Shushan Wushen

Chapter 489 Defeated Completely! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 489 Defeated Completely! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

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Silently, Tang Chen released his mind and locked onto Zhao Taozi.

In terms of realm and combat power, Tang Chen was no match for Zhao Taozi.But with the power of thought, it will be different!What's more, Tang Chen hid behind the ancestor of Donghuang.

"Stop! You bastard!" The ancestor of Donghuang scolded Zhao Taozi angrily.Turning around and uttering the last sentence, it was for Tang Chen.

Zhao Taozi also broke the jar, and no longer aimed at Tang Chen, but stomped his feet resentfully, with a sudden momentum: "It depends on whose background is deeper!"

Then he took out another xun.The whole body is pure and white, and the dense cold air releases curling waves.

"How dare you?!" Patriarch Donghuang yelled trying to stop it.

Zhao Taozi turned a deaf ear to it, and suddenly blew the Bing Xun.Immediately, strands of pitch-black fluctuations suddenly appeared in the distance.A black bridge visible to the naked eye stretches across the starry sky.

Behind Senbai's mask, he spat out a sentence: "Flying birds are good at bowing, cunning rabbits are dead and running dogs are cooking! But that's the case!"

Suddenly~, Zhao Taozi jumped up and stepped onto the black bridge.Gone in a flash.

"Soul Dan!" The Patriarch Donghuang is a spiritual body, which cannot be effectively intercepted.Angrily and cursed.

Look at the battle situation one hundred thousand light years away.

In the blink of an eye, the situation took a turn for the worse, and Zhao Taozi's Reaper Heavenly Regiment drastically reduced its staff.Suddenly a black bridge descended.One after another, Zhao Taozi's spiritual body suddenly appeared in a flash.Then he became Zhao Taozi again.


Zhao Taozi's humane order also arrived.With Zhao Taozi's peerless cultivation base, he observed those peacocks of light that condense and never disperse at close range, and he immediately saw the clues.More and more decisive evacuation.

As soon as the order was given, the members of the Reaper Heavenly Group did not hesitate to execute it, and took advantage of the opportunity to pick up the reincarnation long knife dropped by the dead member.


The Reaper sky group turned into a pitch-black mist and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This...! Mad~!"

The Patriarch Donghuang had a good hand of cards, but he played poorly.He wanted to frighten Tang Chen, but in the end he was all over the place.

Zhao Taozi has been silent for endless years, and as soon as he emerges at this moment, the future and surprise have withered.Even if you don't take advantage of the situation to betray the Great Bell of the Eastern Emperor, you will lose your reputation if you stay, and you will not be able to hold your head up.

However, it’s not so easy to just walk away, Cheng Yaojin swung the Bagua Kaishan axe, shook it brightly, and ordered loudly: "Kill~!"

There are battlefield rules on the battlefield, but all the talismans, rolling trees, thunderstones, and especially artillery shells that are carried on the battlefield must be fired.One is that it is very inconvenient to transport it back, and the other is that, as far as shells are concerned, it is still very dangerous.Very easy to self-destruct.

Therefore, the disciples of the Tang Sect didn't hold back any more, and held up the peacock feathers in their hands, "Puffy~~!"

The overwhelming lasing.In an instant, the blood energy rose, and countless members of the Death God Heavenly Group turned into blood mist.

Black clouds billowed, spurting blood.

On the Eastern Emperor, countless high-level officials of the Eastern Emperor Great Bell trembled endlessly.Tang Chen's generals are too cruel!

The ruler is long and the inch is short.The inadvertent actions of the army shocked everyone, which was not expected beforehand.What was even more unexpected to Tang Chen was that Zhao Taozi had no self-cultivation at all, and ran away angrily if he disagreed with him.Break away from the power of the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell.

This also saves the means.Otherwise, Tang Chen would have to use Nianli to go on stage, imprison the Death God Heavenly Group himself, and let Cheng Yaojin start the massacre.

Let's go, let's go!Tang Chen ordered the withdrawal of troops.Cheng Yaojin proudly led the team back.

One hundred thousand light-years, with Cheng Yaojin's means, will go on for endless years.Tang Chen didn't use any means, so he asked them to return a trial.

The ancestor of Donghuang here has a very ugly face.Zhao Taozi led the crowd to leave, and the impact caused by it is not good for anyone.More importantly, he was slapped in the face.Lost dignity.

Tang Chen didn't speak out to woo his respect, and the other high-level officials of the Eastern Emperor's Bell were also not interested in speaking out.

As the starry sky post road, the first of the six reincarnations is the Eastern Emperor's Bell.The development of the endless years has not only developed power, but also small circles.It can be said that every senior executive of the Eastern Emperor's Bell has an old monster behind him, and a small circle that the old monster has absolute influence on.

Not only that, there is also an illusion of intertwined roots between the small circles, and there is an entangled relationship like the roots of a tree.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.It is difficult for Donghuang to do anything.

"Alas~! Lost! Lost very thoroughly!" The Patriarch Donghuang sighed leisurely.These words are very intriguing.

Everyone can taste the bitterness in it.Tang Chen led the crowd to fight, two for defense and one for ambush.Personal risk.Unprecedented spoils of war "Fourth Middle School Cemetery Battleship" were seized.It can be described as an unprecedented victory.

If it weren't for the patriarch Donghuang's embarrassment and Tang Chen, this battle could be called a classic.Absolutely perfect!

However, the Patriarch Donghuang was stunned!It doesn't matter this bragging.Intensified the internal contradictions of the Eastern Emperor Bell.surfaced.As a result, everyone in the Eastern Emperor's Bell is in danger.The stable situation is gone.

The patriarch of Donghuang left sadly.It disappeared completely.It was very sudden.In this way, he showed his contempt for everyone.

It is even more surprising.

Tang Chen sighed and shook his head. He thought that the patriarch Donghuang's imperial mind was far worse than that of Emperor Jin Dao.The victory of this external war has triggered internal contradictions.In fact, the Fourth Middle School Alliance should have won. They successfully destroyed the internal balance of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Just like a dead tree, someone who cut wood kicked it.The big tree did not fall down on the spot.But after standing firm all night, it finally turned into dry wood.

After this battle, Tang Chen also had an extra heart. Those who entered the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell were all spiritual bodies.

The deity stayed in Lin Yu's central army, or went to Jiangshi Town to train Tangmen disciples with Qin Qiong.I don't go to the battleship Donghuang very much.I don't even bother to go for routine inspections.Let the stellar-class warship hang there.

This also more or less saves a lot of tongue.Many high-level officials who tried to use this to attack Tang Chen's self-respect had nothing to say.People can't grasp the handle.

With such precautions, the Patriarch Donghuang was helpless.As the saying goes, watch his words and watch his actions.His ancestor Donghuang failed completely this time.The human setting collapsed.Not only Tang Chen, but also other high-level officials of the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell have also alienated the Eastern Emperor's ancestor.Except for routine work reports.Basically just go around and around.

"Defeated! Completely defeated. Completely defeated!" The patriarch Donghuang tasted the bitter wine he brewed alone.So sad.

If the Eastern Emperor's Bell is that rotten tree.The most woodcutter in the Fourth Middle League has already kicked hard.It's like flirting with legs!So who is the woodcutter who picked up this huge wood that can burn endless years of dry wood?

where is he?
All the senior officials of the Eastern Emperor's Bell were nervously waiting for this moment to come.Even if he came staggeringly, his steps would be extremely light.The vibration that caused the ground was enough to trigger an avalanche-like landslide.

Dangerous, like a light on the back.Under this torment.In the blink of an eye, endless years passed.

(End of this chapter)

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