Shushan Wushen

Chapter 464 Senior 3 Student

Chapter 464 High School Student

Tang Chen leaned over to check, and looked at Tie Yu.


Tie Yu opened his eyes with a "huh", and then stood up straight.

"Oh!" This was too abrupt and unreasonable.Because there is no power point at all.You can't do it with just the heel rotation.

Startled, Tang Chen straightened his waist quickly, and resolutely pulled back.The iron healed as if it was sticking to Tang Chen's face, like a maggot on a tarsal bone.Stand stiffly.

Then he jumped towards Tang Chen.

Tang Chen waved his hand, and the power of a star gushed out. "Bang~!" This is the power of the world, just like a strong wind in nature.

Tie Yu was still jumping, but a deep ditch had already been plowed under his feet.back involuntarily.Gradually drifting away from Tang Chen, keeping a certain distance.

Tang Chen resolutely used the [Great Summoning Technique] inherited from the true warrior knight!
"In the name of a true martial knight, I summon Tie Yu with the same soul and a different plane to return! I use the brilliance of my god to illuminate the way back!"


Tang Chen held up a middle finger, and the starry sky was thunderbolt and lightning, and the electric light was raging, and a bright thunder came meandering.

The throbbing of life is contained in it.Although it was extremely faint, Tang Chen could feel the aura of the undead.


Tang Chen stepped forward, pulling out a lingering afterimage, at an extremely fast speed, and his middle finger "cracked!" poked at the center of Tie Yu's eyebrow.

"Ho ho ho ho ho...."

Tie Yu waved his arms, bouncing around, trying to rush forward.But how majestic and domineering he was back then.He often secretly drives a mechanical flying saucer, leaves the cool stars, goes out to bully the weak, harms the neighboring stars, and even abuses the stars!
But the current realm is much worse than Tang Chen's.After all, Tie Yu is not even a one-star warrior.

Tang Chen's arm was slightly extended, but Tie Yu couldn't reach it!

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual consciousness that Tang Chen attracted was forcibly injected in the form of empowerment!
Puff puff puff~~~!

The hair on Tie Yu's body was introverted, mist sprayed from the top of his head, the black light was dim, and the large strands rolled up and dissipated.This is ghostly spirit.Afterwards, the soul body was born with tortoise lines, and the black matter shriveled and peeled off...

A shining soul is born!

With the other hand of Tang Chen, he quickly took out a preparatory student's spirit body.

No hints and guidance required.That Tie Yu's soul, swish!Close to the spiritual body and physical body, neglect to see.

Then, the flesh, bones, and flesh of the spirit body changed rapidly and rearranged.It was Tie Yu's face.

Iron healed, the rescue was successful!
"Iron heal!"

Tang Chen called out.

"Ho ho ho, huh? You're...."

Tie Yu who had just recovered, his thinking was not so smooth, his eyes appeared blank, and he muttered to himself: "I am Tie Yu! Why did I appear here? Aren't I reviewing geography in the self-study room? Oh, yes! I am not Falling into a big geographical pit, working hard on three circles of circulation, air pressure belt, wind belt? Are you exhausted?"

Tang Chen was also confused.He called out again: "Tie Yu! You used to be one of the three cool gods!"

"Nonsense! I never read novels! The teacher won't let me, and the phone is confiscated! If you find it, smash it!" Tie Yu was confident.question out loud.

Tang Chen didn't understand these words, so he couldn't answer.

That Tie Yu actually raised his hand and pushed his nose, "Hey" and said, "What? Who took it?" Afterwards, his eyes were full of surprise: "Wow! My myopia is healed?"

"What and what is this?" Tang Chen put his hand on his forehead, his forehead was full of black lines.He didn't know which plane Tieyu was summoned this time.

Merging memories takes time.

The throbbing of life is contained in it.Although it was extremely faint, Tang Chen could feel the aura of the undead.


Tang Chen stepped forward, pulling out a lingering afterimage, at an extremely fast speed, and his middle finger "cracked!" poked at the center of Tie Yu's eyebrow.

"Ho ho ho ho ho...."

Tie Yu waved his arms, bouncing around, trying to rush forward.But how majestic and domineering he was back then.He often secretly drives a mechanical flying saucer, leaves the cool stars, goes out to bully the weak, harms the neighboring stars, and even abuses the stars!
But the current realm is much worse than Tang Chen's.After all, Tie Yu is not even a one-star warrior.

Tang Chen's arm was slightly extended, but Tie Yu couldn't reach it!

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual consciousness that Tang Chen attracted was forcibly injected in the form of empowerment!
Puff puff puff~~~!

The hair on Tie Yu's body was introverted, mist sprayed from the top of his head, the black light was dim, and the large strands rolled up and dissipated.This is ghostly spirit.Afterwards, the soul body was born with tortoise lines, and the black matter shriveled and peeled off...

A shining soul is born!

With the other hand of Tang Chen, he quickly took out a preparatory student's spirit body.

No hints and guidance required.That Tie Yu's soul, swish!Close to the spiritual body and physical body, neglect to see.

Then, the flesh, bones, and flesh of the spirit body changed rapidly and rearranged.It was Tie Yu's face.

Iron healed, the rescue was successful!
"Iron heal!"

Tang Chen called out.

"Ho ho ho, huh? You're...."

Tie Yu who had just recovered, his thinking was not so smooth, his eyes appeared blank, and he muttered to himself: "I am Tie Yu! Why did I appear here? Aren't I reviewing geography in the self-study room? Oh, yes! I am not Falling into a big geographical pit, working hard on three circles of circulation, air pressure belt, wind belt? Are you exhausted?"

Tang Chen was also confused.He called out again: "Tie Yu! You used to be one of the three cool gods!"

"Nonsense! I never read novels! The teacher won't let me, and the phone is confiscated! If you find it, smash it!" Tie Yu was confident.question out loud.

Tang Chen didn't understand these words, so he couldn't answer.

Tie Yu actually raised his hand and pushed his nose, "Hey" and said, "What? Who took it?" Then, his eyes were full of surprise: "Well! My short-sightedness is healed? I want to go to the military academy! I want Go recruit! I want to go to the University of Science and Technology of China!"

"What and what is this?" Tang Chen put his hand on his forehead, his forehead was full of black lines.He didn't know which plane Tieyu was summoned this time.

Merging memories takes time.

The red light in Tie Yu's eyes faded, the green light was gorgeous, and the purple light was full.Then the blue light flickered strangely, and finally it was as black as ink: "It's not right, who are you? Why are you wearing such a weird robe?"

Tang Chen looked at him quietly.Know that this is a disordered state of thinking and memory.You must know that the same soul and different planes exist in different planes.It is also a state of life.In other words, that person was originally a well-lived person, but Tang Chen used the [Great Summoning Technique] to pull him over.

Putting it back, it was just a dream.If you stay, then that person from that plane will die!
Obviously, Tie Yu's current thinking mode is still stuck in that plane.A mouthful of broken thoughts:
"I'm dizzy, I study all day, I escaped the pit of physics, fell into the pit of geography, how can I have such a trap in my dream? Damn, I dreamed of a school belle, a mature woman or something, even Okita Anri .You see that your clothes don’t belong to this era, ancient robes. What kind of crap are you wearing? Give me a revelation, what are the second models?#%^&*(()) @##!"

Tang Chen didn't understand a word of what Tie Yu said.

"This is a dream..., oops! It's so cold, I forgot to cover myself with the quilt!"

Afterwards, Tie Yu stepped on the planer and jumped around in place, as if he wanted to cover himself with some kind of quilt.However, that is obviously impossible.So the iron became more urgent.

"What a broken dream! Still haven't woken up? I'm freezing to death. Hiss..."

The corners of Tie Yu's mouth were bruised and his complexion gradually turned pale.The starry sky is actually extremely cold.Tie Yu's soul has no divine power, and is simply unable to resist it.

"Baa baa..." Tie Yu's teeth chattered.The eyeballs were chattering, and this guy gritted his teeth: "Forget it! I woke up after wetting the bed. It's a shame. I've been staying up too late these days. I can't get out of deep sleep. Da da da..."

Tie Yu was shivering from the cold, he unbuttoned his robe, took out an organ, and rattled...

Tang Chen, Tang Xiaoshao, and the Great Bull Demon King were all shocked.Head full of black lines.Among the disciples of the Tang Sect, one after another whispered and laughed endlessly.with mocking.

"Ah! What am I doing?"

Suddenly, a green light flashed in Tie Yu's eyes.It was very bright, his body trembled, and a breath belonging to the low-level martial god gushed out.Put on your pants decisively.With a look of annoyance, choosing someone to devour, she is about to violently hurt someone...

This is not enough for a period of Valkyrie's breath, very weak.Tang Chen's disciples of the Tang Sect were all one hundred and eight thousand times stronger than him.

After all, a martial god with a hundred and eight thousand ranks is a one-star martial god!

"Hahaha, my Martial God Tieyu has finally recovered!" Tie Yu regained his sanity.He also saw everything in front of him clearly.

Tang Chen couldn't help but sigh.That poor senior high school student from an unknown plane died just like that.

His parents probably thought he was exhausted!


Martial God Tieyu has a good eye.Look at Tang Chen, as well as Tang Chen's left and right subordinates, and the followers behind him, the aura is so strong that they can destroy him for several rounds with a flick of a finger.Resolutely, I knelt down.

"God is on top. Tie Yu, God of Free and Unfettered Universe, bows down!"

(End of this chapter)

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