Shushan Wushen

Chapter 447 Fish of the Underworld

Chapter 447 Fish of the Underworld

"President Ling Xiao forgive me! I have no choice but to avenge my father!"

King Qin Guang confessed the crime loudly, but his voice was very open and aboveboard.Do not hide or hide.

Ling Xiao questioned: "You spent endless years of merit points to buy [Bronze Patina], and you made it clear that you would give it to Qin Yao. But it is for private use. You will be punished."

"Ha ha!"

King Qin Guang sneered and said, "Lord Ling Xiao, I have the [Ten Aperture Sacred Heart] in my body. If I had declared it for my own use, would the Treasure Pavilion be sold to me? Martial God Xing, what do you use to track down the real culprit who killed your father?"

"Actually, you, King Qin Guang, secretly entered the sea of ​​darkness to temper your body. As a weapon spirit, I already knew about it, but I never thought that you would be so crazy. What about the cultivation of the Supreme Martial God? Although you have a cultivation base, your realm is not None. It's such a sad thing!"

The old dean Ling Xiao told the truth in one word.

"So this is the [Bronze Patinous Body] from the Treasure Pavilion? It's so shocking!"

Some were writhing in pain, and upon hearing this, their heads were covered in cold sweat and their bodies were dripping with blood, and they stopped crying.Showing a face of greed and envy.The eyes shine decisively.Who doesn't covet?
"It turns out that he is the senior who took away the first [Ten-Aperture Sacred Heart]! It seems that King Qin Guang's talent is indeed extraordinary." Tang Chen thought, and suddenly felt that King Qin Guang was very dark.This stuff is hidden too deep.It's not the dull, simple and honest person with a sincere expression of gratitude in Tang Chen's perception!
Disguise, hide your true nature.It's a wolf!

Looking at the vastness, the starry sky is vast.There are wolves in every living star.Wolf, leaning down and tucking its tail, like a dog eating shit.Once there is enough food and clothing, then Sirius Xiaoyue will rush to the top, look back, either to repay the favor, or to take revenge!
Wolf, you must not hurt it.Once it is wronged, it will be brooding for endless years.Moaning under the moon.Always count back.Of course, there are also a very small number of wolves who know how to repay their kindness.However, there are too few of them.

Tang Chen stood with his hands behind his back, watching the changing situation in the field.

If Ling Xiao makes a move, it is a lore.The entire space suddenly became vast.It's not that the space is soaring, but the area is increased.Instead, everyone, including Tang Chen, shrank strangely!
The Qinguang Palace became majestic, visible to the naked eye.The sea of ​​darkness in the distance was originally vast and boundless.Now it is even more majestic.Originally, the breeze came slowly, and there were sparkling ripples.Now it looks like a terrifying wave.

Cough ~!

An invisible big hand tightly grasped King Qin Guang.King Qin Guang was like a tiny anchovy, struggling as hard as he could, to no avail.

"Ling Xiao! Do you think I, King Qin Guang, didn't reserve a backup?"

King Qin Guang was terrified, but a sternness rose from his eyes.Yelled viciously.

"Big fish swallow flowers!"

"How dare you!?" Ling Xiao's voice was filled with endless sullenness.

However, as soon as this order was issued, the entire sixth floor of the Pagoda was full of vibes.A vision from heaven.

A green rainbow was born suddenly, across the sea of ​​darkness.The black water was churning, and the white mist seemed to freeze the sea.The big blue fish, which were already extremely active, swallowed the big red flower in their mouths in one bite.

That is the other shore flower.This word comes from hell.It is the host body where endless resentment is condensed.Red as blood, extremely evil and charming, coquettish and supernatural.There are two petals, one is crying, and the other is also crying.

Flowers cry without tears.The sky replaces it!

buzz buzz...The emerald rainbow is constantly changing as the big fish devours the Bianhua.Crazy flicker.Bright fluorescence, green as if about to overflow.It's disgusting!

Tang Chen glanced at the green rainbow, and the gall in his body boiled immediately!
The gods were astonished.Even more bewildered.Even connecting to the master of the tower, he couldn't maintain his dignity, his eyes wandered, and he was at a loss.

Suddenly the space was stirred up! "Buzz buzz..." A huge roar sounded.

The big azure blue fish one after another had red light rising from their bodies, and the purple halo was dazzling.In the shocked eyes of countless people, the halo actually materialized!
Purple wings!Wings of Light!The sacred brilliance is gorgeous and lingering.The shape of the big blue fish is evolving crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye!
"The blue fish in the dark sea turns into a Zipeng! This is not a legend!" The tower master of Jieyin exclaimed.

"Ah.... The Underworld Dapeng Bird is born!" The master of Wu Chi Palace wailed mournfully.Whoosh~!A Zipeng spread its wings in astonishment, and in a flash, its big purple beak embedded itself in the Lord Wu Chi and swallowed it.

"Wu Chi!" The face of the leader of the receiving tower changed suddenly.Watching helplessly, the master of the palace of Wu Chi was completely buried in Zipeng's stomach.

Zipeng stretched his neck and let out a cry, extremely proud of himself.

Whoosh whoosh...!
There are constantly big blue fishes turning into Zipeng, rushing towards the ghost pawns, ghost kings, ghost generals, and even ghost commanders!
[Shan Hai Jing · Strange Beasts] records: There are fish in the dark sea, and its color is blue.The fish will change, and the flowers on the other side will reincarnate; eat safflower and turn into birds, whose name is Zipeng.Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.It's a bird, coming out of the sea of ​​darkness to eat ghosts.Swallow ghost spirit body.

It means that Zipeng is born to restrain all ghosts, and his favorite food is ghosts!Secondly, all kinds of spiritual bodies and physical bodies!

Three big azure blue fish swallow flowers and turn them into birds!With a cry, the eagle watches the wolf, locks on to a ghost, chirp chirp chirp!Flicking over and sticking out the long beak, it is devouring.

Condescending, the ghosts have nowhere to escape!
The fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth...!A total of nine big azure blue fish successfully turned into Pengs!
The high-pitched and loud cry has a majestic echo.Charge to the ghosts!
Tang Chen turned his gaze to the pitch-black sea of ​​darkness. The big blue fish rising up there looked like a majestic mountain at the moment, but for some unknown reason, it devoured the big red Bana flower in its mouth.

Boom boom boom~~~!

The fish body unexpectedly exploded, and its scales shot out.Volley disintegrated!
Nine purple rocs rushed to the sky and covered the earth, and their beaks kept attacking.

The ghosts wailed, shrill and miserable.There were bursts of ghost cries, one after another.No matter ghost pawn, ghost general, ghost king, or ghost commander.There is no resistance.

What's even more frightening is that just now Ling Xiao forcibly shrunk everyone down with the power of the world, in order to capture King Qin Guang.However, he became an accomplice invisibly.Originally, a ghost pawn could feed a Zipeng.

Now…….A Zipeng can eat ten thousand pawns in one bite!
In Tang Chen's eyes, that peng beak was like... an arrow tower of Cui Wei!

Nine purple pengs cover the sky and block out the sun, and their wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, spanning thousands of miles!

"Ah... unexpectedly——"

Tang Chen was horrified to see that one Zipeng attacked, and the other Zipeng made a detour, flickered for a while, and received the tower master, but was actually swallowed by a Zipeng!
"Hahaha, you are all going to die! The Great Buddha Pagoda will all be buried in Zipeng's belly!"

King Qin Guang's hair was disheveled, his green light was blazing, he laughed wildly, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down his entire face...


King Qin Guang shook his head and grinned, as if he was unwilling to have something to say...However, a Zipeng passed by, and he, King Qin Guang, suddenly disappeared!

Zipeng grows a long beak, a green light flashes, and it returns to calm...

(End of this chapter)

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