Shushan Wushen

Chapter 445 Turning into Green Rust

Chapter 445 Turning into Green Rust

[PS: Recommended again!Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!

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King Qin Guang was unable to advance in the face of sharpness.Roaring and scolding: "You have no humanity!"

"We are ghosts! Of course we have no humanity! Hahaha~!"

The master of Wuchi hall laughed teasingly, mocking unabashedly.

"You are courting death!"

King Qin Guang's eyes were cracked, and black and red blood spattered out.Falling on the big wall like a wolf's tooth, it is miserable and cold.Bad breath.

"No compassion! Then I will use you as a sacrifice to my little banshee!"

Boom boom boom...

King Qin Guang's body glowed with green light. This pale six-story pagoda was already eerie and gloomy. At this moment, the light was shining like a dazzling sun, soaring, so gorgeous, so bright.Like phosphorous fire in a cemetery.It makes people feel cold all over the body involuntarily!

"Slow down! Don't get angry!" Seeing that King Qin Guang was about to run away, the leader of the reception tower interrupted his momentum with a loud voice.

King Qin Guang really fell for it.Stopping the breath from spreading, he said sharply: "Speak!"

The tower master received and stood with his hands behind his back, with a smile on his lips: "Lord Qin Guang, it's okay to suppress this matter for the time being. After all, I once hugged that little monster, alas! It's a pity that the big flag swallows the soul and vitality , the eldest niece Xiangxiaoyu died. My condolences!"

King Qin Guang nodded his head lightly, expressing his gratitude in return, with a sad face.Endless sadness.He really didn't want to do it.

However, receiving the following words from the tower master is absolutely provocative.

"My lord Qin Guang, Qin Yao fell and we express our deep condolences in Xuntian Pavilion. But my disciple Wu Chi was murdered by you innocently, destroying his spiritual body and physical body. He broke the supreme cultivation base. Look at this account, should we? Settlement settlement?"

Immediately, King Qin Guang was out of breath, and decided to fight.

However, the master of the receiving tower waved his hand and said simply:
"Don't get angry! Getting angry can't solve any problems! We have to find a solution to the problem, right? Let's see, we are both high-level executives of the University of Reincarnation with status and status, and we also belong to the management level of the Great Buddha Pagoda. Let people say something bad. Buy another spirit body for Wu Chi!"

"Okay!" King Qin Guang suppressed his anger and spit out a word.

"I want the [Divine Dragon Torturing Phoenix Body] in the Zangbao Pavilion!" The master of the Hall of Martial Arts was impatient.


Everyone was shocked, even Patriarch Yangmei almost shook his body.

"Did the lion open its mouth? Talk nonsense!" King Qin Guang was furious, very decisive without any hesitation.

The master of the receiving tower leaned back unrestrainedly, raised his hand to stroke his hair, with a helpless expression on his face, put down his hand, spread it freely, and said in a heart-to-heart tone:
"It's wrong to say that! If you damage something, you have to pay for it. It's only right! No one can deny this!"

King Guang of Qin said angrily: "My father was ambushed and killed by Cao Zitou, and Wu Chi has a lot to do with him! I didn't kill him on the spot! It's already showing mercy. Dare to ask for compensation? Dreaming! Shameless!"

Without waiting for Wu Chi to refute and receive the tower master, he stood up on the platform and shouted angrily: "King Qin Guang! Your eldest girl gave birth to a child, did you spit out blood? There is no evidence and no evidence to damage my apprentice's reputation, so I will not take it lightly. Yes. Hmph~! Don’t...face your face!"

"Spoken nonsense!" The master of Wu Chi Palace resolutely put on a humiliating posture.Shouted angrily.

King Qin Guang said angrily: "The pure is clear, and the turbid is turbid. After I bury Qin Yao, I will go to the medicine field on the second floor of the Futu Pagoda, visit the clues, and ask every plant of the demon. Even if I spend this life, I will King Qin Guang also wants to thoroughly investigate this matter, and understand clearly!"

"What?!" The master of Wu Chi Hall was shocked for a moment.

"What the hell did you do? You are destined to be the one to blame!" King Qin Guang said sharply, his mouth gleaming.The eyes also shine.The whole person was radiant with anger.

Wu Chi's brain short-circuited for a moment, thinking, rather than letting King Qin Guang find the clue, hold on to it, and say nothing.If you are entangled, it is better to open the skylight and speak clearly, explain clearly, and explain clearly.

He squeaked, and said: "I..., I was guarding the void that day, Qin Yao called me, and I showed up. She begged me to accompany her to the second-floor medicine field to get some herbs. I firmly refused. But Qin Yao begged in every possible way, and it was very difficult. In the end, she said that if she accompanied her to the second floor to seek medicine, she would worship me as a teacher when she came back. She also asked me to make up to look like Old Jiang Qin. So I agreed."

"What?!" The tower master felt bad.He thought that Wu Chi might have been sitting on a dead tree, his brain withered.Unexpectedly revealed such unknown things.This is burning hot!
"Sure enough, you did it!" Qin Guangwang's angry eyes spewed fire.Gritting teeth.Bigfoot shines.About to run away.

"Please listen to me! This matter has nothing to do with me!" Hall Master Wu Chi hurriedly shouted, his voice was shrill and urgent.

King Qin Guang didn't care about this, the worthless nonsense that fell into his ears.It doesn't work at all.It was impossible to stop King Qin Guang from going crazy.

"Wow...! Wu Chi, die!"

King Qin Guang jumped up, and the Qin Yao in his arms flew out to Qin Guang's palace. A group of ghost commanders who had been on duty for a long time jumped up and hurriedly caught it.Looking at King Qin Guang again, red blood gushed from the corners of his eyes, and his body was shining brightly, emerald green.

Like a sharp and bitter ancient bronze sword...


With a green glow, the whole person exudes an ancient copper rust atmosphere, and smashed towards the Lord Wu Chi!

The Lord of Wuchi Hall is hidden behind the Lord of the Reception Tower, which means that King Qin Guang's sudden violent attack is not only the Lord of Wuchi Hall!Or, they didn't take the tower master seriously!

Boom!Boom! ~Boom!

The pagoda master's two palms alternately strike out, fighting with intentions without intention, so there is no omission. "Aww~!" With a scream, the spirit of the master of Wuchi Palace flew out, the mist disintegrated, hurting Yuanyuan!

Broken, once gorgeous pearls, obscure and dull, scattered all over the ground, turning into ghost nuclei.

"King Qin Guang! You—." The Master of the Receiving Tower has a high position and authority, and his prestige is the highest in the starry sky.Immediately furious.

"I want revenge! Gods block and kill gods! Buddhas block and destroy Buddhas! When gods come, I will kill them!"

Qin Guangwang's cold words seemed to come from Jiuyou dry well.The cold air was overwhelming, and the murderous aura was overwhelming.

The body of the master of the receiving and guiding tower glows resolutely, yellow and clear, and there are many magical symbols present.

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

The master of the receiving tower let out a loud roar, his beard and hair were bright yellow, with golden luster shining.The precious light is shining brightly, like a dazzling sun bursting into pieces.Hands together.Low eyebrows are pleasing to the eye.The eyebrows grow wildly, and the eyes hang down to the feet in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, the Sanskrit sound from nowhere was lingering and misty, the bells and chimes chimed, and the rattling sound of the wooden fish sounded shockingly.

"Ah, yeah, yeah.... Da! Da!... Da!"

King Qin Guang's power was unstoppable, he leaped over the master of the pagoda, and with a wonderful bow, he exerted his strength again, and slammed at the master of the palace of Wu Chi who had collapsed from the original source.

Suddenly!There are countless dry arms in the air, densely packed, with nails that have not been repaired for endless years.Curly and jagged, grimy and divine.Desperately tearing...

Many arms, with the smell of yellow fragrance, actually grabbed King Qin Guang...!
(End of this chapter)

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