Shushan Wushen

Chapter 458 Goodbye Tang Xiaoshao

Chapter 458 Goodbye Tang Xiaoshao

"Brother Twelve? Can I still see you?"

Tang Chen muttered to himself, a wave of fiery agitation of blood and family affection rushed straight into his mind.The spirit couldn't help being in a trance.

However, the image of brilliance flickering in the streamer became more and more clear.

"Brother Chen~!"

"Brother Chen~!!"

"Brother Chen~!!!"

Calling again and again, slightly hoarse and choked.More of a high-pitched surprise!

"Really? Really... Brother Twelve?"

"Isn't this an illusion caused by thoughts?!"

Tang Chen sacrificed a divine power to evaporate the tears of remembrance.Impressively cheerful.I saw a big buffalo in the sky as black as ink, kicking away the fertile fields, crushing the flower fields, smashing the strong blue cotton trees, and galloping like lightning.

run all the way.Tang Xiaoshao was ragged, unkempt, and his sallow face exuded an indescribable brilliance.


Tang Chen's body swayed, and several nodes teleported, fleeting.When the figure solidified, it was already on the back of a big buffalo.

Like a black mountain on the back of a buffalo.The two brothers hugged tightly with surprise on their faces.

After a long time, they let go of their arms, slapped each other heavily, and looked at each other.

The appearance visible to the naked eye has not changed.Tang Chen originally had a slight disguise, but now he has already recovered his true appearance.

Tang Xiaoshao's face looked a little old and extremely haggard.

Tang Chen felt distressed, and quickly asked: "Brother Twelfth, why are you a little downcast? Someone made things difficult for you?"

Before the twelfth brother Tang Xiaoshao could answer, the Bull Demon King rushed to say: "It's not that damned mentor of the shepherd boy! He bullied the boss Xiaoshao and his cultivation level is not high!"

"What's going on?" Tang Chen's face suddenly changed, he was terrifying, and a mighty and violent breath burst out.The entire Wicker Lake base trembled.

The other preppies who poke their heads, and the mentors.Can't help but be shocked.pale.

What kind of existence is this new student?The boss of the Bull Demon King?

A role that the boss among the mentors is afraid of.There is even a boss!Hmm, he brought the eldest brother with him?
How did you provoke such a bunch of ruthless people?

Some preparatory students, with trembling legs and water marks, meandered away decisively.

Because I had insulted Tang Xiaoshao, I was terrified when I thought about it carefully, and I didn't know what was going on. It was embarrassing to pee.Then, the legs lost the strength to support them, and they knelt down slumped.

Tang Xiaoshao has been dead for too long.At that time, his cultivation base was not high.If it weren't for the loyal protection of the Great Bull Demon King.Tang Xiaoshao has long since returned to the ten-dimensional space and turned into the purest energy body.formatted.

When brothers meet, they should sit down and reminisce about the past, chatting for three days and three nights.

However, the blood brothers of Shushan Tangmen are all so hot-tempered.I can't feel wronged at all.Not to mention being aggrieved for endless years!
Tang Xiaoshao thought of 'death' countless times!
Just because this is the underworld, there is no way out for death.When the spirit body is broken, it can still turn into mist.Unless the peerless power takes a shot and transcends, the soul is wiped out.

Difficult!What a time of suffering!

"Brother Chen! What is your cultivation?"

On the way Tang Xiaoshao listened to the Bull Demon King's broken thoughts, saying that Tang Chen had overthrown the shepherd boy's mentor.So ask directly.

Tang Chen pouted proudly.Stretching out a big slap, he solemnly said to Tang Xiaoshao: "I will completely destroy this Liutiaohu base. It shouldn't be difficult!"

Of course, this is bragging.Because of this spiritual body and physical body, he is only a one-star Martial God.But when necessary, Tang Chen can decisively transform into a mist.That is the absolute level of the five-star Martial God Supreme.

Looking at the holy places in the six realms of reincarnation, that is also a very powerful figure, and he can be called a peerless power.An existence that cannot be ignored!

"Okay! Kill a few guys for me!" Tang Xiaoshao gritted his teeth.

"Fly me! Find them!"

Tang Chen responded, and decisively pulled out one [Dragon Blood Phoenix Eyebrow], turning it into a pair of wings.

"Brother Twelve, you use it first. I still have eight phoenixes under my command, and I will give you one as a mount someday."

Tang Xiaoshao nodded, spread his wings and soared high.

"Bosses! I also want a pair of wings!" The Bull Demon King shamelessly made a request to Tang Chen.The four hooves are flying, and running is called a fast one.

Tang Chen shook his head with a smile, put his hand on his forehead, and teased: "Have you ever seen a flying cow? If a cow wants to fly, its wings may not work, you have to blow it hard! Bragging! Bragging! That's where it comes from!"

"Woohoo .... The boss removed the grind to kill the cow. The boss boss helped me say something! Let's be the endless years of the gangs.

The Bull Demon King played the bitterness card.

Tang Xiaoshao turned around and ordered: "Don't tease Lao Niu. Get him some money."

"Okay!" Tang Chen responded with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, a pair of pitch-black wings, Liuyan rose up, instigating mighty and domineering.It fell on the back of the Bull Demon King.

Hoo hoo~~~!

This is incredible!The big black cow itself is big.Fly up to cover the sky and block out the sun!
"Boss Tang Chen! That guy is the worst at bullying Boss Xiao Shao!"

Hurrah~~!While speaking, the Bull Demon King flew over first.

Rumble rumble~!The Bull Demon King landed.

"Where is the person? Which one? Hundan! Martial arts scum!" Tang Chen cursed viciously.Tang Xiaoshao has a straight waist.With Tang Chen backing him, he was fearless.

"Where did you go? You're still here just now?"

The bull devil stared at the eyeballs as big as water basins, and looked fiercely at the preparatory students around him one by one.Those prep students all had weird faces, and some of them were pale.

A preppy student couldn't stop, "Wow~!", and spit out a bunch of filth.

Tang Xiaoshao, Tang Chen frowned and covered his nose.Family inheritance, all have serious cleanliness.The Vigorous Bull Demon King followed the direction of his finger and raised his hoof, suddenly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry! Aren't you usually very good? I can't even beat you. Why are you like this today?"

On the hooves of the Bull Demon King, a whole string of viscera hung.

The preparatory student on the ground is still extremely strong, but there is an extremely huge hoof on the lower abdomen!
The villain was still alive, pointing at the big black cow, his fingers trembling: "You, you, you! You can fly...? It's too deep to hide..."

Before he finished speaking, with endless regret, he tilted his head and died.

"Want to die? How can it be so easy?"

Tang Chen operated the [Emperor's Looking Back], overdrawing a trace of the power of the soul.Forcibly raised to the state of [Looking directly at the dripping].

Then, with a big hand, he grabbed a hidden primordial soul in the void.Pulling it off suddenly, "Bang~!" It was hard on the ground.

"Play with me? You're too tender!"

Tang Xiaoshao had hated this fellow for a long time, and thought he would die as soon as he died.People die.I don't want this big villain to be so treacherous, but his soul escapes!

Puff puff ~!

Tang Xiaoshao raised his big feet and stomped on it without hesitation.Very vicious.Cruel and ruthless.

Looking at the vastness, how many people are as lucky as Tang Chen, Yuanhun has been trained more than once.Most primordial souls are extremely fragile.Valkyrie is not much stronger.

Especially those who like to bully others, most of them have not been tempered by life and death.So arrogant.

People like Tang Chen have long been indifferent to life and death, because they often experience things like a shadow.So, deliberately focus on that.

"Aww oh..."

The big villain screamed terribly.The mist dissipated, the spiritual light dissipated, and the black light lingered.Think carefully.Unknown.

The preparatory students who watched were all moved.Trembling, the body is like sifting chaff.Of course, there are also those with extraordinary cultivation, secretly lucky, and touched Tang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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