Shushan Wushen

Chapter 471 The bloody case in the marking room

Chapter 471 The bloody case in the marking room

"Hehe. I'm still affected by this physical body, and I'm a little naughty!"

Tang Chen retracted the pen, and signed his name and examination number neatly with one stroke.Shake your head and sigh.

On the large roll of paper, there were two stains, which were very uncoordinated, and the handwriting became more and more neat, which made it appear abrupt, even shocking.

"It's enough to enter the list. There is no need to pursue perfection in this matter. It's too timeless, but it's trying to cause trouble."

Tang Chen comforted himself.You don't know, such an astonishing and perfect answer is truly unprecedented and unprecedented.How can it be avoided to set off a stormy sea and stir up the situation?
After the exam, hand in the paper and leave the exam room.Tang Chen, Mu Fenghan who had been waiting for a long time, and other Tang Sect disciples went to the Tang Sect branch in Ninghai County.

It has been ten years since the establishment of the Tang Sect sub-helm here.From the outside, it doesn't look ostentatious, but when you enter the courtyard, it's quite unique.The nearby residential courtyards have long been bought by disciples of the Tang Sect, and they have been secretly opened up.

Therefore, the garden space is quite large.

The biggest one is undoubtedly the martial arts arena, and now there are many tables in this martial arts arena.It is the most exquisite if it is higher than a table.The case is also covered with precious war beast fur.

"The head of the family is back!"

Immediately, the scene was extremely jubilant. Of the more than 1000 million disciples of the Tang Sect, less than one percent can attend the banquet here.They are all rudder masters, hall masters, incense masters, and Dharma protectors, and the lowest position is also Tangmen red stick.

Tang Chen saluted with a smile, shouted and hugged, walked up to the high platform and took a seat.

"Tang Sect disciples have worked hard!"

"The great hero, the stars in the world!"

Tangmen disciples responded in unison.The sound was majestic, and under the eaves, swallows screamed.The tiles hummed.

The night was as cool as water, and the tiles in the big house of the county government hummed.The room was extremely noisy.The officials who were reviewing the examination papers all raised their eyebrows, blew their beards and stared, their noses were blue and their faces were swollen...

What happened?How could these officials lose their dignity and fight so much? !
Where is the authority?What is the dignity of being gentle?
Most importantly; what happened?

Tang Chen's paper!
The officials who checked the papers were divided into two factions, and they couldn't settle down, and they fought.

Stick to one word.

Negative: "This examinee's paper should be judged as cheating! There are traces of smearing and altering! Remove the smearing, it is incoherent!"

Zhengfang: "Fart! The answers to this paper are so standard, how can it be said to be cheating? I just asked if I was blind or not? Those words have as many positions as the standard answers! It's just trembling hands!"

Opposition: "Because it is exactly the same as the standard answer, it is suspicious! This is blatant cheating!"

Zheng Fang: "You are pedantic! Dogmatic! Rigid! Jealous of talents!"

Opposition: "Where are we pedantic! Where are we dogmatic! Where are we rigid! Where are we jealous of talents!"

Zhengfang: "You are pedantic! You are dogmatic! You are rigid! You are jealous of talents!"

Fang Fang was furious: "It's unreasonable, isn't it? I'll beat you pedantic! Beat you dogmatic! Beat you rigid! Beat you jealous!"

"Don't accept it, right? Just slap if you can't say it! I'm afraid of you!"

Bang bang bang!
Not to be outdone, Zhengfang picked up his stool, shouted loudly, and fought fiercely.

The flames of war are raging, tables, chairs and benches are crooked, pieces of paper and ink are flying, and broken brushes are lying on the ground. Some officials stepping on them, slipping on them, their heads are bleeding.

What's more, the legs of the stool flew from nowhere and landed on someone's head. He was decisively unconscious, collapsed to the ground, convulsed violently, and foamed at the mouth.

The scene was bloody and seemingly miserable.Very cruel and fierce.

Someone was hit by a stool leg, his ribs were broken, he coughed up blood, flew upside down, covered his chest with his hand, struggled to get up, raised his other hand high, and yelled mournfully, "My lord inspector, please preside over the trial!"

One sentence is worth ten thousand sentences.These words are the ultimate means of summoning.

rub rub rub ~.A yamen servant ran over and invited the inspector of Daming Mansion in Youzhou.

The inspector's eyes were not good, and he scanned the mess in the room, feeling extremely shocked and a little apprehensive.I have seen fierce ones, but I have never seen such sturdy ones.Ninghai County is close to the sea, and the officials and officials are all contaminated with the breath of the sea, unrestrained and rough.

However, he is an inland official, and he has only heard of this custom, but he is fortunate to witness it now.Breathtaking.

"There is no other way! All the officials who participated in the fight are recorded in the case, and the place of origin and the relatives of the nine clans are thoroughly investigated. The examinee's test papers are disassembled. Self-serving fraud, corruption and perverting the law, you can find out at once!"

The examiner quickly got up, before he had time to slap the dust and blood stains on his body, he frantically opened Tang Chen's paper.

"Eighteen Fishing Village, Bayu Town, Ninghai County, Youzhou Prefecture...Tang Chen?"

"Isn't this the youngest candidate?"

"Yes! Only six years old!"

Qiqi, the examiner, was shocked.

"There are no eighteen fishing villages that are impoverished! Who has relatives and friends there?" An examiner told the truth.

Another examiner stroked his beard with contempt: "Even if there are relatives there, I'm afraid they have lost contact long ago. Or they were taken to the city. This matter is absolutely not involved in malpractice!"

"Yes! Collusion and cheating are absolutely impossible! I dare to guarantee it with Wusha!" There was an examiner with a calm face.This is quite bold and full of words.

In the marking room, everyone looked relieved.Especially those examiners who received benefits, or whose relatives participated in the provincial examination, their tightly clenched fists also quietly loosened.

Tang Chen drank heavily and ate meat in big bowls.Arrange the next tasks for Tangmen disciples.

Here, Tang Chen's name has been designated as No.3 in the provincial examination.

The first two are very powerful, No.1 is the third son of the county magistrate of Ninghai County, and No.2 has an even more extraordinary background, he is the grandson of the old Jinglue of the General Military Mansion of Guimenguan.Lao Jinglue's native place is Ninghai County.Lao Jinglue is the pride of Ninghai County and even Daming Mansion.

Weighing it over and over again, Tang Chen's background aside, the key is that he is too young, and he is afraid of being the first in the provincial examination, which will spoil Tang Chen's mood, and the child will drift away.This is 'kindness'!
So, everyone is happy.Everyone is smiling.

Guimenguan covers two prefectures, ten prefectures, and one hundred and eight counties.Tang Chen's spiritual sense, in the long scientific research, has been building momentum all the way, spreading the belief in martial arts.Even the disciples of the Tang Sect were constantly being ordered to build momentum.

Soon, the deeds of Tang Chen's rise from the humble beginnings shook the Daming Mansion!A number of memorial archways rise from the ground, engraved with the name of Tang Chen No. 3 in the township examination, standing at the intersection of Ninghai County, and also standing at the head of Shibajia fishing village!Many beliefs come and go.

After the township examination, there is also the county examination, which needs to be held in Daming Prefecture.

Everything was done step by step, without deviating from Tang Chen's established plan.Accompanied by officials at all levels, Tang Chen exported his beliefs everywhere, taught basic martial arts routines, and instilled the concept of 'the great chivalrous man's family, country, and world's stars'.

"Aspirations are high, and those who have a heart will be favored!"

Tang Chen solemnly exhorted.

The ghost gate is the city god's hall, and Tang Chen's other divine sense sits here.The cinnabar pen in his hand was spinning rapidly, seemingly bored and lazy.In fact, he is practicing.

In the brain domain, his primordial soul also turned into water-blue stars.The breath of life is majestic.The power of thought is very strong.

Mingdu University, Tang Chen has been in office for a long time.Drastically, began teaching reform.However, in the past few days, he suddenly disappeared quietly.

The water-blue stars in the brain, and the surging thought power, are as violent as divine power.

How to use the power of mind well and use it in an extraordinary way requires exploration and mastery.This is the big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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