Shushan Wushen

Chapter 422 Liuyan Eight Phoenixes

Chapter 422 Liuyan Eight Phoenix


Little Cui Luoshan hunted, crashing into the big gray-white tree branch, like committing suicide towards a eucalyptus.

At the critical moment, Tang Chen "bang bang bang~!" suffered several heavy attacks on his back. "Pfft...!" Tang Chen spurted blood against the wind, and at the same time took advantage of the situation to "咻~!" The speed suddenly doubled.

Just behind Xiaocui's back with her robe, she was almost close to the tree branch...

Tang Chen bullied himself like a ghost, and with a punch, Xiao Cui flew horizontally, coughing up blood.

Tang Chen raised his big feet again, bang~!She kicked Jiaojiao flying.That delicate head rubbed against the branch, Chi Chi Chi....

"Ah... my face!"

With a delicate and enchanting pretty face, a branch of a tree passed by, a wound, flesh turned out, dripping with blood, ferocious and terrifying.

Dusty, flying sand and stones.Two sister pits suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Tang Chen! You've gone too far! You're courting death!" Xiameng Academy's high-level executives were all furious. They didn't have [piercing eyes], and mistakenly thought that Jiaojiao and Xiaocui were so miserable, and Tang Chen caused all this.

They were angry, roaring, their fists glowing, their bodies shining brightly, and they unleashed their combat skills one after another, blasting towards Tang Chen.

At this moment, Tang Chen's blood was surging, and he felt very uncomfortable.After carrying out several attacks, all internal organs were shaken.Fortunately, his heart is guarded by the souls of the top ten fierce beasts in the mountains and seas, otherwise, he would not be much better.

On the gray-white branch, Tang Chen was stuck there.He gasped for breath.The blood in the body boiled.Brain roars.Countless stars are shining before my eyes.dizzy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!"

Retching in the mouth, only sporadic blood foam. ... dying.

"do not want!"

Suddenly!Jiaojiao jumped up from the big pit, roaring loudly, huh~!Throwing out a small shield, the small shield surged against the wind, shining brightly.Flying obliquely, intercepting many combat skills of the high-level academy.

Boom boom boom~~~!

The sky was dark and the ground was dark, and the divine power was surging, and the big handprints, big footprints, and big paw prints all attacked the shield.

This shield is a magic weapon for protection, Jiaojiao's private collection, and its rank is definitely not low.It is a soldier of gods and demons.But the spirit of the magic weapon wailed, extremely miserable.Then, it stopped abruptly.The shield exploded with a bang.It turned into molten iron and dripped down, making a sizzling sound when it landed.The humus of the burned vegetation emits black smoke.

"Puff..." Jiaojiao exerted too much force, vomited blood, rolled her big eyes, and fell into a coma.It fell to the ground with a plop, and the dust was flying.

"Jiaojiao...!" Xiameng Academy's senior management, including the old dean, all exclaimed in concern.

"Tang Chen, you are too bold. You actually enslaved Jiaojiao!" Someone roared angrily, misleading the truth again.

The old dean's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes spit fire: "Tang Chen, you are too deceitful, I will fight with you!"

It's true that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. Xiaocui's violent temper is not without reason.As Xiaocui's miss, the old dean didn't hesitate to give way.

"A midsummer night's dreamy sunset glow!" She called out tenderly, piercing the clouds and tearing the silk.

A shocking scene appeared!Several high-level officials of Xiameng Academy transformed themselves instantly.

In an instant, the blood-red flames were incomparably blazing, and Liuyan shot straight through the sky, filling the entire space.A heat wave like a volcanic eruption rolled over, very majestic and powerful.

It overwhelmed the sky and covered the earth, covering Tang Chen.The ancient fossil-like tree made a rustling sound.The dumb crow croaked in terror.But the moment he opened his mouth, Hei Yu was scorched, his flesh sizzled, and oil dripped.It turned into a 'roasted crow'.

Tang Chen was dying, but his sanity was still there.With a flash of his body, he got into the painting environment.Through the painting environment.Shock was written all over his pale, bleeding face.

"This..., this is a phoenix! There are actually seven phoenixes!"

good!These are the eight phoenixes that have fallen in the Phoenix Holy Ruins since the birth of Chaos in the vastness.There are phoenixes and phoenixes, unable to return to the Holy Ruins of Phoenix, wandering in the starry sky road, and finally being taken into the Dafutu Pagoda. After all, it is a once amazing holy beast, and finally opened up a mountain and founded Xiameng College.

Pulled by the aura of the seven-headed phoenix, beautiful and fluffy feathers grew on that Jiaojiao's body.Liu Yan jumped, and the little flame swished away.Talent supernatural powers open repair skills.Instant self-healing, Yoyo woke up.

Hulala, Jiaojiao flew violently.With a human head and a phoenix body, this is the soul coming out of the body.

This piece of heaven and earth is full of flames, crimson like blood, the colors are incomparably gorgeous, and the colorful clouds are flowing and lingering all over the sky.There was a cloudy wind blowing, and it actually brought a trace of coolness, like a dreamy sunset glow on a midsummer night.

Liuyan Eight Phoenixes!

"This isn't a combat skill, it's a supernatural power! Such a beautiful and coquettish name, it's just a cover-up!" Tang Chen's heart shook, and he glanced at it with a flash of inspiration, and devoured the herbal medicine.The body glows, and the breath is no longer disordered.

"Eldest sister, don't make things difficult for him. Tang Chen just saved me and Xiaocui." Jiaojiao is still good.Explain in words.

"Ah..., so that's the case. Then we have wrongly blamed Tang Chen. He has already been injured by me." The old dean was a little annoyed.The phoenix flames on his body converge, and the feathers gradually disappear, from the form of a phoenix to a human form again.This is the soul returning to the shell.

With a 'whoosh', Tang Chen suddenly appeared, with undried blood still on the corner of his mouth.His complexion is still not good-looking, but his complexion is much better.

"Hey~! You've hurt me by complaining all the time. It's really annoying."

The old dean stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Cui, and fed a pill.Raise your head and negotiate: "The thing happened because of you, so what do you want?"

Tang Chen didn't change his face, and said sternly: "Forget it! I have a lot of adults, be more generous, and open the Great Dream Temple for me again!"

"It's absolutely impossible! It is a great opportunity to step into the Great Dream Temple once. Don't think about it!"

"Tang Chen! As the Eight Phoenixes of Liu Yan, we are willing to burn our divine power to regain our youth. Not only to maintain the dignity of Xiameng Academy, but also to show you our determination. Don't force us anymore." .The words speak from the heart.

Tang Chen shook his head resolutely: "Is your life worthless? Is that Xiaocui's life worthless? You should repay me."

Xiaocui yelled after hearing the words: "We will never die, at most the martial arts will be broken. You are too greedy! Tang Chen, enough is enough!"

Tang Chen laughed loudly, with a sarcasm on his face: "What kind of bastards are you? It's just fallen people who can't return to the Phoenix Holy Ruins. As holy beasts, if you don't return to the Phoenix Holy Ruins, a new Phoenix can't be born. You are from the Phoenix Holy Ruins. Sin beasts. You are unforgivable. Your help is redemption. It is a kind of redemption!"

"Bah~! What are you? Human Martial God. Humiliate me at the Phoenix Holy Ruins. Take your life!" Another high-level executive who restrained Feng Yu was furious.

Tang Chen sneered: "What am I? I have received the inheritance of the Fire Phoenix, and I am the Holy Phoenix!"

(End of this chapter)

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