Shushan Wushen

Chapter 438 Plant a seed

Chapter 438 Plant a seed

[PS: Recommended again!Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!

Thanks to the three giants for their love for "Shushan Warriors"!Big explosion today!Five more sent!

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So, little brother needs your support!

Book friends, please encourage me!I need your support!If you have a monthly pass, please vote for Zijin Xingchen. 】

Tang Chen smiled sweetly, and waved the stylus in his hand, "Tang Chen is my brother!" 'Stayed in the chest of countless reincarnation Charon.

Engraved on this part, it is undoubtedly a possible death talisman that can be used.

When danger comes, '哧啦~~! 'Tearing off the robe on his chest, he roared: "Tang Chen is my brother!"

If the other party is afraid of Tang Chen, then without further ado, stop decisively and apologize.Of course, there are people who are so frightened that they kill people in a hurry to silence them, but that is a special case.

Even though Tang Chen's name is not enough to deter the other party, as long as the other party is slightly taken aback...As a Martial God, one who thinks thousands of miles away will undoubtedly increase the probability of escape.

Be speculative, in case Tang Chen gets into trouble in the future, the crime falls into Tang Chen's hands.Tears streaming down his clothes, he howled mournfully: "Tang Chen, this is the tattoo you carved on my chest with your own hands. I'm your younger brother!"

Maybe Tang Chen's heart softened and he let it go.

In short, Tang Chen carved this line of tattoos with his own hands, which is beneficial and harmless.

On the other hand, Tang Chen worked tirelessly, was gentle and courteous, and responded to every request, and occasionally told him: "Wrap it up, the starry sky is so cold, be careful of catching a cold."

Considerate and considerate, like the warmth of family members, nourishing the chest, bubbling with warm currents.Some touched some concerns, burst into tears on the spot, and the snot flowed down...

Of course, Tang Chen is more concerned with spreading the concept of martial arts through pleasantries. Everyone can tell the truth, but the narrator's identity and status are different, and the effects are also different.Tang Chen is so sought after, it can be called hot.His words, that is the golden rule, famous aphorisms.

"A great chivalrous man, home, country, world, stars..."

What a common martial arts trajectory, it can be said that everyone present has come this way.But when it came out of Tang Chen's mouth, it actually caused a big discussion.

"Senior Tang Chen, do you not forget your original intention? Or..., we still have to keep our feet on the ground?" There was Samsara Mingwei, who tried to communicate after thinking about it.

"No! I think what Senior Tang Chen means is that we should do it all over again. In the Great Buddha Pagoda, we should also hook up with female ghost warriors, start a family, and have a bunch of ghosts!" .

"Don't misunderstand, listen to what senior Tang Chen said?" A reincarnation guard interrupted the unfavorable one, and looked at Tang Chen respectfully and attentively.

Tang Chen first smiled, smiled without saying a word, made a full gesture, and the atmosphere came out. At this time, the scene was very quiet, and everyone was waiting.

Tang Chen's voice was like a clear spring, flowing slowly, and murmured into his ears: "Let the family be in harmony, govern the country, level the world, and conquer the stars. What is the purpose of our martial arts and apotheosis? Let's talk about it?"

This time the Samsara Hades learned how to behave, and shook their heads one after another. Some of them were stunned and wanted to brush their faces, but in the end, their mouths were decisively covered by their comrades.Rebuked and warned: "Don't make trouble, listen to senior Tang Chen."

Tang Chen was plain but sonorous: "Maintenance! The reason why we work so hard to temper our bodies, is the strength of silence. Watching the world of mortals rolling, watching the clouds roll and the clouds rolling, catching the stars, leaning over books, and understanding our own realm? What are we doing? It is maintenance! To protect ourselves, but also to protect the people we cherish. To protect the family, the empire, the order of the world, and the dignity of the stars!"

"That's why we need martial arts! We need powerful secret techniques! We need supernatural powers!" Some reincarnation ghosts felt that they had caught up with Tang Chen's thinking, roared loudly, and waved their fists forcefully.

Tang Chen stared at the Samsara Hades with a smile, shook his head, with an unfathomable expression on his face, just after that bastard calmed down, with a trace of anxiety on his face.

Tang Chen said: "With force, what do we do? What do we do? Walk the rivers and lakes, act chivalrously, become famous? Punish rape and eliminate evil, help each other when seeing injustice, and slash? Want to ransack the family and exterminate the clan, distribute jewelry and belongings to others, and call it "robbing the rich and helping the poor?"

The Samsara Hades looked at each other.Tang Chen's words were gentle, but his hands didn't stop. He pulled the reincarnation guards one after another, tattooing them one by one.After all these guys, he needs them around.

Calm words, flowing like water, pervasive, more persuasive than hoarse, coupled with powerful gestures.Because of the down-to-earth atmosphere, it gives people truth.More, is a calm and confident.As long as you listen to it, you will listen to it.Doomed to be addicted to it, unable to extricate itself for a long time.

These words were not summed up by Tang Chen, they were taught by Xianhuang Xiuxiu to Ye Mengmeng.Ye Mengmeng and Tang Chen talked about it casually, and Tang Chen remembered it.

Today, at this time, just came in handy.

Sure enough, the sense of trust is overwhelming.The effect is surprisingly good.

Tang Chen felt that his thoughts were conquering this group of geniuses on the fourth floor of the Great Buddha Pagoda.How arrogant they were!Thinking now, I bow to Tang Chen's big blue robe.

Suddenly, Tang Chen stopped the stylus in his hand.Stand with hands behind your back.His eyes were deep, his tone became more flat, and he lowered his voice even more.

"What is martial arts? Is 'wu' just about punching people in the face and becoming famous? ——No! The so-called 'wu' is a kind of power. The power to maintain! What is 'xia'? Just find a lame excuse and kill people All over the house? Still plain clothes fluttering, haunted and haunted. Pretend to be aggressive everywhere, and the tiger's body shakes? Men and women take it all?——No! The so-called great man, the family and the country. It is the heart!"


These words are loud and deafening.There is no coercion, but the coercion touches everyone's heart.The blood is boiling.Every reincarnation Mingwei's face showed a thoughtful expression.Some kept sighing.Also, sigh.More, stomping his feet and beating his chest.

In the last life, they probably walked over like this.But the field of vision is definitely not as wide and vast as Tang Chen's.This is the realm, but also the mind!

Tang Chen is a high-ranking man!In this life, they must definitely look up to an existence!You have to learn, you have to follow closely, it is impossible to look for opportunities to surpass, and to keep up and not fall behind is the great harvest in the next life.

This idea, like a virus plague, quickly spread.

The private whispers quickly boiled over.

Tang Chen was busy spreading the belief in martial arts here, and skillfully planted the seeds of the idea of ​​Shushan in their hearts.However, King Qin Guang over there finally controlled his emotions.Holding Qin Yao's corpse, blood was dripping under his feet, and the broken bones and rotten flesh were floating. It was the broken body and spirit of the Lord Wu Chi.

Shining brightly, but incomparably miserable.

"Young master Tang Chen, good trick! You're playing tricks behind your back!" King Qin Guang knew Tang Chen very well.Taste it carefully, and feel the taste of conspiracy.It has the shadow of Yuhuang Tiandi and usual routines.The object of suspicion is undoubtedly Tang Chen!
"Fan Jingtang!" King Qin Guang roared.

"Don't be there!" The ghost general Fan Jingtang stepped out.

(End of this chapter)

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