Shushan Wushen

Chapter 495 Six-fingered Qin Emperor

Chapter 495 Six-fingered Qin Emperor

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"Besides, I have a power not weaker than one-fifth of this place!"

Tang Chen's eyes were firm and extremely bright, even eclipsed the brightness of the nearby stars that could explode.It can be seen how firm Tang Chen's heart is!
"You have this thought, great kindness! Then you'd rather have the jade broken than the tile!"

The ancestor Yangmei nodded decisively, expressing his promise.

Tang Chen said with a smile, "It's very important to unite the heart and mouth, don't tap acupuncture points!"

The raised eyebrow patriarch sneered and shook his head, "If you tell me it's broken, what else do you want to do. I'm afraid you will guard against me!"

"Hahaha~! The ancestor protects the younger generation's deep friendship, and Tang Chen appreciates it. But everyone has the obsession with martial arts. I only hope that the ancestor will be perfect. Otherwise, the heart of the Tao will be tainted, and it will be difficult to last forever."

Tang Chen made a solemn statement, loud and clear.The ancestor who raised his eyebrows had a serious expression on his jaw, and his arms were behind his back, and his worried look turned into a frown again.

With a flash, Tang Chen returned to the side of Patriarch Yangmei, and pointed to the Great East Emperor Bell.

"I have a team there. There are trillions of people. There are disciples of the Tang Sect as soldiers, and there are also my former team partners. They are all good soldiers on the battlefield. They are strategic and wise. You can sit on the periphery. Control the scope of the battlefield. There is no problem .As for fighting inside the Great Bell of the East Emperor, you and I will fight fiercely!"

The ancestor raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Chen. He didn't object, but he didn't agree either. He said, "You may have many ingenious people under your command. But it's a secular war. Now that gods and demons are fighting, there are too many uncontrollable aspects." .”

Tang Chen nodded upon hearing this, this is a big problem.There are indeed flaws.Arranging troops is like a net, there are always loopholes to exploit.In ordinary civil wars, soldiers move and shrink in time under the mobilization of generals, and a strangling situation will form at that time.

However, in the war of gods and demons, the speed is extremely fast.Look at that Tang Chen, with his feet staggered, he was several light-years away in a flash.Enough for ordinary warriors to rush for a lifetime.

When Tang Chen first entered the ocean of latitude, he still borrowed the Liuyan talent of the Phoenix clan.And the power of the wind.But how far does that go?
Today is no different than in the past, the cultivation base is stronger, the burden on the shoulders is heavier, and the vision must be opened.

That is to say, the patriarch of Donghuang was determined to break through, but he couldn't be stopped by relying on crowd tactics.At a certain level, even a group of ants cannot kill a sparrow.

The sky and the earth are not of the same level at all.

Tang Chen asked humbly: "Then what is the good plan for the ancestor?"

The ancestor Yang Mei blinked his eyes, looked at the starry sky, and thought about everything.After a long time, he sighed and said, "With a large number of people, you can form a formation of doubts. Raise the flag and shout, and release endless magic weapons. It is best to use Tangmen hidden weapons with locking kinetic energy, and a large number of talismans."

"Yeah, that's fine. On my warship, there is a workshop of the Tang Sect. Alchemy, refining, inscription patterns, and talismans are all no problem. Now I'm rushing to work day and night. The firepower is fully fired!" Tang Chen revealed.

"Not bad! You've done a good job at this. If it were me, I would do the same." The ancestor raised his eyebrows relieved, and he was also afraid that Tang Chen would be a headstrong general.

The ancestor raised his eyebrows suddenly, raised his eyebrows, and stared at his eyes, "Tang Chen, how about it, I have a plan. It's just immature. Let's figure it out together and make a deduction!"

"Oh? Tell me!" Tang Chen saw that the ancestor raised his eyebrows and took out a star map.

The ancestor Yangmei pointed to the star map, conducted a fairly detailed analysis of the battlefield, and deduced several corresponding situations that would appear.Several avenues of coping were identified.The saliva splashed all over the mouth, and the splendor in the belly was gushed.

Finally, the ancestor raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Chen: "Tang Chen, I hope you return to Baxu, but you insist on staying. Then, in order to win the war, it is best for the two of us to join forces, and you command External containment, I will enter the interior of the Eastern Emperor's Bell, join your spiritual body, and strive to entangle and destroy them!"

Tang Chen didn't immediately agree, he was hesitating.Of course, Tang Chen wasn't worried about his own safety during this process.Instead, think about Tang Yangmei's intentions!

First, he tried to control Tang Chen, and then he pretended hypocritically, as if he didn't want Tang Chen to join the battle.Actually...Now, Tang Yangmei is here eloquently arranging troops, seemingly analyzing the situation on the battlefield, and deducing it very intently.In fact, why not wait...!
...Waiting for the more powerful and invincible Tang Yangmei himself!

He is coveting my warship!That stellar-level interstellar warship made Tang Yang blush!

It's not that Tang Chen is small-minded and saves people with evil.But with the temperament of the raised eyebrow ancestor, he is not an honest guy who can work well together!

So, Tang Chen said: "Old Ancestor, I have no objection to entering the Donghuang Bell to fight. But let's join forces. Your black hand army is the spirit of the five magic weapons, but my warship is a mechanical warship." It is a joint work between ethnic civilization and cultivation civilization. It cannot be compatible."

The ancestor Yang Mei avoided answering, seemingly casually said: "It is said that most of the Martial Gods who are called emperors by the Dao of Qin have six fingers. The so-called emperor of Qin with six fingers is quite extraordinary. Besides, you are proficient in melody, so there is nothing to worry about of!"

With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he was about to say, "Six fingers are smooth and natural, of course it's the best, the most feared is uncoordinated...." '

There was a dignified righteousness on the face of the ancestor Yangmei, and he said solemnly and solemnly: "The Six Fingers Legion is under your command. Don't be afraid of difficulties. You must face up to difficulties and forge ahead bravely. Overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Always firmly believe that victory belongs to Ours! This is more important, confidence is the backbone of a man~!"

These words are resounding, and every word is sonorous.It is majestic and shocking.But it lacked so much sincerity.More like...indoctrination!Even...Using a big hat to force~!
Is it bullying?Why don't we wait for Tang Yangmei himself to come and replace him!
How could Tang Chen be willing to be that puppet.Some things are better to prevent the incipient development.

"Old Ancestor, how about this? Didn't you come here originally to conquer the power of the Eastern Emperor's Bell? You still act according to your strategic deployment. My warship is only a side response. In this way, we You don’t have to worry about your safety. Hahaha, it looks like I’m going to hold you back!”

"No~! Now I announce that the Black Hand Legion of the Fifth Middle School Alliance will be under the command of Shaozu Tang Chen. Do you understand!"

The ancestor who raised his eyebrows was majestic and murderous. He gave an order, and then looked at Tang Chen, his eyes were undeniably sharp.

Tang Chen was helpless, with a bitter look on his face.This old man is determined to eat him.

Tang Chen was restrained by the Fifth Middle School Alliance, and he involuntarily 'brought' his warship in. When Tang Yangmei himself came, he found an excuse and put a big hat of 'unfavorable command' under his hood.Seizing Tang Chen's military power is really easy!
"Old Ancestor is going!"

The ancestor Yangmei was very cool, he tore off the black robe on his body, and threw it to the starry sky, revealing the high-level armor inside.The stars are shining brightly, he melts into the starlight, and suddenly disappears into the distance~.

(End of this chapter)

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