Shushan Wushen

Chapter 480 Tang Chen Broadsword Team

Chapter 480 Tang Chen Broadsword Team

"I recalled according to the number, only [-] handles. [-] handles, no!" The ancestor of Donghuang was very straightforward.Straight to the bottom.

"Alright!" Tang Chen was overjoyed.This proves that the Patriarch Donghuang trusted him a lot.Precious.A scholar dies for his confidant.But who wants to die without knowing why?Trust is mutual.Communication can detect all symptoms.enough evidence.

"What about now?" Donghuang asked.Leaning at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen nodded solemnly.He concealed his inner excitement very well.Behaved calmly.

Patriarch Donghuang didn't speak.In fact, I can't speak.He turned into a miniature Eastern Emperor's Bell, and the mouth of the bell was suddenly bright.Chaos gas gushed out.Endless nebula trembled out.There are also thunder and lightning flashes, and roaring.


Invisible to the naked eye, undetectable to the mind.But Tang Chen has mind power.He sensed a mysterious wave that spread out.

This fluctuation is too extraordinary, and the frequency change is not in line with common sense.indescribable.

However, in the blink of an eye, Tang Chen was shocked.Strands of nebula roll back and forth.A reincarnation sword with a handle was turned back just like that!

"Hundan! Who's doing something wrong again!" the Patriarch Donghuang was furious again.

There are only [-] reincarnated swords that have returned.Not too many, not too many, that is to say, at least two hundred and three ghost pawn escort teams were killed.The reincarnation long knife was snatched away by the very powerful Jue Se.

Either the number was cleared, or the means were extraordinary, and the passive summoning was controlled.

Tang Chen got six hundred reincarnation long knives, and he knew the importance of this thing.Precious and important, he flashed out six hundred spiritual thoughts.Hold the knife yourself.Qi Qi clasped his sword at Donghuang.

"Tang Chen will live up to the great trust of the Eastern Emperor. Go all out."

The patriarch of the Eastern Emperor solemnly raised his hand: "Okay! Go ahead. If you need something, just ask. Although I can help you, these are the only real resources. I pray for you."

It is stuffed with cattle and sheep again, and it is empty to make an appointment.Refers to the mountain to sell mills.

More than 600 Tang Chens picked their ears together.What the patriarch Donghuang said was too depressing.How can you tell the truth.After thinking about it again, that's all the Patriarch Donghuang can do.

"Let's go!" Tang Chen clasped his fists again, turned into a streamer, and floated out of nothingness.

"Don't you need those Tang Chen team members?" Patriarch Donghuang was a little worried.

Tang Chen's voice came over firmly: "It's not time for the partners to come out!"

Donghuang Dazhong Mingdu University, a hidden place.

There are more than 20 people in custody here.These were captured by Xixue, and there was no time for soul searching and interrogation.

Whoosh~!Tang Chen suddenly appeared.

Tang Chen displayed the [fish-eye body], with a faint smell of fishy smell, and lingering the fragrance of the precious body of the Supreme Martial God.The coercion is fierce, majestic and amazing.

"I'm a grave keeper!" Tang Chen revealed his identity in an awesome manner.

Suddenly, there was a howl of surprise.

However, Tang Chen suddenly changed his face: "Why are you so careless! You were exposed!"

Before waiting for a detailed response, Tang Chen waved his hand roughly again, completely ignoring it.He said to himself: "I am here to save you. I will not be an example."

"Okay! I promise..."

Tang Chen shook his hands impatiently, and threw out a big flag.There is a ghost on it, wearing a boat-shaped hat and black eyepatch.

"The Pirate Flag?" A spy recognized the flag.

A cold expression appeared on Tang Chen's face: "That's right! You have been exposed. If you return to the battleship in the [No. [-] High School Cemetery], you will definitely be killed. But the alliance will give you a way to survive. Make atonement!"

"Let's become star pirates?" Some spies showed hesitation.However, he immediately stated decisively: "I am willing!"

"I am willing!"

"I would too!"

In the face of death, there are not too many choices. Even if there is a chance of life, most people will fight hard and go all out!Until nothing can be done!

Tang Chen nodded, his expression calmed down, he looked around approvingly, and ordered: "The soul is out of the body, in the form of a ghost, to complete a big deal. If it looks beautiful! Then you are still the martial gods of the Fourth Middle School Alliance! And , as the gravekeeper, I assure you that you will still receive the rewards you originally agreed on!"


As soon as these words came out, the enthusiasm of the spies was instantly ignited.Each eye glows.The originally hopeless situation turned into a god-level reversal.How delightful.

Puff puff…….

The continuous mist kept rushing out.Tang Chen put away a spiritual body and a physical body.And help them to condense ghost cores one by one.Of course, most of them are not good at soul separation.Tang Chen directly blasted out with a palm, forcing out his soul.

These spies turned into ghosts again.The ghostly atmosphere is dense, the mist rises, and the temperature in this place drops sharply.The wind is rustling.

With a wave of Tang Chen's hand, he put away the last spiritual body and physical body.In front of him, there was already a large group of ghosts.

"This seat has just received the information that the warships in the Cemetery of No. [-] High School will launch an attack tomorrow. Our last chance to redeem our sins! It's here~!"

"Ah? So soon? Didn't you say it would be endless years?" A spy questioned decisively.

Tang Chen scolded angrily: "Hundan! It's not that you have exposed yourself. You know, the patriarch of Donghuang has already guarded against the Fourth Middle School Alliance! He also sent four peerless powers to various starry post roads. I'm going to send a note!"

"Yeah, tsk tsk tsk..."

The secret agents are immediately ashamed.Speechless.Some bared their teeth, extremely embarrassed.

Tang Chen saw that the situation was going smoothly as expected.Majestic deployment strategy and tactics.

"My seat, I have been lurking in the Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor for endless years. I am highly valued by the ancestors of the Eastern Emperor. Using the authority I have obtained, I will move you out of the Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor, and then you hold high the pirate flags and create Chaos. Led the snake out of the hole! The Eastern Emperor’s Bell is very empty now, and the Martial God who comes out is not of high rank. At most five-star Martial God. Once you fight, you have a good chance of winning. Understand?"

"Understood!" The secret agents responded immediately.

"Okay! Let's go then! Remember, those who retreat without authorization will be killed without mercy!" Tang Chen threatened again seriously.

"Yes! Never back down. Condemnation and meritorious deeds!" You Xizuo cherished this opportunity very much.Say it out loud.

Tang Chen stretched out his hand to grab it, and his big hand covered the sky and covered the ground, emitting intense light.Dazzling.

Whoosh whoosh~~!The minions are rapidly shrinking.Two 10,000+ fierce ghosts landed on Tang Chen's palm, it was all black and crowded with each other.


Tang Chen's figure faded and disappeared immediately.When it appeared again, it was the Eastern Emperor's Bell.

The patriarch of Donghuang watched from the sky, only to see that Tang Chen had left, but afterimages fell behind him.

The afterimage was immortal and gradually solidified. It really was Tang Chen's divine sense.

Six hundred spiritual thoughts, six hundred reincarnation swords.Tang Chen Broadsword Team!Majestic and murderous.

(End of this chapter)

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