Shushan Wushen

Chapter 430 Strangling to death

Chapter 430 Strangling to death

[PS: I was very surprised and touched by the addition of so many subscriptions this time.Thank you book friends for your strong support!Thanksgiving and blessings to all book subscribers!
Good things come in pairs!Recommended again!

Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!Thanks to the three giants for their love for "Shushan Warriors"!

A book is inseparable from the support of book friends, let alone the support of the editor-in-chief!My brother is grateful~!Swear to write this book well!
Book friends, if you have monthly tickets, please vote for Zijin Xingchen.Hehe~!Thank you! 】

King Qin Guang gave an order, and the ghost general rushed to the sky and covered the earth, soaring into the sky, and the icy black armor emitted a cold light.The cold light intertwined, like a big net made of iron, smashed towards the southwest continent.

With a radius of [-] miles, King Qin Guang and the others must have already calculated it.

The landing point is extremely delicate, and it is not bad.


Another shout from King Qin Guang sounded in Tang Chen's ears.Looking up, the ghost generals in the [Shenzhu Formation] fell sideways one after another, facing Tang Chen's ghost generals, their figures were slow, and the entire formation was like a big bowl turned upside down.Finally, with a bang, Tang Chen was banned in a spherical posture, and Tang Yangmei was also banned.

Boom boom boom~~~!

Tang Yangmei is not someone who just sits and waits to die. His character determines that he is very aggressive.But his fighting wisdom determines his extraordinary fighting qualities.I saw Tang Yang stomping his eyebrows and feet, the air flow in the void was chaotic, and a road stretched vertically and horizontally, spreading vigorously from under his feet.

Tang Chen couldn't help narrowing his eyes suddenly, it was too extravagant.Turning back to look at Tang Yang's eyebrows, sure enough, this bastard's eyebrows were all pulled out.

Here and there are ordinary roads extending in all directions, one step at a time.It is clearly a painting environment.This is a super combination of countless painting scenes!To set foot on this road rashly is to get lost.In addition to being lost, there is nothingness.

Obviously, Tang Yangmei couldn't bear such a big deal.

"Give me some support!" Tang Yang shook his eyebrows.

Tang Chen remained calm, leaned on his shoulder, and passed a force.With the help of Tang Chen's shoulders, Tang Yangmei stood upright and maintained his balance.

"The stars in my dantian have already turned into meteorites, and the power of the world has not been replenished. To be able to do this is already the ultimate." Tang Yangmei's voice sounded from the bottom of Tang Chen's heart.

Tang Chen nodded incredulously, King Qin Guang and the others in the distance gave them the feeling that Tang Chen was very satisfied with these roads, or, it seemed that he was examining the [Zhenshen Grand Formation].

"Attack! Kill!" King Qin Guang roared and issued an order.

Whoosh whoosh...!
Like a ball of chains, the [Shenzhu Formation] immediately spawned countless tentacles, a famous ghost general, like a monkey fishing for the moon, with ghostly aura, green face and long fangs, waving the reincarnation sword in his hand, and stepping into the painting environment High road!

Puff puff puff ~~~~~!
A shocking scene appeared.A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.The ghost general's eyes were full of fear.King Qin Guang, Zhunti Pagoda Master, Reception Pagoda Master, Wu Chi Palace Master, and Princess Qin Yao all opened their mouths wide and could not close them for a long time.

The painting scene road is surrounded by fairy air, and there is a misty white and sacred mist.The moment a ghost stepped onto the road of painting, it was like being stuck in a swamp, and quickly disappeared.This is not a swamp, but it is much more dangerous than a swamp.The ghost didn't have time to exclaim, and the bubble didn't even spit out a single...There is no trace.

"It's ok! I've recovered a little bit of strength, you go in and kill them all!" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and transmitted the sound of [Dark Communication Song].

Tang Chen knew that Tang Yangmei's power in the world was insufficient, and he was afraid that the ghosts in the painting world would change.


He responded, Whoosh~!Drilled into the painting environment.


Tang Chen's reincarnation long knife came out of his body, one step covered thirty thousand miles, and two or three steps approached the imprisoned, struggling ghost general.


A poignant and glamorous sword light, like a lover's touch, brushed the ghost general's throat.

Boom boom boom~~~!

Like dominoes, the ghost generals exploded one after another, the ghost cores burst, and the dead could no longer die. They were turned into the purest energy body, nourishing the painting environment, and dissolved in the power of the world.

The power of the world in the painting environment has been fed back, and it has become even stronger.The ghost generals who came in later struggled much less.The binding power of the power of the world is still growing!
Because, Tang Chen's killing is still going on!
This is a one-sided massacre like an executioner.Tang Chen felt a little embarrassed when he chopped it down.

Like the wind and clouds, the painting is empty, only the power of the world is surging, setting off a bright spatial turbulence.

"Come out!" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows faintly, "Whoosh~!" Tang Chen turned out of the painting environment again.

Looking at the dense chain ball formed by the black armor, the gap has become much larger.

King Qin Guang ordered to stop the attack.Otherwise, the [God Punishing Formation] set up by this ghost general will be reduced by far more than [-]%.

"Is it stalemate?" Tang Yang narrowed his eyes, the corners of his eyes sparkled, and muttered to himself, as if he was talking to himself, but also to Tang Chen.

At this time, Zhunti Pagoda Master and Jieyin Pagoda Master approached King Qin Guang, and the three whispered for a long time.

"Tune the reincarnation Charon!"

King Qin Guang had a black face with a blue light, and he threw out a command arrow.

The arrow is a divine tool, it turns into a beam of light, 咻咻咻~!It broke through the air and got into the Great Buddha Pagoda.

Then, King Qin Guang gave another order: "The ghost generals will use the platoon as an organizational system, devour the energy of the soul, and prepare to launch an attack!"

A scene that shocked and enraged Tang Chen appeared.

A ghost soldier passed by and sent an order to the ghost soldiers escorted by Xingkong Post Road.The ghost soldiers did not dare to disobey their orders, and drove groups of ghost souls to the Southwest Continent. Looking at the ghost general again, he maintained the formation of the [God Killing Formation] and opened his mouth....


The wind howls, ghosts cry and wolves howl.Countless ghosts still possessed spiritual intelligence, but they were swallowed by ghost generals as energy bodies.

The ghost generals devoured many souls, and their aura increased vigorously, and some even released the aura of handsome ghosts.

"Attack!" King Qin Guang ordered.

God Punishing Formation, launch again!
The ghost general and the newly promoted ghost commander embarked on the road of painting again.

Puff puff…….

Still the same, falling into the painting environment, encountered Tang Yangmei's control.

Tang Chen entered the painting environment again, raised the saber of reincarnation, slashed and slashed, a unilateral massacre!

"Hiding? How dare you hide?"

Tang Chen's reincarnation long knife cut across the throat of a handsome ghost, but it avoided his vitals. Tang Chen was furious and terrified.You know, for this to happen, it means that Guishuai's self-destruction is enough to threaten the stability of the painting environment!
Tang Chen also fought hard, with a shake of his body, a hundred and eight thousand four-star Martial God Divine Sense Body, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~!Split up and pounce on a famous ghost general.

The ghost general was imprisoned and couldn't move, Tang Chen's big hands were like iron pincers, click!Click!He strangled the ghost general to death!
I have to!

Guishuai's cultivation is indeed extraordinary, but Tang Yangmei's world power was originally very thin.If there is no previous wave of ghosts, they will be replenished as energy bodies.This wave of handsome ghosts cannot be controlled by Huajing.

When Tang Chen was ravaging, some handsome ghosts had already realized this.Fortunately, the reincarnation long knife can restrain this.

No surprises.In this way, the second wave of ghost commanders and ghost general coalition forces were eliminated.

Ho ho ho ~!

There is a handsome ghost with tenacious vitality, and even utters a shrill ghost cry when he is dying, two green ghost tears, sliding across the face of the blue-faced and fangs...

However, the pure energy bodies released from their bodies once again magnified the power of the painting world.

(End of this chapter)

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