and felt relieved.He also said: "The so-called scenery in this world is all illusory. You can break through the illusory and see the truth. This is the true meaning of martial arts that you have been pursuing all your life. Didn't the great existence behind you teach you?"

The old woman is talking.Quietly touch Tang Chen's details.

Tang Chen circumvented the old dean's tricks, thought appeared on his face, and asked earnestly: "Old dean, I heard that my [Fish Eyed Body] can be promoted. Is it true that the effect in the Great Dream Temple should be better? The most important thing , can you say, what should I pay attention to?"

After finishing speaking, he looked helplessly at the aged face of the old dean, who looked very devout and eager.

Seeing that the old woman was not speculative, she ignored Tang Chen.Turn around and tell the other Xiameng Academy executives.

"Prepare to sacrifice! Are the sacraments ready? Take them out!"

Tang Chen was unhappy, seeing that the old dean didn't really like him very much.The exchange just now was just a foreshadowing, a prelude to clichés.After thinking clearly, just watch them busy tossing...

The big incense stick that was as thick as an arm was lit.Curly blue smoke rises.The bright fragrance head releases a delicate fragrance.Tang Chen sniffed it quietly, his eyes and ears were clear, and his brain was instantly clear.

Tang Chen couldn't help admiring: "It smells so good!"

The old women ignored him, but pouted in extreme dissatisfaction and gave him a sideways glance.

The big incense was burning here, Tang Chen looked intoxicated, wandering in the green smoke in ecstasy, sniffing desperately.Not long after, the fishy aura that followed him around him actually faded away.Insignificant.

The old women lit a piece of talisman paper.

In an instant, there are blood-red corals, crystal and mysterious conch shells, gorgeous and fancy tortoiseshell shells, emerald green algae, and clear and luminous shark dorsal fins.In Tang Chen's eyes, they were all rare seafood.Appears in a flash and disappears in an instant.

"It's too extravagant! No wonder the Great Dream Temple can't be opened easily!"

Tang Chen muttered to himself, his face turned red, as if drunk.He smacked his tongue constantly.Eyes blurred, eyes gradually dimmed, drowsy.

"Dean! Is it alright?" There was an old woman who looked very distressed, holding a piece of black talisman paper in her hand, and her heart ached.I don't want to hurt anymore.

The old dean shook his head, took a deep look, and said quietly: "Xiao Cui, don't be reluctant. In case you offend Lord Yangmei, we are also lonely ghosts! Sigh~~~."

In the long silence, only Tang Chen was snoring like thunder.His body trembled strangely, as if he was chopping through the waves.It was as if the water was rushing over him vigorously.

Chi Chi Chi ~ ~ ~ ~.

Sheets of talisman papers of various colors continued to burn, and divine lights of various colors rose, and the sacred aura lingered endlessly here.

Tang Chen was swimming in the sea in his sleep, and small fish kept biting his feet.In the clear water, it is faintly visible, and deep in the bottom of the sea, there is a crystal palace...And on the sea in the distance, there is a radiant Longmen.The golden light is shining, and the purple mist is spraying thinly.

In fact, in the place surrounded by three mountains, there is a large bronze tomb, which hides wind and gathers energy.Imposing.Towering towering, extremely majestic.

In front of the grave, a group of old women were bent over, their withered faces shone with flames.The bony little hands are constantly changing colors.The talisman papers disappeared one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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