Shushan Wushen

Chapter 482 Tune the tiger away from the mountain

Chapter 482 Tune the tiger away from the mountain

[Today is Thanksgiving!Zijin Xingchen is here to bow down respectfully and salute, thank you all book friends for your love!It is your subscription all the way, supporting me to go to today!Still the same sentence, with gratitude, write well!Live up to the high expectations of my friends!And live up to the kindness of brother ink and wash.Thanks again to University Z, the lecture hall has benefited a lot!Zijin Xingchen bowed again, and was grateful, thanking Z Da, Mo Da, and Xingchen Da! 】

In addition, I recommend a new book and a beautiful work "Nuwa pinches me the school flower"

"Hahahaha~! Hahaha...."

Six hundred Tang Chen's spiritual thoughts, holding a knife in his arms, looked up to the sky and laughed!The laughter carried endless madness and arrogance.

Not only that, the six hundred Tang Chens all unleashed their knives and slashed diagonally upwards!This is an absolute bravado!

Boom boom boom!
Starry Sky Post Road seemed to be frightened, and it roared, deafening.

Six hundred bolts of lightning, tearing apart nothingness, intersected 100 billion light-years away.Unfortunately, there is a large cloud of nebula, the evolution of the universe, which is condensing and trying to turn into a star!

Incomparably bright, like hundreds of stars exploded, the universe exploded!The vastness continued to swell, and a large number of universes collapsed decisively.Countless stars burst out and turned into meteorites.

The vastness is surging, the chaotic air is gushing out, the black light is lingering, and the mist has been washed away.


A group of terrified interstellar pirates appeared there!

The number of star thieves is [-]!They wore black eye patches and black masks dressed as one-eyed dragons, with one hand holding an arm-thick iron pipe with a polished iron hook at the end, and holding the box with the other hand.

Around them floated the wreckage of a starship...

A large flag was dilapidated, but it could be vaguely seen that it was a skull and crossed bones!
"Wow~! Interstellar pirates! This group of interstellar pirates is really sad!" The peerless power of Kongtong Zhenyin gloated at other people's misfortunes, but also had lingering fears.

The reincarnation long knife is too amazing, if it attacks the battleship in the graveyard of the fourth middle school, it will also cause external losses.

What's more, they have all left this stellar-level battleship. Once the six hundred knives come to them, they will be peerless and powerful, and they will peel off their skin even if they are not dead!
In fact, the six hundred dao gangs aimed at a peerless power, and they were absolutely dead.But the peerless powers from the Fourth Middle School Alliance are more than tens of millions!A full two hundred million!

However, it is inevitable for everyone to be in danger.After all, no one wants a big knife to be slashed on his head!

"Ah...! They are opening the box! There are treasures in the box!" Kunlun Jingtian's peerless power twisted his waist and stepped out a million miles, and rushed straight away.

"Star thief? A knife seller!" Haotian Baoding's peerless power had strong greed in his eyes.It turns into an afterimage and disappears in a flash.Attack decisively to take advantage.

"Sure enough, it's the reincarnation sword! A big box! No! There are so many boxes!" The peerless power at the mouth of the demon refining pot went crazy.Licking his lips, his eyes were staring like golden lamps.He jumped towards the place where the fallen battleship fell.

Robbing the interstellar pirates?It's a crazy move in itself, filled with endless thrills!

Everyone likes excitement!God is no exception!And how boring is the way of cultivation?Seeking excitement is a must, and a necessary adjustment!
"Wow.... Take advantage of the fire to rob! Rob star thief!"

I don't know who it was, who yelled such a voice, and the figure of God, as well as the voice of God, were all shocked, trembling wantonly and heart-poundingly.One by one trembling with excitement!
Shouting strangely, shaking his body, he rushed towards the wreckage of the starship, "It's so exciting! He even robbed the star thief!" The peerless power who said this came from Haotian Baoding.

His figure trembled and his voice trembled.He was panting heavily, his face was flushed, and his eyes were bright and bright.And there are red awns gushing!
"This old man has never robbed a star thief in the endless years!" The peerless power at the spout of the demon refining pot is relatively calm, and he is not holding the demon refining pot anymore. The speed is too fast, and he is afraid of losing. The other hand gripped the lid of the pot.Run like hell.

"Hahaha! For endless years, the old man's liver shudders when he thinks of Star Pirates! Get rid of the shadows today!" Kunlun Jingtian's peerless power is very frank, and he speaks extremely boldly.It's like the nouveau riche unabashedly showing off the past suffering years and being complacent.

Because they think that they will never return to the unbearable state of the past!

"Yeah! I never dreamed that one day I would be able to rob star robbers! Martial God Supreme, this old man is so unimaginative. Martial arts are long, and the journey is far away. I will search up and down!"

Kongtong Zhenyin is peerless and powerful, and knows how to introspect.Much emotion.

100 billion light-years away.The star warship that exploded was not a star warship at all.However, it is the wreckage of an unstoppable interstellar warship.

That's what Tang Chen ordered Qi Yu, Jiang Xueting, Li Yiqi and the others to collect.After all, these wreckages are not considered natural treasures.It is very common for Starry Sky Station to find these rubbish.

"I'm hanging out with you, either posting small advertisements or picking up trash. Hmph~!" Qi Yu stomped on Tang Chen's toes fiercely.leave angrily.This is not true and he is in conflict. If he thinks this way, Tang Chen's EQ is too low.

"Let me, a beautiful woman, pick up trash, you are so reckless!" Li Yiqi deliberately shook Tang Chen violently, the soft impact was very powerful!

Jiang Xueting and the others didn't say anything.At that time, they all hugged and bid farewell to Tang Chen.Farewell calmly.

It's just that he took a few of Tang Chen's [Dragon Blood Lingfeng Mei] along the way.

The on-site forgery was very realistic, and the reason why those so-called star thieves made such a ghostly appearance was also to deceive people's eyes and ears.Those people were actually the first hundred thousand spies captured by Tang Chen!

Donghuang personally took action, erasing their memories, leaving only fighting thoughts!

Tang Chen gave them the 'Samsara Long Knife' again!Of course, that batch of fakes.

Ten billion light years is, in fact, very far away.As the saying goes, as the common saying goes, Wangshan runs to death!The starry sky post road is extremely high and vast.See everything at a glance.

However, it will take 100 billion years to get there at the speed of light!One can imagine how far the distance is!

God-level acceleration!Speed ​​stacking!

The peerless powers also worked hard, rushing like desperately, at a speed that surpassed Aurora a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, faster and faster!
Here, six hundred Tang Chen's divine sense cast a contemptuous glance at the cloud of mist a hundred thousand light-years away.The state of the nebula is present, but within the nebula, there is a great universe, a star-level interstellar warship, leaving only the junior supreme level Martial God to stay behind.

Quantity is a bit troublesome!There are as many as 5000 million!

It's not that Tang Chen doesn't have the confidence to wipe them out, but there's no one who can't die in a war!
He has an army of [-] million people, including Tang Chen's partner team, and Tangmen disciples who have been trained through hard work.Whichever one dies is an absolute loss!

If you can not die, you will not die!This is Tang Chen's fighting purpose!
However, the painting environment must not be exposed!This is the hole card!


Tang Chen let out a low growl, Cheng Yaojin was in the painting environment, he had already prepared his troops and was eager to try!

Whoosh whoosh~!

Six hundred Tang Chen's spiritual thoughts, holding the long sword of reincarnation, split the void with the power of thoughts, and went straight to the battleship in the cemetery of No. [-] High School!
"Ah? The place selling knives is coming!"

The Supreme Martial God who kept his hand is also a peerless power, not surprised but happy!He greeted Tang Chen with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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